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Old 03-15-2009, 08:10 AM
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Angry Upset

- Another Way `Off Topic Thread by that Weird Crazy Kid from Space -
Sorry, Working Sunday in the Office

Hi Member's,
What in your `life upsets you ?
Other then ~> Empty `Space

Main Entry: upset
Function: verb
Text: 1 to trouble the mind of; to make uneasy <the smallest things can upset us if we're already stressed> Like when you Monte Carlo won't start -- see DISTURB 1

A few things that upset me

1. Kids from `Space
2. Some People, ok many people
3. People that clean their car out while driving
down the road. Throwing their cigarettes/garbage out the windows.
4. People that visit the beach and leave their thrash/broken bottles, etc.
5. People that drive 30 mph under the Speed Limit
6. Drunk/Stoned Drivers
7. Drivers on Cell Phones/Texting & all over the road.
8. Pretty Women wearing cloths
9. People that `take & never `give back
10. People that purposely `Hurt
( I have about a million more, but I will leave some room 4 members to post )

Your `Turn - Sound `Off
Post what P's U `Off

Last edited by Space; 03-15-2009 at 10:15 AM. Reason: To fill in the Empty `Space : ) lol
Old 03-15-2009, 08:28 AM
wiz kidd's Avatar
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Originally Posted by KidSpace

8. Women wearing cloths too
Old 03-15-2009, 12:25 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
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Originally Posted by wiz kidd too

Some stuff that upsets me is.
1. having my car in storage right now
2. not being able to drive my car right now.
3. people that call anything that is not a V8 rice
4. people that are to lazy to put some thing in a garbage can at a fast food place and just leave it on the table.
5. and some other random stuff about people in general
Old 03-15-2009, 01:14 PM
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Thumbs down How 2 Stop, Shut Up `Space

How To Stop Letting Little Things In Life **** You Off

Have you ever seen someone complain about a parking ticket as if it’s the end of the world?
Have you been cut off in traffic and let it ruin your whole day?
How many times have you let your experience at the airport (crying baby, delayed flight, missing luggage) be the first thing you bring up in conversations with friends?
I want you to repeat after me: “these things happen”. 4-Sure

We all have these types of events come up in life, but successful people just go on as if nothing has happened, and unsuccessful people let it derail them.

The next time you feel a surge of anger coming on over an insignificant event in your life, go over these points in your head:
  1. You look like an idiot

  1. There is no polite way to put this. When others around you see you COMPLETELY lose it over the dent in your Monte car door, they aren’t feeling sorry for you and wondering how they can help. They are subconsciously judging you and coming to one inescapable conclusion: you aren’t in control of your life.

  2. If something this small throws you off, imagine how you’d react to a REAL problem in life. Overreacting tells the people around you that you can’t be trusted to deal with important issues. You’re not the goto guy (or gal) when they’re in need, because you can’t even take care of yourself.

  3. The only person you’re hurting is yourself

    Did you ever realize that when you get upset at someone who cuts you off in traffic, they generally never even know? Usually they speed off never the wiser to your insults and gestures. By getting angry, you’re doing zero harm to them while simultaneously hurting yourself even more. That doesn’t make much sense, and is a waste of your precious time and energy.

  4. Now heres the zinger. What if that person purposely WANTED to upset you (they have some subconscious need to pick on others, they’re parents didn’t love them enough, etc)? Well then they are getting the exact reaction they wanted, and you’re playing right into they hands. 4-Sure

  5. If you really want to mess with someone who flips you off in traffic, try smiling and waving back, and watch the confused look on their face. With time, you can even learn to appreciate and love these people (bizarre I know) for the important role they serve in life: helping to remind you how NOT to live.Don’t judge them, they are just at a different point in understanding life, like that crazy kid on the MCF
  6. Find something to be grateful about Like owning & driving
  7. the Awesome Chevy Monte Carlo

  8. So you’re sitting there in rush hour traffic about ready to tear your hair out. Train yourself to go right into gratitude, and start listing what you’re grateful for and what good can come from this situation.

  9. Maybe its the perfect time to make a phone call to a loved one you’ve been putting off.
  10. Maybe its just a chance to put things in perspective and marvel at how far technology has come. After all, primitive mankind would have had to walk this distance. You get to SIT in an air conditioned chair barely pushing the accelerator, especially
  11. if you are driving a fast Monte Carlo SS

    There is something good in every situation, and you can find it. Even if its just that you’re grateful for the chance to practice being grateful and being able to escape & read post by Space
    on the MCF
Unsuccessful people are REACTIVE. They are a leaf blowing in the wind, the world is happening around them, and they are just trying to stay alive. When something bad happens, someone did it TO them and they take it personally. They get caught up in the victim mentality and take every opportunity to let people know it.

Successful people, on the other hand, are PROACTIVE. They make things happen in life and are on a mission. (like a `Space Mission) And by golly, they aren’t going to let some silly parking ticket take them off their mission. Instead, they say to themselves “these things happen” and move on to more important tasks.
Like posting on the MCF
Wish the reader of this a Stress Free Happy Day/Life

Post like this `upsets me

Last edited by Space; 03-15-2009 at 01:18 PM.
Old 03-15-2009, 04:46 PM
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 1,290

i hate being used. it absolutle pisses me off. that is my top thing. but otherwise all that special stuff up there puts me over to. especially stupid people.
Old 03-15-2009, 06:02 PM
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I was once told that resentment is like drinking poison yourself and expection someone else to die.... you are really just hurting yourself.
Old 03-15-2009, 10:12 PM
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uh oh did cowboy have to create a new account here????? and as true as what you said everybody has something that makes them unhappy. some show it differently than others. some call it pet peeves and hide it with them selves while others lash out. so why not do it in a friendly enviroment were others can do it to
Old 03-16-2009, 12:09 AM
Enzo354's Avatar
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1. People that chew loud.
2. People that breathe loud.
3. People that pull out in front of you and then drive slow.
4. People that ride your @$$ after you pass them.
5. Gorilla glue
Old 03-16-2009, 02:17 AM
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 281

1) People who consistently lie
2) People who drive the opposite way you are with brights on and don't have any common courtesy as to turn them off...
3) People who give up so easily
4) People who try and tell you what you're gonna do.
5) Dodge Ram trucks that run people over lol

I'm sure there is more..
Old 03-16-2009, 07:24 AM
dustybird3's Avatar
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!. Cabinet doors and drawers left open.
2. Cellphones/texting while driving.
3. People that bite their forks and drag it across their teeth.
4. PETA nutcases that have gone off the chart on their hypocritical missions.
5. Hypocrits in general.
6. Our blind/deaf government.
7. People that park too close to my baby.
8. People that bang their door or shopping cart into other's property, namely my baby.
9. People that have no control over their kids and let them run wild thereby ruining a nice night out or even just a trip to the store.

Last edited by dustybird3; 03-16-2009 at 07:27 AM.

Quick Reply: Upset

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