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Hard to enjoy fireworks when...

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Old 07-05-2012, 01:13 AM
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On behalf of my whole generation, I apologize. Like others have said, it's always somebody. Then again, these sorts of raucous actions have been going on for decades... whatcha gonna do...
Old 07-05-2012, 02:23 AM
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That would drive me up the wall. Kids these days are obnoxious. We have a kid at work like The. Always making noise. I try so hard to ignore him but you can only take so much. And don't forget im only 18 i guess im just not like The other a holes.
Old 07-05-2012, 03:20 AM
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No Respect in Today's World, or lack of it. I find it very sad

I blame the parents, the teachers, the mentors, the clergy our leaders in government, etc...

I believe `if a child is not taught respect by example, they will not learn to be respectful. They will rebel as their grow into adulthood, and their children will act out their teachings...and be repeated by each generation, and so on & so on..........

I believe until this cycle is broken that it will continue until it is changed...I believe that one has to give respect to get respect...

I believe `if parents don't respect their children, their children will not respect them. I believe if children don't respect themselves, they will not respect others. It's a vicious cycle, and I believe it will continue until the cycle is broken...

I think all parent should have a course in Respect.
I think our churches should teach respect.
I think our schools should teach respect.
I think everyone should teach respect by their actions & examples...

Let's all start here on the MCF being respectful to `all on our forum & in our lives & maybe it will become contagious & spread around the World
What are you doing to make it better ? (I ask myself) ? Do you ask your self ?

Peace/Love/Happiness/Respect from`Space
(above has been a tired early morning post)

p.s. Great thread that makes us think about our country & it's people ? Thanks Christian !

Last edited by Space; 07-05-2012 at 03:30 AM.
Old 07-05-2012, 08:43 AM
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There is simply no easy solution to one problem affecting society because it is usually relate to a number o other complicated issues. In regard to my generation's lack of respect and overall failure to live morally,.....I am heartbroken. I'm a good kid, I know my rights from wrongs. I know when something is appropriate and when it isn't. But there is no way to just overhaul the absurd rebellion mentality of America's youth.
Old 07-05-2012, 09:25 AM
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DubStep'in `Tyler,
For only being 18 yrs young, I find you words refreshing.
I believe that there is a solution to this problem `if our country searched & worked for a solution. I think the examples of respect has to start with our leaders, our teachers, our parents to set the example of respect, but I believe it is declining in our country

Maybe the parents need a boot camp type of training on respect and also a summer boot camp for kids that have not learned respect in their life...? ?

That's all for now, but thanks for sharing your thoughts..I enjoyed reading them & respect them
Peace/Out from `Space

Last edited by Space; 07-05-2012 at 09:44 AM.
Old 07-05-2012, 09:40 AM
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We had that at our local show - nothing but idiots revving all down the road. Our cops are useless anyways so they just drive around in circles during all this. Then at the end they try to go out and direct traffic and end up making a mess.

I've been to shows in bigger cities around here and the cops are out an hour before - parked with lights up and down the streets helping people get in and out of parking lots and a few unmarked ones to catch the idiots driving like morons. I prefer to drive a bit though, double the amount of people in that city but NO traffic jams because the police are there to help, not driving around with the AC on.
Old 07-05-2012, 09:42 AM
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Same here 18 and it annoys me when people feel the need to be idiots it makes me feel like imbyhe only one that know how to behave from my generation. And I got to show my mom how I learned to drive in bumper to bumper traffic at patriots games keep on the person in front of youse *** as much as possible so people can't cut lmao some lady was like I guess we know how you got that dent she was maybe 25
Old 07-05-2012, 09:48 AM
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Now lets be honest... there were idiots in the older generation who had no respect too. Back in the 60s, everyone said these hippies would ruin America. Well, did they?

Aristotle wrote about how the youth of his day were disrespectful and the future would crumble in their hands.
Old 07-05-2012, 10:24 AM
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this is y i go on the boat on the river and watch them lol. you dont get a whole lot of young punks on the river because if there acting like that they more than likely cant afford a boat and if there on someone elses boat they seem t have respect for who there with. i know if i took someone on the boat and they started doing that i would throw them over board for sure
Old 07-05-2012, 10:25 AM
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Originally Posted by Cowboy6622
Now lets be honest... there were idiots in the older generation who had no respect too. Back in the 60s, everyone said these hippies would ruin America. Well, did they?
Originally Posted by Cowboy6622

Aristotle wrote about how the youth of his day were disrespectful and the future would crumble in their hands.

Hi `Duane, I respect your words and opinion, even though I may not agree with them.

I am honest in my belief, but I also realize that many may not agree. I also respect the wisdom of Aristotle, but that does not make him right all the time in my mind.

I think our country has been complacence & accepting and does not like change , even `if the change is for the betterment of all. I guess I just have to ask myself if I am doing the best I can to influence change for the better, and I hope my words inspires others to ask themselves the same.

There are other countries on Planet earth that the youth are taught respect by example, and are respectful...`Japan is just one of the nations that are respectful of their parents, leaders, authority etc..

I know that I am venting my thoughts, but just maybe it will inspire others to think about it and search for a solution
Below is just one of many articles on this subject.
I hope it helps one of our member's that have children.
Thanks `Duane for your words & contributions...

Thanks Christian for your thread topic & creating activity on our forum...I hope that it inspires everyone to set a good example for those in their life & in this world we all live until will all depart `amen

Respect- How to teach it and how to show it

by Steve McChesney

One of the most important things you can teach your child is respect.
Keep in mind that respect is not the same as obedience. Children might obey because they are afraid. If they respect you, they will obey because they know you want what's best for them.
The best way to teach respect is to show respect. When a child experiences respect, they know what it feels like and begin to understand how important it is.
Keep in mind the saying "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
Respect is an attitude. Being respectful helps a child succeed in life. If children don't have respect for peers, authority, or themselves, it's almost impossible for them to succeed.
A respectful child takes care of belongings and responsibilities, and a respectful child gets along with peers.
Schools teach children about respect, but parents have the most influence on how respectful children become. Until children show respect at home, it's unlikely they will show it anywhere else.
How can you show respect to your child?
Be honest - If you do something wrong, admit it and apologize.

Be positive - Don't embarrass, insult or make fun of your child. Compliment them.
Be Trusting - Let your child make choices and take responsibility.
Be fair - Listen to your child's side of the story before reaching a conclusion.
Be polite - Use "please" and "thank you". Knock before entering your child's room.
Be reliable - Keep promises. Show your child that you mean what you say.
Be a good listener - Give your child your full attention.
Children learn from everything we say and do. Make sure that you are modeling respectful behavior. Some of things you can do are:
Obey laws - Follow rules.
Be caring - Show concern for people, animals and the environment.
Avoid poor role models - When you see examples of disrespect, discuss them.
When you set rules at home, explain to your child why the rule is important. For instance, if the rule is "No TV between 4:00 and 6:00" it is because this is homework time and homework is important to keep grades up in school.
Teach your child to respect themselves. Self-respect is one of the most important forms of respect. Once we respect ourselves, it is easier to respect others.

Your opinion means a lot to your child. If you believe your child can succeed, they will believe they can as well.
Build their independence. Give them responsibilities as soon as they can handle them.
Help them set and achieve goals. Their self-respect will skyrocket when they see themselves achieving those goals.
Encourage honesty. Let your child know that they may be able to fool some people, but they can't fool themselves. There is no pride in stealing, cheating, or lying.
Most importantly, show love! Say 'I love you" often and give plenty of hugs and kisses.
If your child makes a mistake, remind them that they are still loved.
Age affects children's respect. Children and adults deserve respect at every age. Here is a guideline based on age:
Babies - They are too young to show respect but when you meet their needs, they learn to trust you. This helps as they get older because respect for authority is based on trust.
Toddlers - They are old enough to learn to say "please" and "thank you".
Preschoolers - This is a good time to teach rules and consequences.
Elementary age - They show the most respect for adults who make fair rules. It helps to let them have a say in the rules that they are expected to follow.
Middle and High Schoolers - Allow them to show independence, such as clothing or hairstyles, but make sure you have guidelines. They will appreciate the respect you are showing them. We respect you and the incredible job that you have, being a parent.

I am very thankful to have been taught/raised by my grandfather & his senior citizen friends.
They just did not teach by their words, but by their actions.
"They spoke `true, and acted their words"
I am 4-ever thankful to them for sharing their time, they life, their lessons &
teaching me right from wrong. I have the highest respect & love for them..
I am thankful 4-Sure

That's all that falling our of

my mind Thank God !

Last edited by Space; 07-05-2012 at 10:36 AM.

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