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Bush Vs Kerry

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Old 06-16-2005, 01:08 PM
Join Date: Nov 2004
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Default RE: Bush Vs Kerry

Bush has *****????? He's brave????????? oh, please!!!! It doesn't take ***** to send other people to thier death. When it was his turn to fight, he didn't even serve his full time in the National Guard! Kerry is a "girly man"? He VOLUNTEERED for TWO tours in Vietnam. Bush didn't fight for our country when he should have and he's not fighting for us now. How many politician's kids are serving in Iraq right now? Everything Bush has done his entire life was handed to him by his daddy's friends, and don't think they didn't expect a return on thier investment!
Old 06-16-2005, 04:29 PM
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Default RE: Bush Vs Kerry

Bush has *****????? He's brave????????? oh, please!!!! It doesn't take ***** to send other people to thier death. When it was his turn to fight, he didn't even serve his full time in the National Guard! Kerry is a "girly man"? He VOLUNTEERED for TWO tours in Vietnam. Bush didn't fight for our country when he should have and he's not fighting for us now. How many politician's kids are serving in Iraq right now? Everything Bush has done his entire life was handed to him by his daddy's friends, and don't think they didn't expect a return on thier investment!
Was this proven to be the case with GWB and the NG?

I found this read interesting..

First Myth - GWB joined the ANG to dodge Vietnam therefore he was a draft dodger. The facts: (1) when GWB applied for a pilot slot in the 147th Tactical Interceptor Group in May 1968, pilots from this unit were flying F-102 combat missions in Vietnam (Palace Alert). Logically, GWB would have expected to fly combat missions in Vietnam once flight and combat training requirements were completed. (2) GWB volunteered to fly combat missions in the F-102 while in the 111th Fighter Interceptor Squadron (FIS) as documented by pilots in his squadron and senior officers that served in the ANG with GWB. How could LWM conclude that GWB was dodging Vietnam when his unit was flying combat missions in Vietnam (when he applied) and he volunteered to go to Vietnam while serving in his unit? See my article: Bush and Uncommon Valor

Second Myth – GWB’s checking the “do not volunteer for overseas” box proved GWB was dodging duty in Vietnam. The facts: (1) the “do not volunteer for overseas” box was checked by all Guardsmen applicants for a pilot slot. (2) AF Form 125 (application for Extended Active Duty [EAD]) is required for every Air Force officer's personnel folder. This form is not a requirement for reservists and guardsmen unless called up for EAD. When guardsmen attend USAF pilot training school they are on EAD. As per retired Col. Campenni "Most guardsmen, like Lt. Bush and me, were told by personnel clerks to check off the "not volunteer" block because it was meaningless. We had to fill out the form to go to pilot training because that year was EAD; however, all ANG training bases were in the United States. In the Guard, you are the property of that unit and state. You aren't going anywhere except where your unit goes." See Answering Kerry's Questions by Col. William Campenni.

Third Myth – GWB was a coward for dodging Vietnam. The facts: (1) GWB had good reason to believe he would be going to Vietnam (when he applied for a pilot slot in the TANG) since members of his unit were deployed in Vietnam and flying combat missions (Palace Alert). (2) GWB volunteered for Vietnam combat flying duty. (3) GWB assumed exceptional dangers while flying the F-102 aircraft, historically 259 F-102 aircraft were lost in accidents that killed 70 pilots and severely injured many others (4) Pilots in GWB’s unit had been killed in aircraft accidents and F-102 pilots had been lost in combat. How could it be said that GWB was a coward? LWM fabricated the coward myth in behalf of the DNC, Terry McAuliffe, the Kerry Campaign and Left-Wing 527s to get a Left-Wing Democrat elected in 2000 and 2004.

Fourth Myth – GWB used political influence to leapfrog over hundreds of ANG applicants to dodge Vietnam and that someone else had to go to Vietnam in GWB's place. This never happened, go to: Leapfrogged Hundreds Hoax and Political Influence/Favoritism Hoax Had LWM investigative journalists wanted to give the American people a perspective about cowards during the Vietnam War, they would have looked outside the military to find these people. The draft dodgers, those that fled to Canada, the anti-war groups, the peace groups and all those who felt so strongly about their cause that they stopped demonstrating against the Vietnam War the day the Draft was terminated; that is,
Old 06-16-2005, 06:08 PM
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Default RE: Bush Vs Kerry

first of all im a texan and proud of it so i have to stand up for our former gov. i do think the whole WMD thing was bs but its not like bush was the one who went and inspected it was the retards that went over there and told bush that they were there it would have been the same for any president. and the whole clinton being a good pres. i think he just rode on the decisions bush sr. made and that made him look good but then again my opinion is very bias on this issue because im proud to be a texan and bush could be the worst pres ever and i probly would find some way to back him.
Old 06-17-2005, 04:29 AM
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Default RE: Bush Vs Kerry

church: It is very obvious that you never served in the military. which tells me two things, 1. You of all people don't have the slightest clue what ANY of us have put with in the past, and must put up with to this very day. and 2. that you yourself, are a coward. Anyone not willing to give up 4 simple short years of their life to defend the greatest nation in the world, of which they should be proud to be citizens, for whatever reason you may use to deceive youself, is a coward. Bush has *****? You are f*cking aye right he does. not for sending us to Iraq, but for standing up for what he believes in, not being a pushover b*tch, or someone who has to "flaunt" their purple hearts inorder to not be called a p*ssy. Which I might add, Kerry was a "river boat" commander, he sat on a vessel in the middle of a river, far from any actual combat or fighting, and just happened to be so "unlucky" as to catch some minor wounds. I myself in the 10 months I was in Iraq, have been in harsher combat and more dangerous conditions than Kerry ever was in his "volunteered" tours. But to stand up to a world of nations that hate him for something he believes in, to lose support from countless coalitions for what he knows is right...Takes more ***** than you and I put together will ever have. So please rchurch, do yourself a favor. serve in the military, any branch for that matter, under a leader like clinton, and then one like Bush, and tell me again he has no *****.
Old 06-17-2005, 04:43 AM
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Default RE: Bush Vs Kerry

I personally, would never fight for this country, let alone join the military. The United States government has made every attempt, in the past and present, to destroy my family's livelihood. what do i mean? i mean president bush and his gang of lackeys trying to break down and destroy the organized labor movement. For those of you in the dark, im speaking of Unions, and in particular, the I.B.E.W., which myself and my family have been proud, dues paying members.
Old 06-17-2005, 10:47 AM
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Default RE: Bush Vs Kerry


I am one of those that think the Union's should be broken up. Why you ask, when the Union's first came on the scene there was a place, time & need for Union's, not so much nowdays in todays society & market place. The Union's have been the number one cause for the manufacturing exodus from our country, the Union's are the number one reason the airlines are in the tanker. Our auto makers are suffering due not only to weak sales but the simple fact that they are squeezed to death in labor contracts and retirement policies set by these Union's. This list goes on and on and on. If we expect to be competitve in the world market place we better get creative or lower our operating cost or we WILL end up on the other side of the tracks my friend..

My take on this is, you don't like your job? Not getting paid enough?

Go find a better job! Get a better education! Move!

Change is a mother, but it's a part of life.

Speaking of change, companies are getting smarter, if the government does not find a way to end the Union's the marketplace and companies will. The airlines have been a fine example of this, they are out sourcing everything to smaller vendors to do the work that Union workers have been doing to cut cost for survival.


Old 06-17-2005, 12:26 PM
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Default RE: Bush Vs Kerry

SoCalSS -

I am sorry you are so bitter and full of hatred. It must be difficult to live your life like that. I hope you figure out what is really causing it and get it straightened out so you can truly enjoy the rest of your life. After fighting for our country you deserve personal peace and tranquility.

When I turned 18 the war in Vietnam had just ended. There was no war to go fight in. If I was 2 years older I would have been drafted and would have proudly served. They were not pushing for volunteers because they were downsizing the military at that time. I do want to say that I deeply appreciate your service to our country. I just happen to believe that the current war has nothing to do with the priciples that are the basis of our great country, but is a profiteer's war for personal gain for a select group of people.

President Bush said if you harbor terrorists you are against us and we are coming after you. 15 of the 19 hijackers were from Saudia Arabia. 41% of the suicide bombers in Iraq are from Saudia Arabia. Bin Lauden is a Saudi. Why didn't we invade Saudia Arabia instead of Iraq?

One of the things that make our country so great is the fact that each of us can voice our opinion without fear of retaliation or opression. I think this thread has served it's usefulness and has degressed into personal attacks and bitterness. We should all agree to disagree and get back to discussing what this site is intended for - our shared view that we all happen to drive one of the best cars available! With that said, I personally will not respond to any posts on this thread or any other thread that is not MC related.
Old 06-17-2005, 12:53 PM
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Default RE: Bush Vs Kerry

President Bush said if you harbor terrorists you are against us and we are coming after you. 15 of the 19 hijackers were from Saudia Arabia. 41% of the suicide bombers in Iraq are from Saudia Arabia. Bin Lauden is a Saudi. Why didn't we invade Saudia Arabia instead of Iraq?
That is a very good question.... And Syria, and Iran.. Boy, this list could get quite large.

I think this thread has served it's usefulness and has degressed into personal attacks and bitterness. We should all agree to disagree and get back to discussing what this site is intended for - our shared view that we all happen to drive one of the best cars available!
Good idea......

Old 06-17-2005, 05:08 PM
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Default RE: Bush Vs Kerry

Sorry guy's....... This topic is moving in the wrong direction..

Let's just agree to disagree on this one.. I guess I should have listened to MonteLS on this one...

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