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$-How High/Gas Prices-$ ?

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Old 11-14-2007, 09:07 AM
Monte Of The Month -- December 2007
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Default RE: `How High will it Go ?

I don't know about you folks, but here is how they try and explain the price.

Wholesaleprice: $2.00
Fed Tax 18.4% = $0.368
State Road Tax 19% = $0.475
Distribution & Delivery cost = $0.025
Evaporation Fees (and where the .009 comes from) = $0.009
Gas Station Operating Price (typically) = $0.11
Good Old State Sales Tax 6% (which has a formula, retail price - state road tax = ? divided by 17.67 = actual tax) = $0.142
GRAND TOTAL = $3.129
or basically $1 (0.985) in taxes!!! or in Michigan last year $1,250,000,000.00 in tax revenue in gasoline alone! plus Lotto money in the Billions, and yet our schools are in trouble and the state is cutting programs... WHERE IS OUR MONEY GOING!!! Dems, Repubs, Libs, they are all to blame! WHERE IS MY MONEY!!!
Old 11-14-2007, 09:26 AM
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Default RE: `How High will it Go ?

Craig, -BlackAttack -,another great informative post, Thanks

[align=center]$ $ $ $[/align][align=center]SHOW ME THE MONEY[/align][align=center][/align][align=center]Here `it is, & you can't have it.[/align][align=center]It's mine, it's all mine : )[/align][align=center]The Rich get Rich, and the Poor get Poorer[/align][align=center][/align][align=center]We have money to burn.[/align][align=center][/align][align=center]Want some $$$$'s, run for office : )[/align][align=center]We ain't worried ~ We are `happy,[/align][align=center]our `gas tanks are filled @ Government Expense : )[/align][align=center]SUCKER's[/align]
Old 11-14-2007, 10:52 AM
Monte Of The Month -- December 2007
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Default RE: `How High will it Go ?


Well... I going to get mine! My daughter is going to be your President someday! She's currently the Ambassador to the EMU President, a Senator of EMU, the Panhellenic of Delta Zeta and on Panhellenic National Counsel, Honors College, Dean List continuously, a Pre-Law/Poli-sci Major that has been accepted toYale for Grad/Law. Actually she wants to run Presidential Campaigns, but good old Dad keeps pushing her to run for office herself... so if I get my will see her running forOffice someday!!!
Old 11-14-2007, 12:02 PM
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Default RE: `How High will it Go ?

As I read these posts, it gets me to thinking . . . I live in southeast Texas, and right now I am sitting in my office about 2 miles from Spindletop, the place where oil was discovered back in 1901 and started all this. We produce something like 40% of the nations gasoline here. Gas in this area is currently around $2.95 for regular. Will it go over $3.00? You bet. Probably close to $4.00by summer '08. Then drop in Sept/Oct in time for the elections. If the repubs are re-elected look for $6.00during '09 and it staying in that range. The oil companuies have done studies that say that Americans are willing to pay as high as $6.00 for gas. Anything higher and it might cause an outroar. If the dems win, it won't go as high, but the oil companies will squeeze us by cutting supply. They know Americans are basically lazy and won't walk, and we love our SUV's. When we complain about not having the gas to drive everywhere, they'll increase production and raise prices and we'll gladly accept it.

It really all comes down to Bush 1's "New World Order". Anyone remember him talking about that? What is happening is we are moving toward a world-wide economy. Kinda like the Euro, but on a bigger scale. And anytime you equal things out (like what is happening with the world's economy), some things get better and some things get worse. Look around, and you'll notice thatcontries that used to be dirt poor, like China and India, are increasing their wealth, while countries that were well off, like the US,have their economy dropping. It's the laws of average, applied to a world wide economy. Our economy is not getting worse, it is just equalizing with the rest of the world.

Remember when gas prices first started increasing? What did the governmenttell us? "Be glad you don't live in England, gas is $7.00 a gallon there." Well, it won't be long before we are paying the same amout as England fornot only gas, but everything.

Old 11-14-2007, 05:01 PM
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Default RE: `How High will it Go ?


Congratulations on your daughter's success. She sounds like she would make a great leader. Her success also says a lot about her parents and upbringing. Great job!

As for the gas prices...

When ever I see polls in the media that ask the public how high they think gas will go, I picture the oil companies watching them and deciding that's how much people are willing to pay. Then they decide to raise the price to make it come true. I don't think we shouldget rid of opinion polls. After all, we all like to hear other's opinions. We don't have to agree with them, but we like to hear them. The oil companies have all of us by the throat, and they know it. I wish there was something practical we could all do right now to change the balance of power. Gas station boycotts don't work, because the oil companies know we can't go without gas for any length of time, and we'll be back.
Old 11-15-2007, 06:10 AM
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Default RE: `How High will it Go ?

[align=center]Thanks `Moderator Taz, and member's for adding[/align][align=center]to this topic....[/align][align=center]The price, and predicted shortages concerns me for the[/align][align=center]future of our World.[X(][8D][X(][/align][align=center]By the time I get out of college, and be able to afford a[/align][align=center]car like the Z06 : ), there might not be any fuel to enjoy `it.[X(][/align][align=center]That would really SUCK [:@][/align][align=center][:-]Space, U can have one gallon of gas only 2-day[/align][align=center][:-]
[/URL][/align][align=center][/align][align=center][/align][align=center]Gas coupon printed but not used in 1973 oil crisis[/align][align=center][/align][align=center]Below is from the Web.[/align][align=center]Peak oil is the point or timeframe at which the maximum global [URL=]petroleum production rate is reached. After this timeframe, the rate of production will enter terminal decline. If global consumption is not mitigated before the peak, the availability of cheap conventional oil will drop and prices will rise, perhaps dramatically. M. King Hubbert first used the theory in 1956 to accurately predict that United States oil production would peak between 1965 and 1970. His model, now called Hubbert peak theory, has since been used to predict the peak petroleum production of many other countries, and has also proved useful in other limited-resource production-domains. According to the Hubbert model, the production rate of a limited resource will follow a roughly symmetrical bell-shaped curve based on the limits of exploitability and market pressures.
Some observers, such as petroleum industry experts Kenneth S. Deffeyes and Matthew Simmons, believe the high dependence of most modern industrial transport, agricultural and industrial systems on the relative low cost and high availability of oil will cause the post-peak production decline and possible severe increases in the price of oil to have negative implications for the global economy. Predictions as to what exactly these negative effects will be vary greatly.
If political and economic change only occur in reaction to high prices and shortages rather than in reaction to the threat of a peak, then the degree of economic damage to importing countries will largely depend on how rapidly oil imports decline post-peak. The Export Land Model shows that the amount of oil available internationally drops much more quickly than production in exporting countries because the exporting countries maintain an internal growth in demand. Shortfalls in production (and therefore supply) would cause extreme price inflation, unless demand is mitigated with planned conservation measures and use of alternatives, which would need to be implemented 20 years before the peak.[URL=http://en.wikip
Old 11-16-2007, 09:31 AM
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Default RE: `How High will it Go ?

[align=center]Gas @ Orlando International Airport holiday gas[/align][align=center]price is $4.89 a gallon, I heard on the radio that some towns[/align][align=center]in California are over $5.00 a gal [X(][X(][:@][X(][X(][/align][align=center][:-][/align][align=center]Out of `Gas[/align][align=center][/align][align=center]The `End of the World[/align][align=center][/align][align=center]
Sect Holes Up in Cave to Await Doomsday [][X(][][8D]kewl [8D] [X(][8D]

Click below to read
Rest of the Story
(What some do, when they are out of `gas : )
Old 11-16-2007, 09:57 AM
Monte Of The Month -- December 2007
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Default RE: `How High will it Go ?

[align=center]No Worries SPACE!!![/align]
Here is your Grad Present from your Grand Pa Dave... shhhhhh... it's a secret:
[align=center]One Tesla Roadster:[/align][align=center][/align][align=center]This little beauty is 100% electric![/align][align=center]Goes 0 to 60 MPH in 4seconds[/align][align=center]245-miles on a single charge AT[/align][align=center]a COST of 2-Cents per mile!!![/align][align=center][/align][align=center]Check out Tesla Motors at:[/align][align=center][/align][align=center][/align][align=center]A PROPER VEHICLE FOR A SPACER JUST OUT OF COLLEGE![/align][align=center][/align][align=left]sorry Dave.... didn't mean to let the cat out of the bag....[/align][align=center][/align]
Old 11-16-2007, 10:04 AM
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Default RE: `How High will it Go ?

[align=center]Santa `Craig, & Net Grandpa Dave,[/align][align=center][/align][align=center][:-][/align][align=center]That's a Super nice Package - WoW -[/align][align=center][/align][align=center][/align][align=center]Are they in production now ?[/align][align=center]Do you know the cost ?[/align][align=center]I think we will be seeing more vehicle's like above in the near future.[/align][align=center]I can't wait to see, & drive on of those new Smart Cars, but they are[/align][align=center]still going to cost between $12 -$16K +[/align][align=center][/align][align=center]Thanks for the post, I EnJoy my web/dream/fantasy `gift : )[/align][align=center]Wish the reader of this a `Happy Day,[/align][align=center]Kid `Space : )[/align][align=center][/align][align=center]
[align=center][align=center]A PROPER VEHICLE FOR A SPACER JUST OUT OF COLLEGE![/align][/align]
[/align][align=center][/align][align=center]I still have a few more years @ school : ([/align][align=center]and `if I continue spending to much time away from[/align][align=center]my studies, it may be another 10 years [/align]
Old 11-16-2007, 10:33 AM
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Default RE: `How High will it Go ?

[align=center]No Gas 4 your Monte Carlo ?[/align][align=center][X(] [X(] [X(] [X(] [X(][/align][align=center]Your choices below[/align]

[align=center]Toyota to Test Plug-in Hybrids in California & Japan[/align][align=center]Toyota is testing a plug-in hybrid version of the Prius in Japan as well as in the US. They are teaming with two University of California for the pilot plug-in hybrid test program. Modified Prius plug-ins have demonstrated greater than 100 miles per gallon. News story | Press release | video [/align]


[align=center]Ford and Edison Partner to Advance Plug-in Hybrids[/align][align=center]Ford and Southern California Edison are partnering to develop and demonstrate plug-in hybrid technology. including a fleet of plug-in hybrid Ford Escapes. Edison has driven more than 14 million miles in its fleet of electric vehicles since the mid 1990's. Full story & video

(image courtesy


[align=center] Supports Plug-in Hybrid Development with $11 Million; Including $100,000 to Plug In Americaand $200,000 to The California Cars Initiative[/align][align=center]Google has announced the new initiative RechargeIT, which gives financial support for the development and adoption of plug-in hybrid vehicles. Grants totaling about $1 million were made to six groups to further the development and understanding of plug-in hybrids. Later this year, a request for proposals will be made public for an additional $10 million in RechargeIT grants. | video | Press release[/align]


[align=center]Plug In America Wins $142,000 Grant to Support Formula Hybrid Competition[/align][align=center]Plug In America has received a $142,000 grant from the California Air Resources Board (CARB) to support the participation of teams from California in the Formula Hybrid competition. Formula Hybrid challenges teams of college and university students to design, build, and race formula racecars with electric-gas hybrid and plug-in hybrid drive trains. Visit the Formula Hybrid website | see more images[/align]


[align=center][b][color=#808080][size=3] [IMG]

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