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>Official List 2014 – World’s Top 20 Best Countries To Live < ?

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Old 11-07-2014, 01:08 PM
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Question >Official List 2014 – World’s Top 20 Best Countries To Live < ?

Official List 2014 – World’s Top 20 Best Countries To Live In

MCF Member's, Where's the USA ?
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If you are wondering where on earth the happiest people reside and which could be the best place to live, work and retire, here is something for you to know. In this post, you will find a very detailed list of best countries to live in 2014. It is prepared based on the recent world happiness reportreleased by United Nations General Assembly.

This Post Includes
Top 20 Best Countries To Live 2014
Top 10 Best Countries To Live 2013

A country’s strong economy doesn’t really mean that its people are living a happy and a satisfied life. To determine life’s happiness, 6 variables are taken into account. These include
  • GDP per capita
  • Social support
  • Generosity
  • Freedom from corruption
  • Life expectancy
  • Freedom of making choices
“Happiness” is the key in deciding the best countries. Why? Read the quotes given by the author of the world happiness report
People who are emotionally happier, who have more satisfying lives, and who live in happier communities, are more likely both now and later to be healthy, productive, and socially connected. These benefits in turn flow more broadly to their families, workplaces, and communities, to the advantage of all.
It clearly states that when people of a nation are happy, other factors will automatically fall in its support. On a scale that runs from 0 to 10, even the happiest nations that topped the list of best countries could not attain 10/10. However, they have managed to hit the list with an average of 7s. While measuring a country’s happiness, list of best ones have changed abruptly with ups and downs every month. You can see the changes by comparing our best countries list in 2013 and 2014. When I tried analyzing the reason behind this dramatic change — it was something beyond this article’s scope. Rather than diverting the topic, I would better move on with our best countries listing.
When the world happiness report was released for the first time in 2012, it drew an international attention and now it’s time to go through the new one. If you are interested in reading the entire report submitted to United Nations General Assembly, you can download by clicking here.
Now let’s start our journey in the reverse chronological order… We do value your suggestions. If you are a resident of a country that exists in our list, we invite you to share your comments with us and other readers as well. And I am sure none other than you will know your country better. Following countries are identified as the top 10 best countries to live in with high level of happiness.
No 10: Australia

Topped the list in the past year at no 3

Happiness Score – 7.350
  • Regardless of where they live, Australians are so good in lending their hands whenever required. This special characteristic of Australians has made this country hit the list of best countries to live in the world.
  • Per capita GDP, longer life expectancy and improved level of education are factors that lift up Australia to this position.
  • Even though Australia is a hometown to many deadly animals like snakes and sharks, it is even a home to some interesting and not-seen-anywhere animals like Australian dingo and Wombat. If not in Australia, where else can you see these rare animals? Experience the beauty of kangaroos hopping on the go.
  • According to the 2013 reports, Australia is claimed to be one of the biggest capitalist economies in the world. It has an overall GDP of $1-trillion.
  • When it comes to “Market Capitalization”, Australia ranks 9th in the global world. It is also home to world’s most reputed companies like Macquarie Bank, ANZ, AMP, Telstra, Woolworths etc.
  • Australia is blessed with uncountable natural gifts like Great Barrier Reef, the pinnacles, Fraser Island and so on. There wouldn’t be a bigger thing in this world than experiencing those jaw dropping views at least once in your lifetime.
No 9: Iceland

Happiness score – 7.355
  • Literate percentage of Iceland is 99.9, wherein you can find people buying and reading most books
  • In the Forbes list of “top 10 cleanest countries”, Iceland hits the top position with a score of 93.5
  • It is entitled as the 8th wealthiest country in the world (with 6th highest GDP)
  • Icelanders have no army – Instead they have extraordinary rescue teams and coast guards
  • In the year 2011, GDP of Iceland was $12.3-billion. Since there is abundant resource of hydroelectric and geothermal energy in Iceland, electricity supply has never been an issue here. In fact, it is the world’s biggest electricity producer / capita
  • The states of Iceland offer 9 months of fully paid maternity leave for moms. This leave duration could also be shared among the couple as they please
  • Crime rate of Iceland is merely zero, which is exactly why their banks hardly have any police officers. You can even see president’s home out in the open
  • World’s cleanest air can be breathed in Iceland. Life expectancy of men & women in Iceland is 76.4 and 81.3. These figures are one of the highest in the world. Safety and health measures have made Iceland to be in the list of top 10 best countries to live in
  • Societies over here provide an overwhelming priority in bringing up happiness among people. However, none of these is possible without their self-confidence
No 8: Austria

Topped the list in the past year at no 1

Happiness Score – 7.369
Let’s find out what exactly made Austria to eighth on this list. Vienna is one city that stands up proudly in making Austria as one of the best countries to reside. Even though it’s one of the most populous cities of Austria, it offers better life quality to its residents and this has been continually recorded since 2009.
  • When economical crisis hit Europe, you won’t believe but it had only gone down by 0.1%. This factor alone is enough to declare, “Vienna is immune to crisis”. So if you are in a business, investing in Vienna would be a profitable option.
  • Vienna is a historic, economic, cultural and political center of Austria. It has secured the highest per capita GDP when compared to all other cities in the world
  • Population is around 1.731 million (Vienna alone)
  • Average net income of people is €19,769 per year (in Vienna)
  • Average age of people comes around 43.4 years
  • In 2010, Vienna received the urban planning award from United Nations. Reason: People of Vienna have managed to transform its old infrastructure into modern homes in a short time span
  • Through multimillion-dollar program, Vienna has renovated nearly 5000 buildings with more than 250,000 apartments
  • Vienna is often referred as “The city of music” and “The City of Dreams”
  • Nearly 5 million tourists from all over the world visit Austria every year
  • It is the world’s most chosen place for conducting conferences
  • In Austria 90% of people claim that they are satisfied with their housing and basic facilities
  • People of Austria manage to save $28852. This figure is higher than the OECD’s average of $23047
  • They have the best schooling system in the country and it promises to offer high-class education to all its citizens
  • When it comes to employment rate, regardless of their education level, rate of men seems higher than women.
  • Austria is reported to be one of the richest countries in the world in terms of GDP. Not only is Austria rich but also home to biggest industry firms
  • Apart from being a well-developed country, it is a great pick for international tourism too
No 7: Finland

Happiness Score – 7.389
  • Forbes magazine rates Finland as one of the top 10 best countries to conduct trades
  • Finland is highly industrialized. It is often said to be maintaining an economy equal to Sweden, United Kingdom, Germany and France
  • Finland is greatly admired for its trade and manufacturing. In fact, it is one of the leading manufacturers of machineries, equipments, electronics, metals and chemicals
  • Finland offers great education system wherein students hardly fail in their academic. In fact, your fingers are enough to count their academic failures. Finns have done really well in the recent years OECD’s PISA surveys
  • Finns are fond of enjoying their holidays in nature. Over 80% of families have at least one lake and a summer cottage. At present, total number of lakes in Finland, count over 187,888. And even if a day comes when the whole world runs out of drinking water, Finns will still stay safe & never face water issues
  • When compared to other nations in the world, Finnish people own the most email addresses and mobile phones per capita GDP
  • Finland offers up to 90 days of maternity leave for mothers. It is a nation with lower baby death rates
  • Finland has an excellent public transportation system. You will be shocked to read that all their transports are punctual. It is delayed by only few seconds. Well, they do value time!
  • Literacy rate of Finland is 100%. According to OECD’s PISA report, “Finnish children are the best readers in the world”
  • People of Finland enjoy a great life quality too. High life expectancies, healthy work and life balance, excellent literacy rates, low corruption levels and wide access to health care system are few attributes that has made Finland to hit my list of top 10 best countries to live in 2014
No 6: Canada

Topped the list in the past year at no 10

Happiness Score – 7.477
  • Canada is regarded as one of the best countries to live in the world because of its exceptional factors like high life satisfaction, lower murder rates and wide diversity acceptance.
  • Canada has managed to raise itself to the list of top 10 best countries by winning the categories like best place to visit, best place to work, invest and study.
  • According to RepTrak report taken by world reputation validation firm, Canada is the no 1 country to hold good reputation for the third time in a row
  • There exists a strong correlation between this country’s reputation and its intent to visit. As Canada tops this reputation, its tourism industry has generated more than $81.9 billion over last year.
  • Canada has ranked really high in its unique old age pension programs and health care system. In fact, this country is regarded as the fifth best country to see yourself grow old. If you are a Canadian, you are lucky indeed
  • At present, 14.9% of the total Canadian population is aged over 65. This rate is anticipated to get double in the next 25 years
  • With highly equipped healthcare system, new born Canadian kids can enjoy a life up to or more than 81 years on an average
  • According to the reports, Canada is the 14th biggest economy in the world. Thus, making it one of the wealthiest nations as well
  • Like other developed countries, Canadian financial system is dominated by its service industry – employing around 3-quarter Canadians
  • People who are living here are often mocked for apologizing. They never hesitate to ask “sorry” when they commit mistakes. This characteristic multiplies the happiness and even strengthens their relationship.
  • In employment and education, Canada ranks ninth
  • Roughly, 64% of Canadians donate their money on charities
  • Canadians have a lower unemployment rate
  • As far as the banking sector is concerned, they have outstanding services. You will be fascinated to read that 4 of the world’s top banks belong to Canada
  • Canadian sons / daughters earn twice as high as their parents do. Thus, providing a good income ladder to its citizens. For example children who born poor to their parents quickly raise their positions and they rarely die as poor.
  • Canada also offers high life satisfaction to its citizens. This is the reason why it has minimal number of suicidal rates
  • Canadian Government is the 8th out of 185 countries posing lower corporate taxes on its citizens
  • Statistics say that Canadians make more than 10 million overseas trips every year. Now this clearly states their luxury and economical freedom
  • Canada has ranked as the 8th most peaceful country in the world too
  • Canadians make a lead in quantum computing, medical discoveries, space science and technology

Last edited by Space; 11-07-2014 at 01:17 PM.
Old 11-07-2014, 01:09 PM
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Official List 2014 – World’s Top 20 Best Countries To Live In


No 5: Sweden

Happiness Score – 7.480
  • Sweden offers 16 months of parental leave and pays 80% of their salary too. Without any doubt, parent get loads of time to spend with their children. It is the reason why Sweden is considered as one of the best countries to live and see your kids grow up
  • Sweden offers a complete free day care. In other words, we can state that it is heavily subsidized. Although the day care costs around $120 per month, you can reimburse it with the government’s child benefit plans. So you pay actually nothing
  • The best part – university is free here
  • Sweden’s economy is aided by hydropower, iron ore and timber. However, their major industries include telecommunications, industrial machines, chemical goods, motor vehicles, pharmaceuticals, precision equipments, home appliances, steel, iron and forestry
  • The National Institute of Economic research anticipates Sweden’s GDP growth to be 1.8%, 3.1% & 3.4% for the years 2014, 2015 & 2016 respectively
  • Surprisingly, people over here are not affected even with its extreme weather condition. They are still seen ice skating, running down, skiing, sledding, taking long walks and sipping a yummy hot coffee in cold times
  • Sweden serves as the best country for women too. If its safer for women to live here then it is obviously best for others too
  • Throughout Sweden, you can breathe fresh and clean air. Sweden is admired for its heavenly nature. Water over here is perfect for both swimming and drinking
  • Sweden has a sound public transportation system. Trains and buses cover every place right from big cities to remote Swedish villages
  • Sweden has a strong independent media and this results in most transparent politics
No 4: Netherlands

Happiness Score – 7.512
  • Netherlands is claimed to be the 6th lowest crime-committing country in the world
  • When considering political structure here, this country ranks third globally
  • You are permitted to take your dogs inside cafes, bars, shops, bars and almost all the public venues here. It’s an extreme dog friendly nation
  • In Netherlands, 38% of total population is connected to internet with the highest number of broadband subscriptions in the world
  • Here, 91% of residents claim that they lead a very happy and a satisfied life. This factor has actually made Netherlands hit the list of top 10 best countries to live in the world
  • Netherlands depends entirely on foreign trade. Major industries include chemicals, food processing, electrical machinery and petroleum refining
  • It has an open and prosperous economy, often admired for very low employment rate, low inflation and stable industrial relationships
  • According to 2012 reports of World Bank & International Monetary Fund (IMF), Netherlands was declared the 18th biggest economy in the world, with a GDP per capita of about $43404, also making it one of the richest nations in the world
No 3: Switzerland

Topped the list in the past year at no 4

Happiness score – 7.650
The reason why Switzerland is been listed on the best countries to live in the world is because “it provides better life quality, trust, safety, wealth & health to all its citizens even including the ones living in remote places”.

  • It is renowned for its tranquility, safety, punctuality and reliability. This is how people of Switzerland have turned their cities into unimaginable high-tech societies in a short time span
  • Switzerland is one of the most modern and stylish tourism-offering nations in the world. Here with 7.2 million population and many different languages, people of Switzerland enjoy the perks of diversity in a much sportive way
  • If I had to talk about countries with stable economies, Switzerland often makes it to top 3. Political stability and long-term monetary security has made Swiss a safe place for investors
  • Since the country has higher labor specialization and is known to be small (in size), trade and industry are keys to its economic livelihood
  • People of Switzerland is known to receive the most noble prices every year than any other country in the world
No 2: Norway

Happiness Score – 7.655
  • Norwegians are often known as the best party-goers in the whole world, especially youngsters. They are usually pretty & well dressed.
  • Shipping has always been a great support for Norway’s export zone, but Norway’s much economic growth is been backed with its natural resources, even including hydroelectric power, fisheries, petroleum exploration & production
  • Norway’s oil manufacturing (in tons) and its strong socialist system contributes to the wealth of every citizen here. Almost everyone here seems to have his or her own transportation.
  • Most of them here are seen holding either an iPhone or other high-end smart phones costing over 500-bucks. Surprisingly even men who collect garbage own some luxury phones and even live in decent homes
  • Norwegians are healthy because they eat healthy foods, drink clean water and breathe fresh air
  • Norwegian is well admired for its nature. Whether it is a park, mountain or forest just take a walk and you will know how it feels like when you relax beside Mother Nature
No 1: Denmark – The Happiest Country In The World

Have you ever heard of countries where murder and other crime rates are almost zero? Can there be any other country offering a pollution-free and corruption-free life quality with stable economic growth even at recession times? If you want to live in such a country, head on to Denmark because it is the only country that comes closely to offer all the above.

Happiness Score – 7.693
  • According to the world happiness report, “Denmark is crowned as the happiest country in the world”. Thus, it is the best country to live in the current date
  • As of February 2014, Denmark is one of the countries with top credit rating. Main exports of Denmark include machinery, meat products, chemicals, fuels, instruments and so on
  • Every Danish family enjoys a total of “52 weeks of parental leave” wherein mothers are given 18 weeks of paid leave and fathers are allowed to take 2 weeks of fully paid leave
  • After giving birth, nearly 79% of women rejoin their previous level of employment. This figure is quite higher when comparing it with American women — theirs is only 59%
  • Denmark is one of the best countries to see your kids grow up. Little ones are given access to either free or low cost childcare
  • Every Danish citizen receives an outstanding health care system since it is his or her basic right
  • Denmark regularly ranks in the list of top 10 countries when it comes to gender equality
  • They are much concerned about their city’s surroundings too. 50% of Danish people contribute to their city by doing some good deeds. For example, they use bicycles to reach their school and work. Now, this shows how protective are they towards their environment. Government offers 7.8 cents per kilometer to people traveling by bicycle instead of a car. This way they are not only taking care of their surroundings but also lessen the rate of accidents, noise, wear and tear of infrastructure and air pollution from taking place.

Last edited by Space; 11-07-2014 at 01:17 PM.
Old 11-07-2014, 01:14 PM
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Well, I'm packing `up & getting outa here
I want 2 live & play in a Happy Country >

Ask yourself ? What are you doing to make your
country better ? >(I ask myself) do you ?
I find it very sad that the USA did not make the list : (
I do understand some of the reasons & I believe that we have to start taking care of our own country before
we go to other countries to attempt to solve their problems, (when we can't seem to solve our own.) I think it's great to help other countries when we can, but I think before we help others, that we first must take care of
our own home country. Why do we ship supplies/food to other countries, when we have people in our country that are homeless & hungry. ? ? ?
I think we should lead by example, and not by force...(Just my 2cents) I don't believe that we can continue to
be the World Police Force. The only ones that are gaining are the large corporations! Are we becoming or are we now the United States of Corporations ?

Or Work 2 make your country better ? Your Choice (or is it ?) Your comments > Please > Thanks!

`Lou (Taz) > Your Country made the list...Can we all come & live with you ?

Last edited by Space; 11-08-2014 at 08:46 AM.
Old 11-08-2014, 08:44 AM
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Question Quality of Life ?

Quality of Life Index for Country 2014 Mid Year

Click to see it on a map:

Old 11-08-2014, 09:51 AM
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Unhappy >Why does it happen ?< >It should not > We R doing something wrong < ?

There is `Evil in our World 4-Sure
It's so very sad
I read the World, National & local news everyday
and see so much `Evil out there.
Below is just one of the Events/Stories

Click below`if you dare...
Warning > It's Sad

The suspects in the disappearances that had gripped Mexico confessed to killing the college students and incinerating their bodies, officials said.

Gruesome details revealed <Click
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