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Old 10-27-2009, 09:36 AM
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Monte Of The Month -- January 2010
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Brittany, keep you head up! Trust me, school can be a pain in the ***, but it will be worth it in the end.

I am a Business major, so I had to take two sciences classes, and one science lab for GE. I would not have taken Chem if it was the only class available at the time. LOL. I took Geology, and Biology.

For me the kicker has been accounting and quantitative business analysis. Those classes were really hard. Somehow I got a B+ in accounting, not sure how, and with TONS of study time nvested, I pulled a B- in QBA.

Just put your mind to it, and get it done, you CAN do it!!!
Old 10-27-2009, 01:44 PM
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Originally Posted by RocknSS04
Ditto to chemistry! I had 2 scholarships to WMU. A FREE ride! CHEMISTRY! Like you, I CRUIZED thru high school. Never studied, and still pulled almost all A's. CHEMISTRY! Now I took chemistry, physics, calc' ALL that stuff in H.S., but I just couldn't get the college chemistry thing. Had an experiment BLOW UP and sent glass EVERYWHERE in the whole lab. Took me half an hour just to lean up, and I then I got to start over. Chemistry is why I quit college after one semester. It screwed up my GPA, and affected my $$$. But then I was in paper science, which is ALL chemistry, physics, math, etc. Just wasn't for me.
Originally Posted by RocknSS04
Looking beck, ESPECIALLY right now, I kick my self for quitting, not sticking with it. EVERY good job requires a bachelors or a masters degree. Doesn't matter in what. It shows that you can persevere thru it, stick with it, and that you are NOT a quitter! Quitting college was probably one of THE biggest mistakes I made in my life (and I've made a LOT!).
PLEASE Brittany, stick with it. DO NOT give up! And PLEASE, don't let your temper get the best of you. That ONLY makes the problem worse, and the problem doesn't go away. Plug thru it girl! You CAN do it! Might take 2 tries, but you CAN do it. Show your determination to get thru it, and everything WILL come out OK. Maybe not perfect (nothing EVER is perfect), but you'll overcome the issues, and in the end, CHEMISTRY is HISTORY! Get'r dunn! You CAN do it. WE have faith in you. Your parents have faith in you. You have faith, also. We're PROUD of you for getting as far as you are!

Yeah like even in high school chemistry was the only class that ever gave me trouble and it sucked then and it sucks now. Really? See I’m making an A in chemistry lab, that’s SO easy for me most of the time, it’s just the lecture that is getting me down. See I took college physics my senior year and I blew through it, there were a few things that got me but for the most part it came really easy for me when I thought, since it involved some chemistry, that I would fail it, but I had a A all year. And same thing with math, I got a B in both college algebra and college pre-calc my senior year but that was just bcuz the teacher made everything hella confusing and nothing made sense but I’m usually pretty good with math too. I’m taking Analytic Geometry and Calculus next semester and I’m really nervous bout that since I’ve heard it’s one of the hardest classes you can take in mathematics but I think once I get into the swing of math again I’ll be fine. It’s just CHEMISTRY! Argh.

Yeah like I’ve had thought of dropping chemistry but like I said I wouldn’t be able to complete my major which plays out to me not completing college and I just can’t do that for the very reason you said Wayne, I would regret it like crazy.

Ehh my temper can become so intense sometime bcuz I have anxiety problems but I refuse to be on pills so I just become crazy sometimes ya know. It can vary from me being really depressed to being violent and reckless. Which like you said, makes the problem worse bcuz I get so aroused by everything. And thanks for the encouraging words Wayne. I’ll most def try to keep it all in mind as I try to work through this and I’ll keep you guys updated about how I’m doing.
Old 10-27-2009, 01:44 PM
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Originally Posted by JAFO
Brittney, I can't say it any better then Wayne did. But I'll throw in my .02 as well. In college the only course I had problems in was Chemistry. For whatever reason the professor thought that everyone in the class was going to be a chemist, besides that many things I just didn't get. In an informal poll towards the end of the class, before the Professor got there 1 person thought they were getting an A, 3 a B, a small handful a C or D the rest, myself included, figured we'd be seeing the same faces the next semester. I muddled through and got a generous C as you and others have stated As and Bs were the norm for me the C bothered me, not as nuch as an withdrawl or F would have but...
Originally Posted by JAFO

Keep your head up and keep plugging away, you've gotten this far on your smarts they will carry you through, Ask around in the class maybe someone there "gets it" and can help you through. Good luck and don't ever feel you can't do it!

BTW: If you need 2 science courses, next semester... Rock for Jocks! (Geology)

Problem is I’m really shy and just can’t walk up to people and ask for help. I think it has something to do with my pride since I’ve always been the one to help people in high school. It most def sucks being on the other end of the pole ya know. Well I need lots of science courses and like next semester I’m taking Zoology and I’m SOOO excited! I love zoology! In high school I got the only zoology award they offered because I had the higher score in ever zoology class all year. I’m just like totally stoked for it but I have to get through chemistry. And then after zoology I get to take more advance courses that I’m excited to take like marine mammalogy, invertebrate biology, vertebrae biology, oceanography/marine bio/lab, etc. So like science itself isn’t a problem at all bcuz I love taking science courses except, once again, chemistry. I think I may have to take organic chem. but I’m gonna do whatever I can to avoid that lol. And I’m trying to start to think of motivation to work harder and do absolutely EVERYTHING I can do to make at least a C in that class. Like I’ve been thinking a lot about what this major is gonna do for me and I watch animal documentaries whenever I can, no matter how weird that sounds lol. But that kinda stuff motivates me bcuz I wanna work with animals when I get outta college, well gotta pass chemistry first and I’m trying to remind myself of that as much as I can and it’s kinda working. And you guys being there for me is most def helping too.
Old 10-27-2009, 01:52 PM
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Originally Posted by MAMONTE
Brittany, keep you head up! Trust me, school can be a pain in the ***, but it will be worth it in the end.
Originally Posted by MAMONTE

I am a Business major, so I had to take two sciences classes, and one science lab for GE. I would not have taken Chem if it was the only class available at the time. LOL. I took Geology, and Biology.

For me the kicker has been accounting and quantitative business analysis. Those classes were really hard. Somehow I got a B+ in accounting, not sure how, and with TONS of study time nvested, I pulled a B- in QBA.

Just put your mind to it, and get it done, you CAN do it!!!

Ha I’m hoping lol. When I actually open my aquarium and its successful, then I’ll think it was worth all the aggravation =D Yeah check this, I’m double majoring: Biology and Business Management and possibly dual-majoring that biology major into a general biology/marine biology or zoo science major. So technically that’s 2.5 majors. I feel like I’m stretching myself too much but I know I can do it, especially if I can get past this stupid chemistry class. Every other class, besides a couple here and there, that I have to take to complete both these majors seem pretty easy. That;s why I’m trying to get the hard ones (chemistry, analytic geometry and calculus, etc.) outta the way so I can somewhat start to enjoy college because of the awesome classes I’ll be taking. Really? Accounting? I’ve never taken that class but I always thought that I may be alright in it bcuz I’m extremely good at math, once I understand it I can blow by without many problems ya know. And QBA, idk if I’ll have to take that class. Idk if I’ve ever heard of it. That makes me nervous though if I have to take those two classes now lol. But yeah if I have problems in any business classes I’ll probably be coming to you =D I’m taking economics macro next semester and the teacher is the guy who is the advisor of the car club I’m starting lol. I’m hoping that gives me a bit of an edge ya know but it could go either way I guess.
Old 10-27-2009, 03:37 PM
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Brittany, another idea. Talk with your faculty advisor, that's what they are there for. They may be able to put you in contact with a tutor or elsewise. Doesn't seem your too shy here... Yeah I know its a lot easier behind a monitor and keyboard, never been much of a people person either. As I said before keep your head up and you'll be good. BTW: Losing your temper (frustration release) isn't always a bad thing, let it out before it eats away at your stomach. Venting here will help but a good scream or a few swings at a batting cage or a punching bag can do wonders. Keep fighting it'll be worth it, somewhere down the line you'll have a laugh about the dumb a$$ prof that was a PITA.
Old 10-27-2009, 08:38 PM
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Anytime you need help, just ask...not to say that I always know the answer. LOL!

For some people accounting is really easy, other (like myself) it sucked. But I guess a B+ is not horrible. The thing is I really worked my *** off for that B+.

QBA is one of those classes that just about every business major at San Jose State DREADS. Thats all I have to say about that class. LOL
Old 10-27-2009, 09:53 PM
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Originally Posted by JAFO
Brittany, another idea. Talk with your faculty advisor, that's what they are there for. They may be able to put you in contact with a tutor or elsewise. Doesn't seem your too shy here... Yeah I know its a lot easier behind a monitor and keyboard, never been much of a people person either. As I said before keep your head up and you'll be good. BTW: Losing your temper (frustration release) isn't always a bad thing, let it out before it eats away at your stomach. Venting here will help but a good scream or a few swings at a batting cage or a punching bag can do wonders. Keep fighting it'll be worth it, somewhere down the line you'll have a laugh about the dumb a$$ prof that was a PITA.
actually i went to talk to my teacher today. it was kinda strange but i think we worked it through and i'm in the middle of the pack with a C, ugh but at least it's better then a D or even worse failing. i was completely honest wiht her and told her a ton of crap and we think that we figured out why i'm not doing so great in that class but she is willing to help out apparently but we'll see how that goes. ha yes i was at first. remember how long it took me to actually start posting in more places rather then jsut in the member intro section lol. funny you say that about the temper, sometime i actually do go down to the gym that i have at my apartment complex and just go at it with like the weights and crap ya know. just trying to let all the tension out lol. sometimes it gets me into painful situations though
Old 10-27-2009, 09:54 PM
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Originally Posted by MAMONTE
Anytime you need help, just ask...not to say that I always know the answer. LOL!

For some people accounting is really easy, other (like myself) it sucked. But I guess a B+ is not horrible. The thing is I really worked my *** off for that B+.

QBA is one of those classes that just about every business major at San Jose State DREADS. Thats all I have to say about that class. LOL
ha thanks! i'm not looking for a right answer all the time but sometimes most def helps =D

yeah but a B+ is still pretty decent if it's as hard as you say it is. and yeahh i think i'm gonna check to see if I have to take QBA or not really really soon lol.
Old 10-28-2009, 05:15 AM
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Brittany, I'm glad you went and talked with your instructor. EVERYONE in your college administration is there to HELP you. EVERYONE!. That's WHY they are there. Not to JUST lecture, but to TEACH. I have yet to see an instructor that wouldn't do everything he or she could do to help a struggling student. Setting up a tutor is just one part. I taught at the college level for 3 years, and am looking at doing it again starting January, for multiple classes. Depends on the job situation. I KNOW for a fact this is true about helping students. Although I did not finish college, I went through a 4 year formal apprenticeship for tool & die moldmaking. Finished it in '78 (ya I'm OLD!).
I have trained dozens of apprentices since then. At one point I was in charge of 16 apprentices. Some of these guys have turned into GREAT moldmakers. But, some did not put forth the effort. It has shown. They are off doing something other than their training.

IF you REALLLLLLLLY want to be a biologist, or vet' or something similar, PERSEVERANCE is the key. YES, you WILL have tough times. Remember this, if you get NOTHING else from this WHOLE thread:


Chemistry isn't going to KILL you, but the trials, the struggles, they are there to make you strong. College SHOULD NOT be easy. Otherwise you wouldn't remember the toughness, and you wouldn't be as strong. Those critters need a strong caretaker.
AND, the semester is half over. You are on the down hill side of the class now.
Old 10-28-2009, 10:56 PM
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Man i must be insane or something, i really don't know how i do what i do, or how i have enough time in the week. I'm a Junior Industrial Engineering, I work 2 part time jobs, and still have time to work out everyday and such. Chemistry is and was the least of my worries, i had to take 2 semesters of it. Yea it killed me, quite possibly the worst two semesters of my life but it just takes time to get the stuff down. Right now i got ergonomics and Liner Algebra and Differential equations killin me, All i can say it to keep at it. Oh and Brittany if you have any questions about chem, physics, calc, and other fun classes send me a PM I might just be able to help.
People wonder how i do what i do, my simple answer is that i cant sit still, i don't have adhd or add or anything like that i just don't like the feeling of being idle. I guess that's why i got the S/C SS.
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