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Hot Topic: Affirmative Action MUST STOP

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Old 12-29-2007 | 02:56 PM
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Monte Of The Month -- December 2007
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Default Hot Topic: Affirmative Action MUST STOP


Prejudice is NEVER going to go away... NEVER! Prejudice come in too many forms.

Fat People are discriminated against
Bald People are discriminated against
Skinny people are discriminated against
Short people are discriminated against
Redheaded people are discriminated against
Asians are discriminated against
Black are discriminated against
Whites are discriminated against
Native Americans are discriminated against.
and the list goes on.

On the other hand equality is achievable and has been achieved. Yet, we continue to tip the scales in favor of the minorities because why? Minority organizations are pushing for it and whites, out of guilt or stupity are still allowing to go down.

I am not a racist... yet, I am... in that I am tired of minorities getting advantages over me and other whites. Equality means all are to be treated equally... then let that be the case, basen on population and not just color. If their are 100 people, 40 of the white, 30 brown, and 20 black, and 10 yellow, then out of 10 contracts, 4 go to white, 3 goes to brown, 2 go to black and 1 go to yellow. Fair is fair.

But that is not happening
Old 12-29-2007 | 03:00 PM
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Default RE: Hot Topic: Affirmative Action MUST STOP

I've been saying this for awhile now.... It's fine until the least qualified people are getting the jobs. Then tis got to stop. If you really want to see something funny, until here recnetly the North Carolina Highway Patrol had different requirements for Whites and Minorities... the Minority requirements were far easier to achieve. I know a few truck drivers who were retired military who saw more times than not, when time came for promotions, the minoirty who was less qualified than 5-6 white people got the promotion becasue of racial quotas. I agree with you this time Craig... it shoudl be repealed.
Old 12-29-2007 | 05:14 PM
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WoW. Well I wish more people in charge of hiring (white people) would think like you as far as the whole equality thing, but truth be told it's bull****! if minorities could go anywhere, and do whatever we wanted, then we wouldnt need things such as affirmitive action. its designed to get us to places where we normally would not. In my jobs I have personally seen qualified minorities passed over for whites who don't even have damn degrees and some didn't even have diplomas. As a minority stepping through the doors of these corporations even for aff. actions sake or whatever, a lot of times you will get screwed (NO VASELINE) A prime example is the time I had a interview at this place for a job. They had only seen my resume and demo reel online, and they told me how much the position paid. I thinking cool right? I have a fairly generic name so looking at it you wouldn't know what race I am( I'm black by the way). So when I finally get in the door and have the interview, they tell me that everything is great and I had a great interview BUT when he gets to talking about the position, all of a sudden the starting pay is about 10K lower than what they told me before.... WTF!!! Then they tell me oh...well we won't fill the position right now but you can come in as a intern. An intern?? Here I am with two degrees and I have more talent starting off than anyone he had in his company but I can be an intern. I stayed for a couple of uncomfortable months, but when I realized it didn't matter how good I was, I wasn't about to get in their clique, I left. Man, some stuff on here boggles my mind, all people on welfare must **** to get a check, because they are just sitting on there asses collecting checks, minorities are getting all the advantages over whites..PUH LEASE. I can admit that there is some truth to what you are saying, but hell there is another side to those arguments too. I don't know man, I don't have much else to say about it.
Old 12-29-2007 | 05:33 PM
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Default RE: Hot Topic: Affirmative Action MUST STOP

If you were more qualified for the job, you should have gotten the job. Sorry te hear you you weren't hired. My point is that the highest qualified person for the job should get the job. Affirmative Action makes it so that minorities generally get the job when they are less qualified. Is that fair? You see the rage you ahve when you are more qualified and yet someone else got the job? Thats how we even white peole feel when a minority gets a job and the minority person was less qualified. There will always be companys with a white boss more inclined to hire a white person, and companys with a minority for a boss who is more likely to hire a minority. You did the right thing to leave the company in my opinion. For example, when I mentioned the NC Highway Patrol having different requirements for whites and minoritys, and the minoritys being easier to meet... was this fair? Are minorities handling easier assignmetns as highway patrols than white people are? Is that right? Unfortunatly, in NC that is what Affirmative Action is.
Old 12-29-2007 | 06:43 PM
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Default RE: Hot Topic: Affirmative Action MUST STOP

Mellisa, you're right in that I have not been in your shoes. However, I too have seen our company (when I was in manufacturing) lose bids because our company was not "Minority Based." The dealership I currently work at was award to a "Minority" owner whose bid was 1.5 Million dollars. I was floored, because this bid was the lowest of 5-bidders, and the top bid was 5.4-Million. Now, I know our owner on a personal level, and I like him, but was it fair? The answer is simple... NO it was not! Why did Mr. J get it... He's Black, and the ex-president of the GMMDA.

And... In my opinion, YOU are wasting your color. Let me clarify that... If I was black, red, brown, yellow, or any other color than white, I would be a multi-millionaire - especially with your degrees. HOW YOU SAY.... I would pimp myself to the richest white bidder and be their front man. Screw the pride thing for about 5-years... By then I would be rich enough I could have any business I wanted and capitalize on my "Minority" Status, where I would hire other talented people of color (all colors).

You have to also understand, that whites are becoming quite upset, because when we see jobs, businesses, and opportunities going to minorities just because of their color and it is being enforced by the Federal Government. On the other hand, blacks, browns, reds, yellows may be discriminated against, but a wise person of color can easily prove that andfile legal charges against them and will, in all likelihood, WIN!

Now let me quote you from a meeting I attended atEastern Michigan University, from one of the administrators. "We at EMU are dropping our merit scholarships so that we can use that money to offer scholarships to kids with GPAs of 2.5. We are doing so, so that we may be able to attrack more minorities to our school so that your kids get a better opportunity tobe exposed toa more deverse set of cultures -- Enhancing their lives and boarding their horizons."

My reaction to this... WHAT! You are taking away my daughter's scholarship for being a 4.0 student, so she can be exposed to a WHAT... a more deverse set of cultures.... EXCUSE ME!

Mellisa I am sure you have faced a lot of prejudice, but in reality, probably no more than I have in my life as well. When I was young I was discriminated against & picked on because I was poor -- I used this asmotivation to get myself out of that situation and to promise myself, I would never be poor again. As a teen, I was discriminated against because I had long hair and wore a leather jacket. I was discriminated later in life because I allowed myself to become fat. I have been discriminated against because I smoke, and now that I am 49. Fat, smoke, and 49, want to talk about discrimination...

The thing is... I am a person of facts. Hardcore, black & white facts. When I hire someone, I don't care what color they are, what religion they are, if they are fat or skinny, or freckles or pimples, or highly educated or a moron... all I care about is black & white performance facts!!! Performers getthe jobs and performers get the promotions,and with me, it is as simple as that!

One time I caught all hell for promoting a drop dead beautiful blond who was 23 and did not have a degree. Everyone screamed I promoted her because of her looks... I was having sex with her... etc. They even took painstaking efforts to try and convince my wife of this... So I called a meeting, and I broke down every employee's performance stats in front of everyone. 20-foot screen andfoot high lettering. You want to know why Roxanne was promoted and youwere not, let me break it down for you. By the end of the meeting, it was clear to everyone why Roxanne was promoted and the
Old 12-30-2007 | 01:44 AM
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Default RE: Hot Topic: Affirmative Action MUST STOP

heres my take on it, if youre really fair minded, and everyone was fair minded, then affirmitive action would be pointless and unfair.

problem is, even though you might feel this way, and think other people are fair and reasonable, there are people who are not as fair. maybe in areas / places you dont see or go. but there are places these laws are needed, and its too bad thats the case.
Old 12-30-2007 | 08:28 AM
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Default RE: Hot Topic: Affirmative Action MUST STOP

well as i said... there are minorities in charge of hiring who won't hire whites. affirmative action is a lost cause. its not doing what it is mean't to do. no one has addressed the fact that many times the least qualified person is getting the job. why is this? why can't anyone tell me why the NC Highway Patrol needed 2 different sets of requirements for whites and minorities, with the minorities being considerably easier?

maybe if 2 equally qualified people, one being a minority and one a white, maybe then affirmative action should be taken into account. but promoting or hiring a minority for diversity is BS.
Old 12-30-2007 | 01:38 PM
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Default RE: Hot Topic: Affirmative Action MUST STOP

I am sorry you didn't get the job you were appling for. But I have to add here I have had the very same thing happen to me. I am what you would call white even though I consider myself "More" then white because of my Native American roots. Back when my father's parents married (my grandfather was white) my grandmother had to put on the marriage certificate she was Mexican because Native Americans were less then dirt. You can tell just by looking at me I do not have Mexican decent. And thanks to my father marrying a woman with Irish roots my skin ispretty fair.

Now my age is starting to play a roll against me. Even thought it's against the lawto discriminate against people due to age. You can't tell me people do not look at my greying air and consider me "OLD!"

At UPS it's common place for the older employees to color their hair. Male & female. I choose not to at this time. First I think it looks rediculous.

I was once told to my face by the guy who was our center manager the black girl hired in long after I was that she would get promoted long before I would even though I have a college degree. And this isn't discrimination? I do not hold this against this girl I work with. Infact she has covered my back more then once and helped me out. I feel I owe her plenty.

I have felt for a long time Affirmative Action has cause reverse discrimination to take place. Maybe it has done some good. But whoever get's the job up for grabs should be based on experience and their ability to do this job. Not based on skin color, age, or sex.

Something else that irritates me. We have a guy who runs around verbally claiming he's Mexican. He's called me and other "Whitie" saying he's joking around but I don't like it. Another employee told me this guy is really Italian and not Mexican like he claims. But I'm certain they will promote him over me due to this fact. (I've been with the company over 9 years now, he has2 years in)

I've thought of securing a copy of my grandparents marriage certificate and when they promote this guy over me, claim discrimination because I'm Mexican.

Old 12-30-2007 | 02:50 PM
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Default RE: Hot Topic: Affirmative Action MUST STOP

I find it hard to believe that any law enforcement agency has different requirements for minority applicants. That being said,ANYBODY that puts on that uniform earns every penny they get, whether it's running radar on I-95 or pushing paper behind a desk. I say that for one simple reason - they put their butts on the line every time they put that uniform on, so whether they're black, white, or pink with purple polka dots, they deserve and get my respect.same with firefighters.

As for the discrimination involved with Melissa, that's exactly what it was. There are good management types like Craig out there, but in my experience, they are few and far between.
That is why we have affirmative action, and other programs like EEOC (EqualEmployment Opportunity Commission)because many companies, especially south of the Mason-Dixon line, would NOT hire minorities period. You have to remember how minorities were treated prior to the 1970's, and those of us who are a little more experienced (older, you young whipper-snappers) know how quickly things would return to how they were back then. Also , EEOC works for everybody, or is supposed to, including whites and the age impaired like some of us are becoming (right, RJ?).
Don't know about anyone else on here, but I don't want to go back to living in acountry where you have black and white restrooms, etc, etc. This is another reason I would like to see a 2 year service to the country requirement for all Americans, because many people never interact with others outside their own race, and never get over their pre-conceived notions of other races. So they live their whole lives without even trying to understand other people, and that is pretty sad.
Old 12-30-2007 | 03:55 PM
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Default RE: Hot Topic: Affirmative Action MUST STOP

mad... do you really think the governmetn will be able to coerce people into accepting diversity with programs such as affirmative action? do you think the government can coerce people into traditional marriage with something such as a Constitutional Amendment defining marriage? if so, then i believe you are fooling nobody but yourself. no matter what, private business that doesnt' want to hire minorities isn't going to hire them. they will treat them poorly, refuse to give them raises, and ride their asses until they quit, or find some BS basis to fire them on. affirmative action is just making hindering growth.

mad... you love to pull the age card, i've noticed that. i've come to accept that no matter what i say, those who are against it will say that i am inexperienced and have no business talking in the matter. to me, it looks like a lazy way out. think if our roles were reversed... i'm willing to bet a Monte Carlo you would still pull the age card on me in every instance where you disagree with me. the same goes for everyone. but the what if game is a useless one.... so lets stick wtih reality. whichever way i argue in any political discussion, someone older than me always says i am so young that i haven't seen much, and yeah, its true that i'm young. but no matter waht, somebody is going to pull the card. so what am i to do? just sit back and do nothing? haha, those who have been around the forum awhile know thats not going ot happen.

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