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American Worker Being Assaulted Again

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Old 11-23-2011, 08:57 PM
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Originally Posted by SupplySgt
Yeah I'm iffy on the airbags myself. Like mousehouse said, they claim to have saved less than 2000 lives in over 15 years. One also gave me a concussion while functioning exactly as designed. As a result, I have been opened up to a myriad of effects from another airbag deployment when it was honestly unnecessary in my case. I wouldn't have come near the steering wheel and the combined force of impact was the same as if I had hit a concrete wall at 70mph. Go do some research on head injuries and you'll understand why they concern me. An air bag could possibly be fatal if it hits the wrong way on someone with a history of head injuries.
And a seatbelt can cause commotio cordis, but I'm sure it's saved many people from flying through windshields. No safety apparatus is perfect, I think people are focusing in on the wrong thing here hahaha, no offense
Old 11-23-2011, 09:25 PM
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And if you're ever in a car with air bags that go off, you better close your eyes tightly and keep them that way and feel your way out of the car. Taht dust goes everywhere nad you'll spend 10 minutes trying to get that crap out of your eyes.

I do sincerely believe seat belts are the greatest safety innovation that has ever been put in an automobile, and I never go anywhere in a car without one. we ahd a '50 Chevrolet truck wit hno seat blet,s nad I never felt safe in it. I feel very safe in my torino with lap and shoulder harness though.

As far as air bags, I just think we've hit the point where we can't make the cars much safer. Air bags were mandated about the time people started actually wearing seat belts. I just wonder how many lives could have been saved in teh 60s had people actually worn the belts that were in the cars.

TVR, a british car company, puts no air bags in its cars, a legal practice to sell cars in Britain. when questioned on why by car safety advocates, TVR usually responds with, "Well, just don't crash it." (their words summarzied by me)
Old 11-23-2011, 10:12 PM
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Originally Posted by KidSpace
I blame the people that elected the politicians and have not held them accountable for their actions or in-actions

I also think kids should work 4-Sure...I started working with my grandfather on his boats as soon as I could walk & have been working ever since...

I believe we must have accountability in Washington & we the people must nominate & vote for people with integrity that won't Sell Their Souls
"Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country" ? ? ? ? (JFK)

What are you doing to make it better ? (Talk is cheap) without `Action...We need people that speak the TRUTH & walk their Talk" ~> Are there any out there ? ?

That's all that's fall'in outa my head..~>(It's empty again : ).Vote 4 Space LOL
These are Absolute Basic Truths!!!... Here, here...

Last edited by Space; 11-24-2011 at 06:04 AM.
Old 11-24-2011, 06:09 AM
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Thanks Crusader for your words/post(s)
This thread is very deep & I've enjoyed reading every one's posts/thoughts on this subject...It's like being back in college 4-Sure...

Thanks member's for your contributions & for your respect for each others opinions/thoughts & posted words....We are a very diverse automotive family 4-Sure

Last edited by Space; 11-24-2011 at 08:36 AM.
Old 11-24-2011, 09:53 AM
JuniorCar's Avatar

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I would vote KidSpace for President. A few problems: I don't think 'Space was born on earth, let alone in America. And I'm Canadian and can't vote for President. We don't even have a President, just a Prime Minister. That's not as cool.

Maybe we could vote for President of the MCF. I figure that would be more prestigious and powerful then the President of the USA because its more international. The MonteCarlonian President could really get things done...
Old 11-24-2011, 10:07 AM
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Originally Posted by JuniorCar
I would vote KidSpace for President. A few problems: I don't think 'Space was born on earth, let alone in America. And I'm Canadian and can't vote for President. We don't even have a President, just a Prime Minister. That's not as cool.

Maybe we could vote for President of the MCF. I figure that would be more prestigious and powerful then the President of the USA because its more international. The MonteCarlonian President could really get things done...

LOL `Brent, your post just made my `Day LOL
I really don't know where I was born , but when my grandfather got me a birth certificate they put Florida down as my place of birth...He did not know where my mother had me b-4 she dumped me at my grandfather's when I was a few weeks old..(That's why my grandfather always said that I was a kid from SomeUnknown`Space : ) LOL
They did write a book about me LOL (Thanks Brent) I guess I can't be president, but I don't think I could mess things `up much more then what's beeen going on

The Space-Born

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E. C. Tubb
0 ReviewsThe Space-Born - E. C. Tubb - Google Books
Wildside Press LLC, Feb 13, 2002 - Fiction - 140 pages

THE SPACE-BORN Far from Earth, on a ship carrying the 13th and 14th generations of descendants from the original crew, life is short. You are born, learn the tasks needed to keep the ship running, help breed and train the next crew?and your death is ordered by the computer in charge. No one except the Captain is over 40. A LIFE FOR THE STARS Gregson, chief of the psych-police, makes sure the computer's death-sentences are carried out quickly and painlessly. His duty is a sacred rust. He knows the intricacies of the system, how it works . . . and how it can be subverted. He is growing old. Rebellious. He also knows his name will soon come up in the computer for elimination. And he has no intention of carrying out his own death-sentence! A THRILLING SPACE ADVENTURE BY ONE OF THE MASTERS OF THE GENRE!

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Old 11-24-2011, 10:07 AM
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Taz is our dictator. Maybe you could start a thread, Brent? Have a vote...

Difference with a Prime Minister is that the Parliament elects the PRime Minister from their own members and the people don't really elect them, right? And that almost always means the Prime Minister is from the dominant party?

P.S. I knew the story of why Space is called Space, but before tha,t I always thought it was because of his proximity to the space program,. and that area he lives in is called the "Space Coast."
Old 11-24-2011, 10:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Cowboy6622
TVR, a british car company, puts no air bags in its cars, a legal practice to sell cars in Britain. when questioned on why by car safety advocates, TVR usually responds with, "Well, just don't crash it." (their words summarzied by me)
Thats one of my favorite quotes from a car company & i think the IHIS or watever its called should test new cars with airbags on & airbags off & see just how much they help or hurt, i personally dont like them

Last edited by 03JGMonte; 11-24-2011 at 03:07 PM.
Old 11-24-2011, 12:23 PM
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Originally Posted by oneslowmonte
And a seatbelt can cause commotio cordis, but I'm sure it's saved many people from flying through windshields. No safety apparatus is perfect, I think people are focusing in on the wrong thing here hahaha, no offense
A properly worn seatbelt will keep you from hitting anything. while there is an extremely low amount of circumstances where the seat belt could kill someone- it is far lower than the chances of an airbag killing someone with a history of head injuries. Id be willing to bet that airbags have killed more people than the government claims they've saved. It's a very real threat to someone with a history of head injuries.
Old 11-24-2011, 12:30 PM
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Originally Posted by oneslowmonte
I think we need a little more info

How do you feel about Afghanistan? Iraq? Guantanamo Bay?

How do you feel about taxes? Tariffs? Trade?

How would you lower the unemployment rate?

How do you feel about our current energy consumption? Oil? Gas? Coal? Nuclear? Renewable? What would you do to fix it?

Should the lower and middle class pay the majority of taxes? Corporations? Small businesses? Trickle down economics? New Deal?

What current/past presidents influence you?

How do you feel about the Bush doctrine? Monroe doctrine?

How would you have dealt with the situation in the Middle East?

How do you feel about health care reform?

How do you feel about second and third world countries developing nuclear programs?
A few members have some questions about what I think. One thing I think is that I don't have all the answers. Some of my answers will sound like I am in favor of isolationism. This is not the case. I do however feel that we need to run this country as you would a household or small business. For example if you lose income, most reasonable persons would cut expenses, and if things are not right in your own household you don't go trying to run someone elses.
As far as Afganistan is concerned we should have had that job done long ago. I think completely pulling out of there is a mistake unless the Afgan government wants us to leave. I think the country is unstable and terrorism will continue to be a threat there. I think we should have a permanent base there, but I don't feel we should be where we are not wanted. The same statements would also hold true for Iraq.
I would continue to keep the base open in Guantanamo Bay. I think it is important for the Cubam people to know that we still have a presence there. I would also work with the Cuban leadership to reestablish tie with the nation both socially and economically. The isolationalism that has been in place for the last fifty years has done nothing to the Cuban leadership but did harm the people. This will help both countries and help with the unemployment here. It will create jobs by trading with Cuba.
About taxes, tariffs, and trade. I would nullify all the free trade agreements except with Canada and possibly Mexico. I would start taxing heavily all the rest of the imports. That should start a renewal of manufacturing here in the USA. This will reestablish a middle class in this country and it will also help with the unemployment issues. For the time being I would leave taxes as they are with the exception of the tariffs. This will also help with reducing the deficit that we owe to China and would stop the USA from funding Imperialistic China. I feel China is an enemy to the world and the USA and not an Allie. The goods that they ship to us are inferior to what we used to produce as well. I would also look at each and every federal agency to see what they do. The ones that are not needed, not effective, or have not done what they were established to do would be eliminated or down sized. Many of the duties of the federal agencies would be passed back to the states. Some of the departments that I would start with are the EPA, the Dept. Of Energy, the NHTSA. The US Border patrol will be absorbed by the US Military, most likely the Air Force and they will patrol and secure our borders in conjunction with the Coast Guard. I would also look at our US possesions and territories such as Porto Rico and either make them states that contribute to the well being of the country or give them their independence.
I don't have any issues with our current energy usage. I have a problem with how we get our energy. I would encourage the adaption of wind, solar, hydro, and nuclear energy. I would like to see solar panels and a wind turbine in every yard in America. That would reduce the need for fossil fuels. I would also allow drilling for oil domestically. We have enough oil to satisfy our needs for years to come without. Buying foreign oil would be eliminated.
In years past the middle class paid the majority of the taxes. The middle class and their taxes went away and this is why we have as big an issue as we do now. O do feel that every American should pay taxes. I would work to close the loop holes for the rich. I would also work to eliminate double taxation. In the past the rich paid no taxes and the poor paid no taxes. I would develope a plan where everyone pays a fair tax. Not certain at this point what the taxes will be.I would not tax business inventory. I would tax profits or sales and dividend payments to shareholders.I believe you are talking about the Reagan administrations Trickle down economics and the New Deal policies of FDR. It answer this I must first say that Capitalism, Socialism, and Communism only work on paper. Human greed is the down fall of all three. To come up with something that works we need to use parts of all three. As far as I am concerned the current economic situation we now have is a result of Reagans Trickle down economic plan. For the last thirty years we have allowed business to do as it saw fit with few limitations. The economic disparity has grown between the classes, the rich have gotten richer, the poor have gotten poorer, and the middle class has all but been wiped out. Big business has taken their business to where ever they could generate the most profits and filled their own wallets. I would implement many of the new deal policies to put the unemployed back to work rebuilding public works projects. This would also end the welfare free hand out. No work equals no check.
As far as what presidents have influenced me, I would have to say the early presidents like Washington and Jackson because I think the country should be run as our forefathers intended. They didn't intend to have an elite class of rich. They didn't intend to have career politicians, they didn't intend for the lobby system we now have. It was supposed to be a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. We need to return to that doctrine. FDR also because his policies ended a depression . We are not far from being in another. JFK because he inspired many Americans to get involved. Bill Clinton because he proved that presidents are human. Bush and Obama because of their inept policies I want to get involved and reverse what they have screwed up.
I don't agree with the Bush doctrine or policies. I do understand that they were put in place for the safety of the nation but any policy that takes away the rights, freedoms, and privacy of law abiding citizens is wrong. As in the justice system it is better that a guilty man go free than an innocent man spend time in jail. I have to research the Monroe Doctrine as I don't remember it from my Hhigh school days.
As far as the middle east is concerned; those areas of the world have not been able to coexist peacefully since before the time of Christ. Nothing we can do is going to change that. We got involved because we want their oil. If we are no longer dependant on their oil then as far as I am concerned they can blow themselves off the face of the earth and I wouldn't care.that part of the world will never be stable and we have wasted way to many resources trying to stabilize it.
Health care needs reform. The first thing we need to do is remove insurance companies from the mix. I believe they are the ones who have screwed it up. Health care should be between the doctor and the patient. Why do we need another money robbing institution involved in it. Anything insurance companies have gotten involved with is screwed up and it all needs reform. In the old days insurance was a good idea. Life insurance had whole life policies that provided benefits and could be used as a savings account. Now for the most part they only offer term life policies that only pay in the event of death and have lots of restrictions. Automobile policies; the insurance companies have hijacked the National Hiway Traffic and Safety Administration in order to dictate how cars are built and more in the excuse that it will keep rates low. When was the last time your car policy was reduced?
I don't have an issue with second and third world countries having nuclear policies for energy production. I do have issues with them having nuclear weapons but I think it is something that should be handled by NATO and the United Nations. We at this point in time can no longer be the worlds police force. Maybe one day in the future we could and should return to that but not now.
I would also work to institute term limits for all elected offices. Our forefathers never intended for us to have career politicians not the gravy train of perks and benefits that it has become.
I will now address where I would increase spending which I think would be offset by the cuts that I have made elsewhere and also I believe that in order to reap benefits you must first invest in the future. Much the way we did in the fifties and sixties. I would return the military to the levels it was at in 1980 before all the base closures and cuts. Teddy Roosevelt one said walk softly and carry a big stick. There are not many who will come up against a large well armed and well trained military. It is one of the things that made the usa a super power. Defense spending also leads to new technologies that work into other facets of society. The military would take over the role of securing and defending our borders. This would also curtai some of the drug trade and the illegal immigration issues. In other countries if you cross a border illegally you are subject to be shot or imprisioned. Why should we be different?
I would invest in infrastucure improvents. Mass transitan and our crumbling highway system. We need to build hundred year roads not ten years roads.
I would. Also invest in education. We currently have an education system that is lacking in many areas. I would improve on those and extend what we have. We currently make up to grade 12 free for every citizen. I would change that to 16 with testing to begin at grade 10. If you don't pass the tests and are there just to waste time and take up space then you should be out in the work force.

Last edited by mousehousemoparman; 11-24-2011 at 04:57 PM.

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