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NASCAR ~> Danica Patrick ?

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Old 12-09-2009, 04:49 AM
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Question NASCAR ~> Danica Patrick ?

Member's what do U think of Danica Patrick
entrance in2 NASCAR ?
Post your comments/share your thoughts ?
Will it be good 4 NASCAR ?
For U ?

Patrick lands Nationwide deal

She’ll run limited schedule in ’10, ’11

Just the first step?
By Michael Vega
Globe Staff / December 9, 2009

IndyCar driver Danica Patrick announced yesterday she had signed a two-year deal with JR Motorsports, co-owned by Dale Earnhardt Jr.
->"We all gota `do, what we all gota `do" ~>I'll take her 4 a ride
and Rick Hendrick, to drive a limited Nationwide Series schedule through 2011. While no dates were announced, other than an ARCA event at Daytona International Speedway Feb. 6, Patrick will drive the No. 7 Chevrolet sponsored by, which is also the sponsor of her IndyCar ride with Andretti Autosports.

“There is no mystery that I went down to Charlotte a couple of times over the summer and that I visited with different teams,’’ said Patrick, 27, who recently reached a three-year extension to drive for IndyCar owner Michael Andretti through 2012. “But this really came together because of obviously how competitive the car is and how good it is, but also the relationship Bob Parsons [CEO of] had with Dale Jr. and Hendrick. There were a lot of reasons why this came together, and it was really for all the right reasons.’’

Another reason, though, might have been Patrick’s desire to one day drive on the Sprint Cup circuit.

During an IndyCar teleconference last week, Patrick intimated that she was not prepared to jump into NASCAR with both feet just yet. Yesterday’s announcement was just a first step.

“Obviously, the first step in this process is to get out there and just get going and see how it goes and see how I like the car,’’ said Patrick, who is expected to drive in several Nationwide Series events before and after the IndyCar season, but not during it. “There’s no really extended plans at this point other than to give it a try and, hopefully, be competitive and have fun. Then we’ll explore from there.’’

Asked if she had hopes turning her two-year exploration into the rough-and-tumble world of NASCAR racing into a full-time ride in the sport’s premier series, Patrick said, “It would be very nice to have the option, and it would be nice to do well enough and have the opportunity, but we’ll just see how it goes from there.’’

Certainly, it would appear that the stars are in alignment for Patrick to transition into a Cup ride at Hendrick Motorsports. GoDaddy will be the primary sponsor next season of Mark Martin’s No. 5 Chevrolet fielded by Hendrick Motorsports. In September at New Hampshire Motor Speedway, Martin announced he had reached an extension to drive for Hendrick through 2012, which would coincide with the end of Patrick’s term on the Nationwide circuit.

“Just to think about that makes my eyes twinkle,’’ Parsons said. “I can tell you it’s the sort of thing we would have to look at when we got to that point and see how we’ve done and what our other obligations are, but, yeah, it’s a possibility.’’

Patrick said she was intrigued by the challenge of learning a new form of racing after spending much of her career in open-wheel cars.

“I spoke earlier about how exciting the racing was to me; it’s very side-by-side, lots of passing, and lots going on all the time, and I enjoy that part of IndyCar racing, so it’s really an extension of that,’’ said Patrick, who will now have to learn how to wrestle with a 3,500-pound stock car after finessing open-wheel cars half that weight.

“Obviously, it’s going to feel much different, and that’s part of the process of learning and I’m going to have to figure out what that means and how that translates for me, but it’s going to be a challenge, no doubt about it.

“But that’s really one of the things I’m looking forward to - it’s the racing.’’

Last edited by Space; 12-09-2009 at 05:02 AM.
Old 12-09-2009, 06:10 AM
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Publicity, thats all I can see it coming down to. Let her get in the face of one of those "good ol' southern boys" in NASCAR like she does to the foreign little "nancy boys" of the IRL and she'll be knocked on her fanny quicker then she drives. Find it kind of ironic that the most overrated driver in the IRL is teaming up with the most overrated driver in NASCAR. (Sorry folks but Jr ISN'T that good.) Seems like a match made in PR heaven!
Old 12-09-2009, 06:18 AM
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Originally Posted by KidSpace

There's NO doubt, we'd like to see MORE of Danica Patrick.......


It's obvious Go Daddy got themselves a "Go Girl" in Danica,
and they're going to get their money's worth!
After all, it's ALL about the almighty $$$!
And for those of you that watched the Camping World Truck / Nationwide series Championship awards ceremony,
NASCAR president Dan Helton, congratulating Kyle Busch for the championship win, told Kyle in front of the world to
Nascar NEEDS a "Bad Boy" to keeps things alive. Like him or NOT,
He's the BEST thing that's happened to NASCAR since Dale Earnhardt Sr passed in 2001.
Danica, with her foot stomping temper, has that same attitude, but this time it's a "Bad Girl" attitude,
and IF she can succeed where no other woman ever has,
she's as good as GOLD to Go Daddy, Jr, Rick Hendrick,
AND to ALL of NASCAR, especially in the merchandising market,
where MILLIONS of $$$ is spent every year!
Danica Patrick,
"Go Daddy's" Girl!
Old 12-09-2009, 07:24 AM
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Marriage ?

post 6666 oh `no
Old 12-09-2009, 07:27 AM
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Originally Posted by KidSpace
post 6666 oh `no
Post again QUICK!!! I guess that's the mark of the marriage of the beast? Seems fitting!
Old 12-09-2009, 07:59 AM
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Originally Posted by JAFO
Post again QUICK!!! I guess that's the mark of the marriage of the beast? Seems fitting!
Right after I posted my 6666 post my `puter frooze, I spilled my coffee,
and my g/f gave me my 2do list for 2day WoW..
Just reloaded & scanned : )

Properties of the number 6666

  • Symbolize the legions of Satan, similarly to the number 666 which represents Satan himself.
  • According to the occultists the troops of Satan include 6 legions of 66 cohorts of 666 companies to account for 6666 demons.
  • According to the Gospel of Barnabe, chapter 21, the person possessed cured by Jesus (Lk 8,26) had in him 6666 demons.
  • The king Solomon enclosed in a bottle, for a period of a day, Belial and its legions (522180 demons) and he arrived, another time, to make enter a ring 6666 demons that had dared to resist to him.
  • Saint Elisabeth, Queen of Hungary, with Saint Mathilde and Saint Brigitte, wishing to know some more about the Passion of Jesus-Christ, offered fervent prayers for this purpose, to the continuation of which Our-Lord Jesus-Christ appeared to them and gave them a message which was put in writing and then kept in a silvered money by His Holiness and by Emperors and Christian Empresses. This letter of our Saver Jesus-Christ, in which is mentioned that He received on the whole 6666 blows on the body, is devoted to the drops of Blood that Our-Lord lost on the path of the Calvary. Here is the integral contents of this letter mentioning very particular details on the sufferings that He endured:

    "I am descended from the Sky on the earth to convert you. Formerly, peoples were religious, and their harvests were abundant. At present, on the contrary, harvests are thin. If you want to harvest in abundance, you do not have to work Sunday, because Sunday you have to go to the church and to pray God to forgive your sins. He has given you six days to work, and one to rest you and to pray, to help poor people and to go to the church. Those which murmur against My Religion and despise this Holyed Letter will be abandoned by Me.

    On the contrary, those which will keep on them a copy of this letter will be preserved of the death by drowning and the sudden death, as well as all contagious sicknesses and the thunderbolt; they will not die without confession and will be preserved of their enemies and the hand of the bad authorities, as well as all their slanderers and false witnesses. The women in danger, at the time of the childbirth, will overcome all the difficulties by keeping this prayer close of her. In houses where one will keep this prayer, no misfortune will never arrive, and 40 days before the death of a person that guards this prayer on him or on her, the Virgin Mary will appear to him or to her.
    To all believers that will recite during 3 years each days, 2 Pater, Ave and Gloria, in the honor of Blood Drops which I lost, I will grant the five following graces:
    1. Plenary indulgence and the discount of your faults;
    2. You will be exempt of the sorrows of the Purgatory;
    3. If you die before to have accomplished the 3 years, it will be the same thing as if you had finished them;
    4. At your death, this will be AS IF YOU HAD POURED ALL YOUR BLOOD FOR THE FAITH;
    5. I will go down from the Sky to come to seek your soul and those of your children until the 4th GENERATION.
    Know that the number of armed soldiers were 150; those which trailed Me while I was attached were 23; the executors of justice were 83; I received 150 blows on the head; 108 on the stomach; 80 kicks on the shoulders; I was trailed 24 times by the hair; I received 180 SPITTLES ON THE FACE; 6666 blows on the body...; 110 times I was pushed brutally and, at midday, I was raised by the hair, stung by thorns and pulled by the beard 23 times; I received 20 wounds on the head; 110 stings of thorns on the head; 35 MORTAL THORNS IN THE FACE; then I was whipped and dressed as a king of derision; 1000 wounds on the body; 608 soldiers escorted Me on the Calvary; 3 Kept me, and 1008 mocked Me. The drops of blood that I lost were to the number of 28430".

    This letter was blessed by His Holiness Benedetta Da S.S. The Pope LEON XIII in Rome, April 5, 1890.
  • Some see in 6666 the number of years since the fall of Adam where during this period the Earth ill be submitted to the perverse influence of Satan (of which it is told that its number is 666 according to the Revelation) after what he will be chained for a thousand years as predicted by Saint John. That will correspond at the same time to the entry in the seventh millennium where the Truth will prosper freely.
  • According to Martinus Borrhaus, the number of angels amounts to 399920004: 9 orders of 6666 legions of 6666 angels (Job, ch. II, p.25).
  • Some advance that the Koran would include in fact 6666 verses.
OccurrenceWho HighJacked this THREAD ? : ) One never knows what they may find/read/learn on the MCF ~>4-sURE : )

Last edited by Space; 12-09-2009 at 08:09 AM.
Old 12-09-2009, 12:21 PM
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She's hot enough said.
Old 12-09-2009, 06:13 PM
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When she does start there ratings wont be the only thing going up lol
Old 12-09-2009, 09:39 PM
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Default ....Danica Patrick........

....o.k. Throw some Cold water on yourselves.........

She may, or , may not be good for the sport. I'm a big fan of
iroc...err uhh NASCAR but NASCAR needs a jump start
of sorts. She is probably overated like Jr. ( I'm a fan ) and few
other drivers out there. This could be a good thing for awhile
until Kyle Busch or Robbie Gordon takes her out. Then they will
have to deal with her husband as well. She's married guys, sorry.
It could be a PR move ? Where is Shawna Robinson ? And there
is another one. Don't forget about Erin Crocker (?) .
Bottom line is this ; NASCAR needs butts in the seats and t.v. ratings to go up.
Revenue !
Old 12-10-2009, 03:55 AM
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...Thanks Member's EnJoyed your post comments 4-Sure

...Go'in 2 drive naked Oh WoW lol
Perfect partner

The scrutiny Danica Patrick will face in her move to NASCAR will be something not many in the garage can relate to. David Caraviello says the one person who knows about the disparity between performance and popularity just happens to be her boss.

Cross: Danica chasing dream should be the focus | Shop: JRM Merchandise
Cloudy 74°

Season in Review:
No. 13 Kyle Busch

The highs were there for Kyle Busch but the lows were more prevalent.
Busch's highs, lows

...HIGH : )

Kyle's Corner:
Settle down, folks

Kyle Petty has no problem telling it like it is as Danica begins her NASCAR career.
With All Due Respect

Hope "7" is lucky 4 them : )
RCR plans to run the No. 07 at Daytona

Mears could be the driver; team still looking for full-time sponsor.
Uncertain future

'Dega race coverage raises questions

On-air criticism about sport has NASCAR, broadcasters at odds.
Cross: Opinions needed

Roush shuffles Nationwide teams

Beam promoted to competition director; two teams get new chiefs.
Banquet: Edwards

..Listen 2 me `Men : )

Sound Off:
Danica to JRM

Patrick comments on her part-time Nationwide schedule, challenge of racing stock cars.
Join the discussion!

Writer's Block:
Good luck, Danica

Joe Menzer on the success of IRL drivers -- and sums up Patrick faces a long road.
Conquer IndyCar first

NASCAR looks at greener fuel options

Hopes to have some type of ethanol blend in use as soon as 2011.
Green includes trees

Quick Reply: NASCAR ~> Danica Patrick ?

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