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Welcome To K&N Filters To MCF!!

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Old 06-29-2005, 09:35 PM
Join Date: Apr 2005
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Default RE: Welcome To K&N Filters To MCF!!

well in the\ory yes there is take your pick

there is not a CIA kit for the monte from them but you can use one and just get a filter that will match your needs from them and it would do the same thing.

the CIA kits are nothign more then a tube and a hold drilled in them for the sensors . and routed to a out side spot on the car. look at teh ones for the Grand ams they have a kit that will work for our cars threw pfcy and it will route it to under the front head light and behind the front bummpper and also in sid ethe bay or out side in the front fender .

All you would have to do is get teh same size cone filter for your application and get the Blitz filter to fit that application IE the inside or out side diamitor of your tube you have chosen.

Valla you have a blits CIA for your Monte carlo But then that is up to you on what brand you would liek the Blits is a decent filter but also another throw away . Somthign i dislike with apassion is having to throw them away when you can find others out there that will work as good or better and you can rinse and reuse them

Also that kool blue from Acsel is a nice filter to but havent done alot to look at them as i have the K&N right now.

Hey i need your air box when you get that free fitletr LOL
Saves me having to gut mine LOL
Took mine out to day and the screen man that car howels now when it is sucking air in there.
Old 06-30-2005, 01:19 AM
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Default RE: Welcome To K&N Filters To MCF!!

ORIGINAL: mickey

and yes that is the models they MAKE THE CIA for but the cones for the most part can be fitted to anythign that has the same out side or inside dia. thatt he filter will fit. so in therory you could have the Blits filter if you so chose to do so.

free your mind and your *** will follow LOL
CIA=Central Intelligence Agency
CAI=Cold Air Intake

Modifying a product or your car so a certain product will fit does not = said manufacturer making a product for said vehicle

But since you choose to speak on something which you have no damn clue, let me school you too, son. What I said was, and I quote "The only performance air filter that I know of that doesn't use oil is Blitz, but they don't make an intake or replacement filter for the Monte." This is 100% true. Nobody ever said that you can't modify any given product to make it fit, but then again, that wasn't the issue now was it? They do not make an intake for the Monte, nor do they make a replacement filter(aka drop in) for it either. So stop arguing a totally different issue, stick to the script.
Old 06-30-2005, 05:28 AM
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Default RE: Welcome To K&N Filters To MCF!!

man I thought my ex wife had PMS

you need to see a surgen about getting the stick out of your *** becuse it is shoved way up there.

as far as the filters go if you have the Cold Air Intake then yes they make a dorp in or on in this case get the siz that fits your kit no mods needed. SO AGAIN IN THEORY THEY MAKE A FILTER FOR THE MONTE CARLOS TO

it is closed minded folks like your self that think the car from teh show room floor is the only way that car can be you cant do anythign unless someone else dose it for you . thats sad.

when i get mine done i will buy one of those damed filters just to prove the point that it can be done for you. should i draw you a picture to?
get your crayons out and think a bit you will figure things out that would blow your mind just give it some thought bud. my trunck cover hass lights in it dont mean that everyones dose and they dont make a kit for that etheir. but it has been done and now i have folks asking how i did it or where i found it. so if you make it they will look and even offer to buy it /
open your mind some quit being so damed critical over every littel thing that you dont think would work
you say your inteelagent well prove it make a CAI for your car with the filter on it. that should be a easy enough product to make that even you can figure out what end to stick the filter on

Old 06-30-2005, 10:55 AM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Tomball, Texas
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Default RE: Welcome To K&N Filters To MCF!!

ORIGINAL: mickey

man I thought my ex wife had PMS

you need to see a surgen about getting the stick out of your *** becuse it is shoved way up there.

as far as the filters go if you have the Cold Air Intake then yes they make a dorp in or on in this case get the siz that fits your kit no mods needed. SO AGAIN IN THEORY THEY MAKE A FILTER FOR THE MONTE CARLOS TO

it is closed minded folks like your self that think the car from teh show room floor is the only way that car can be you cant do anythign unless someone else dose it for you . thats sad.

when i get mine done i will buy one of those damed filters just to prove the point that it can be done for you. should i draw you a picture to?
get your crayons out and think a bit you will figure things out that would blow your mind just give it some thought bud. my trunck cover hass lights in it dont mean that everyones dose and they dont make a kit for that etheir. but it has been done and now i have folks asking how i did it or where i found it. so if you make it they will look and even offer to buy it /
open your mind some quit being so damed critical over every littel thing that you dont think would work
you say your inteelagent well prove it make a CAI for your car with the filter on it. that should be a easy enough product to make that even you can figure out what end to stick the filter on

God, I was thinking it was just me. Thanks for the chuckle this morning... LMAO...

If I end up going with the fenderwell CAI I feel that I may have to hold on to the factory chop job I did. Do you need another box? I'd be happy to find you another if you need one..

Old 06-30-2005, 11:40 AM
Join Date: Apr 2005
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Default RE: Welcome To K&N Filters To MCF!!

glad ya got a kick out of it just got sick of being attacked for every thign i say LOL

my god if i thought i couldnt do somethign becuse i was told i couldnt i would still be living at home with mommy.

hell i have had more chalenges in my life then he has in his and his parents life.

i was told i would never walk again or even beabel to feed my self after the bike wreck well i got news for ya two years to the day i walked in to the dr. office and gave him back his wheel cahir and bought him lunch to prove his *** wrong . Im sure i figure out how to make something for a filter for my car LOL

As far as the box gose do me a favor and see what they cost I might just get a new one to do a chop job on it. If i ever find my dremel tool again i was going to do it to mine here LOL
Old 06-30-2005, 07:14 PM
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 3,221
Default RE: Welcome To K&N Filters To MCF!!

ORIGINAL: mickey

man I thought my ex wife had PMS

you need to see a surgen about getting the stick out of your *** becuse it is shoved way up there.

as far as the filters go if you have the Cold Air Intake then yes they make a dorp in or on in this case get the siz that fits your kit no mods needed. SO AGAIN IN THEORY THEY MAKE A FILTER FOR THE MONTE CARLOS TO

it is closed minded folks like your self that think the car from teh show room floor is the only way that car can be you cant do anythign unless someone else dose it for you . thats sad.

when i get mine done i will buy one of those damed filters just to prove the point that it can be done for you. should i draw you a picture to?
get your crayons out and think a bit you will figure things out that would blow your mind just give it some thought bud. my trunck cover hass lights in it dont mean that everyones dose and they dont make a kit for that etheir. but it has been done and now i have folks asking how i did it or where i found it. so if you make it they will look and even offer to buy it /
open your mind some quit being so damed critical over every littel thing that you dont think would work
you say your inteelagent well prove it make a CAI for your car with the filter on it. that should be a easy enough product to make that even you can figure out what end to stick the filter on

you can throw baseless insults all you want, it bothers me in the least. Nor does it change the fact that my original statement stands BLITZ DOES NOT MAKE A CAI OR A REPLACEMENT AKA DROP IN FILTER FOR THE MONTE CARLO. A cone filter, or any other shape for that matter, is not a drop in filter. A drop in filter is one that is identical to the factory filter in shape and size and utilizes the factory airbox just as the original filter that came with the car did. I NEVER said thier existing filters would not fit an existing CAI, so again, you are arguing a totally irrelevant issue.

I think that the only way a car can be is as it came off the showroom floor? LMAO!!! I can't do anything unless someone does it for me? LMAO!!! Please explain to me how you have come to this conclusion? My last two Hondas had well over 10k in mods between the both of them, so much for the showroom floor theory. And of those mods, the only things I did not do myself were paint, window tint and suspension on the Civic, I did the suspension on my Accord. Other than that, I did it all. So much for having to have somebody else do everything for me.

When you are ready to address the issue, let me know. And just since I know you have ADD, I'll remind you what the issue is....Does Blitz make a Cold Air intake for the Monte Carlo, or a drop in(factory replacement) filter for the Monte Carlo? Addressing anything other than that isn't necessary.

And last time I checked, LS's don't come off the showroom floor w/dual SuperTurbo's, which I did pay to have done seeing as how I don't have a bender, the tubing or a welder.
Old 06-30-2005, 09:11 PM
Join Date: Apr 2005
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Default RE: Welcome To K&N Filters To MCF!!

ok on that same deal you said it your self
A factory replacement for a cold air indutcion system

the last time i check that was not a option on the cars so if this is what your looking for then no none of the filters on teh market for CAI's will work for themonte carlos or half of the other cars running on the road that were liek this from the factory.


the SLP cars that came out with the stage kits were considerd factory cars with up grades added to them later normally after the person bought them the were sent to thier shop for the up grades. So those cars Use a factory CAI in this case .and yes they make a cone for them
that fits them and will be considerd a factory replacemnt part.

Now the other thing that you are arguing about in the From. is that the blitz site that i seen they were not offering thier filters to the factorys so therefore the filters in question in this thread are not considerd factory replacements to begin with and would be considedrd a up grade to the factory crap. So now who is arguing a mute point here?

the point is i made a statment that you didnt like and there fore you have to attempt to prove me wrong in this I am standing by this and saying yes in THEROY they make a filter that will fit the Monte carlos

NO IT WILL NOT FIT THE FACTORY AIR BOX but then again you have mentied the CAI systems for our cars so considering they dont fit in side the factory air box agian you are arguing a mute point

This is not your high scool debate team here, it is a internet fourm incase you forgot you dont have to argue with everyone to prove you might know something. honestly i dont think the majority here cares weather you know every thing or not.

as far as your hondas go Congrats im glad you and your fishier price tools could work on them ill buy the next box of rice for you would you like min. rice or the boil and eat stuff?

i said and i quote it from the above paragrph above

[b]"it is closed minded folks like your self that think the car from teh show room floor is the only way that car can be you cant do anythign unless someone else dose it for you . thats sad. "[/b]

Again closed mined you are not opening up to look past what the web site says thier filters will fit on . hell i dont even care what they say they will or wont fit if that is what i want on the car i will find away to make it work and make it do it the right way and look good doing it.

do you think that all the cars to day have a hidden option for the suidside doors on them or shaved door locks? and handels or trunk locks?
they have a kit for this now but it used to be go to the bone yard and find the right parts to do it
they make a kit now to make it easy for folks to find and get the right parts to make them work.

this is not a A.D.D. thing that i worry about but it dose concern me that you seem to think it is fun to mention things like this trying to prove that your intelegent .I think that you have proven other wise.

if this was the case then you would be above name calling and trying to prove you know more then the next person on the fourm. or that you in all of your wisdom are better then some one due to your vocabularry or spelling skills.

hey i admit i m not the smartest person in the world i like it that way gives me something to do in life to learn more, not think i have to belittle someone for thier faults. pesonally i dont care what you call me.

you want it real well here ya go lets get real !
I personally think your a punk kid with nothing better to do then bitch and whine and try to prove you are the best you think you are. hell belive in your self dont think we have any thing to prove to you i have done my time. but till you have the ***** to stand in front of someone and know that thier only intent in life is to kill you and it is you or them and you do this fo
Old 06-30-2005, 09:41 PM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Tomball, Texas
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Default RE: Welcome To K&N Filters To MCF!!

Ummmmmmmmmm... Mickey...... See that little red hand at the bottom of each users post? Use it.... Warpath actually reminded me that the function was there...

It works quite well..... I should add that after you click it it will ask you if your sure you want to IGNORE this person.... I stress..... IGNORE.....

Old 07-01-2005, 01:10 AM
Join Date: May 2005
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Default RE: Welcome To K&N Filters To MCF!!

ORIGINAL: mickey
Wow, that was pretty lame. You keep arguing whether or not their air filter will fit an existing CAI. That was never in question, the only things in question were #1, does Blitz make a CAI for the Monte Carlo? Answer, NO. #2, does Blitz make a drop in filter for the Monte Carlo? Answer, NO. No more discussion is needed on the subject. Mustang rims fit on a 2001 Regal GS, does that mean Ford made them for Buick?
Old 07-01-2005, 01:12 AM
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Default RE: Welcome To K&N Filters To MCF!!

ORIGINAL: tvanwinklehome

Ummmmmmmmmm... Mickey...... See that little red hand at the bottom of each users post? Use it.... Warpath actually reminded me that the function was there...

It works quite well..... I should add that after you click it it will ask you if your sure you want to IGNORE this person.... I stress..... IGNORE.....


thanks for the credit for this T.V.W.

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