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> Should pot be legal & taxed ?

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Old 11-21-2012, 03:56 AM
Join Date: Apr 2009
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Originally Posted by 01 Monte SS
A lot of pot heads around here!

@ bizparr and iMSeRiOuS: You're right, I've never tried it so why should I bash it? Well, I bash it because I think it's garbage and will never try it, that's my opinion, got a problem with it? TOO BAD You want to try and educate me on a drug that I'll never have anything to do with, feel free, but it won't change my thoughts on the matter. I've seen people who "think" they need weed. Your telling me it's not addictive? Whether it's physical addiction, mental addiction, WHATEVER, I've encountered people who would have done anything in some situations to get their "high" and that's just what I've been exposed to. I never said all weed smokers are addicted, I simply shared what I have been exposed to. We all have different experiences or am I wrong about that too?!

I'll continue to be drug free whether it's legal or not.
Look I understand you've seen extreme cases, thats not the norm.

I commend you for your choice to not use pot or any other drug and have a healthy (physiological and psychological) outlet instead.

I'm not here to change your thoughts, just to help you remove yourself from your own biased opinion and objectively look at it from every perspective.
Old 11-21-2012, 04:01 AM
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Originally Posted by 01 Monte SS
^^^^^^THIS IS WHY I LOVE YOU TREWYN15!!!!!!!!! Couldn't have said it better myself. Lets not smoke weed together sometime
Originally Posted by MnteCrloSS47
i agree with both of you

Legal or not, it's not a drug for me, I'd rather go to an amusement park or heck a car show for fun instead of sitting in a basement doing nothing.

It's great to read that there are many that don't indulge & have the strength/willpower and have found other ways to cope without `dope or medicating their body/minds with substances that are out there on our streets or in the pharmacies of our world

Unfortunately, that is not the case with some/many & the facts are the facts & there are many that do partake in recreational drugs, drink alcohol & take pills. Like everything in life, there is abuse.

Some don't have the strength, power to say `no & some just like the affect that they get from legal & illegal substances that are out there & that is the purpose of this thread To seek your opinion if marijuana should be legal & taxed by our government.

Is marijuana good or bad ? Each person must decide if it is or not.
Freedom of Choice ? Should people be able to choose things that are bad for them ? and should the government interfere with this freedom ?

My point is that marijuana is out there & being sold illegally & criminals are getting the profit...The government has spent billions & billions of dollars trying to control and they have failed again .
It's like they were partaking in the product & got lost in the smoke I think there are people that would still smoke it even if the penalities were life in prison or the death penality
I do believe in laws, but I think they should be fair & just for `all
I believe public education is important also to keep all citizens aware of the hazards of all things that are bad out there...

I believe that it should be controlled by our government `if they can not stop the illegal sales/use. If it becomes legal everywhere I hope that the government uses part of the taxes to inform the public on the hazards of the use of any substances that can cause harm to themselves or others for their use of any mind altering substance...

I admit that I have indulged in my early teens & liked the affect, but I do not like the harm that smoke can do to the body..I enjoy and am thankful to have good health & don't like the harm that smoking can do...I think if pot was legal, I might indulge on special occassions or have some brownie's (LOL) I don't think I would survive being stoned everyday (LOL) I get spaced `out enough on life without doing any drugs except high-test space Coffee...(It's time 4 another cup)

It's to early in the morning to compose any more of my thoughts on this subject & my morning work break has come to an `End...

Peace/Out & thanks everyone for your contributions on this subject

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Last edited by Space; 11-21-2012 at 07:32 AM.
Old 12-12-2012, 11:42 AM
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Jimmy Carter Backs Marijuana Legalization Push

Jimmy Carter: Marijuana Legalization Is Smart, Imprisonment For Possession Is Out Of Control
The Huffington Post | By Nick Wing Posted: 12/12/2012 9:25 am EST | Updated: 12/12/2012 9:30 am EST

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Former President Jimmy Carter gave a full-throated endorsement of state efforts to legalize marijuana during an appearance at a CNN forum aired on Tuesday.
Carter, who as president supported an era of marijuana decriminalization in the mid-1970s, told CNN's Suzanne Malveaux that he was "in favor" of states that were taking steps to legalize the drug.
"I think it’s OK,” Carter said. “I don’t think it’s going to happen in Georgia yet, but I think we can watch and see what happens in the state of Washington for instance, around Seattle, and let the American government and let the American people see does it cause a serious problem or not.”
Voters in both Washington and Colorado approved ballot initiatives last month legalizing and taxing marijuana. The governors in those states have signed both measures into law, but marijuana reform advocates remain concerned that federal law, which still considers the substance illegal under the Controlled Substances Act, could lead to complications if federal authorities decide to continue with frequent raids of dispensaries and other marijuana-related operations.
Speaking about the issues of an anti-drug system focused on enforcement, Carter suggested that large incarceration rates, especially among minorities, were being perpetuated by harsh punishments for marijuana possession.
"It's a major step backward, and it ought to be reversed, not only in America, but around the world," Carter argued, later going on to say that nations such as Portugal, which decriminalized all drugs in 2000, could be a model for the United States to look toward in the future.
(Click over to CNN for video of Carter's full comments)
Carter has been an increasingly vocal proponent of reforming U.S. marijuana laws and strict drug prohibition efforts in the nation and around the world. Speaking earlier this year, Carter accused U.S. drug policy of having “destroyed the lives of millions of young people.” He went on to promote an "alternative approach, beginning with treatment instead of just imprisonment for people who use drugs but do no harm to others.”
And last week, Carter appeared in the drug war documentary
to argue that the nation's anti-drug crusade had failed both at home and abroad.

Also on HuffPost:
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Jimmy Carter: Marijuana Legalization Is Smart, Imprisonment For Possession Is Out Of Control
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