Thanks! Man, that is a while, it is the same here, but i got mine at nineteen. You definately have done some big things to it since then, very impressed with it sir!
Below is our oldest member, but his kids took his Monte Carlo away & his internet connection...(He was spending to much time on porno sites & chasing ladies in the nursing home) LOL (jk)
Shelby Harris, a resident of the Rock Island Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, is the oldest man in the United States, according to a group that tracks supercentarians. He will celebrate 111th birthday at the end of March. (Larry Fisher/QUAD-CITY TIMES)
Rick, I hope in about 50 more years that you can take his title away....EnJoy your `Journey of `Life & keep think'in young 4-Sure
p.s. don't 4-get to take your walk 2day