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Really hard life decisions...

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Old 12-27-2009, 02:23 AM
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Brittany they can not make you do anything. Can they cut you off and take your Monte? Of course. Then you would have to go buy your own and figure things out or move back. You will never have an adult relationship with them until you start to assert some of your independence. We love our Monte's but in the end they are just cars, and more can be had. I really think you need to visit with them and lay it on the line. You may be surprise what they have to say.
Old 12-27-2009, 02:35 AM
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What he said. Todd took the words out of my mouth. My parents have completely been irrational at times until I asserted my age and my stance / opinions on things and they began to see how much like EACH of them I have become. My dad is all business, he does what he says he's going to do, and that's why people that are flakey like, bother the ever loving daylights out of me. My mother has a very short tolerance for stupidity. Once they realized that the only person that knew what was right for me, WAS ME, and that I wouldn't allow myself to be screwed over, they had no choice but to let go. My parents had to learn to trust in my judgement as a grown woman... you're getting there. Just don't rush it. Be professional in your stance and tell them WHY you are passionate about what it is YOU are passionate about.

Look at it this way. IF you wake up in the morning, thinking about writing books or novels or short stories... you aren't going to become a writer, you ARE a writer. If you can't stop thinking about being in the navy, then you already know what you want to do. All it takes is strong will. You're getting there girlie.
Old 12-27-2009, 07:35 PM
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I'm not an expert on this. But if you're too afraid to tell your parents that you're THINKING of joining the navy, how well are you going to do in the service?

If you really want to serve your country, your family should be the first one's you discuss it with.
Old 12-27-2009, 08:29 PM
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Well Im currently in the Navy. Been now going on 4 years. Hence the screenname SEAL0716 for U.S. Naval SEAL. Very very 1st thing, 85% of what the recruiter have told you is either not true or partially false. Now before I say anything I am not trying to get you to join, it doesnt benefit me in any way if you do. If you go in as an officer, your basically made for life if you stick with it. Your already a boss, your already in control of so many people. I didnt have the opportunity to go to school and enlisted in. However I knew the tricks of the recruiters before joining and ended up going to bootcamp an E-3 and graduating as an E-4 although not immediatly. I worked my way up. If your MOS (job for non-military savvy ppl) is something on a ship, you will have an experience like no other officer or not. For some reason we dont follow rank aboard. It is really fun. Of course you have your duties, but its great. All the travel, new people, and the food is amazing believe it or not, even better on submarines, every friday is steak and lobster, no joke, but surface warfare food is great too. One thing which for some reason recruiter dont go over even though it would help them is all the extra money besides your base pay. Theres overseas pay, immenient danger pay, dive pay, tour pay, airborne pay, just to name a few. If your not doing too much extra and just on a ship, its about $500 extra a month. But can go up to $2k if you have your hands in everything. I could go on forever about the pros and cons. If you have any specific questions or wanna squash or prove rumors, just lemme kno. My personal opinion is I love it. I should have gone in as an officer but heck im getting paid now to go to school, on my own time of course, but what an experience in the meantime.
Old 12-27-2009, 08:31 PM
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Hey Brittany!

I just glanced over this, and I figured I would drop in as somebody who has tried the transferring thing.

Transferring is tricky. The counselors throw a big pitch at you and it all sounds good, and it doesn't work out. Let me tell you a story about how this worked for me. I decided at the end of my freshman year that I wanted to transfer out of my then major (Religion). I considered going into engineering again at NC State, what I originally wanted to do. I checked their website, which has a list of colleges and courses which transfer. All bout 4 hours would transfer. Well when I talked to a transfer adviser, I found out 2 things. 1) All of my credits except 4 WOULD transfer, but only 12 of my 37 hours would transfer TOWARDS A DEGREE!!!! The rest would be electives, and more than I needed, and the electives weren't in the right categories (Campbell had a fairly strict set of electives to take, so many in history, so many in religion, etc.) where as NC State just has "Humanities" electives and you take so many hours in a broader range of fields. I had a stack of crap I wouldn't need. 2) I didn't have the right courses to transfer. My grades were good and would transfer fine, but they weren't in the right courses. I needed economics, I needed physics, I needed chemistry, I needed Calculus. I abandoned the idea and am now going at a history and teaching program at Campbell where I ended up losing 1 class and everything else transferred as part of my curriculum! So the key question to ask is not will the class transfer, it is WILL IT TRANSFER TOWARDS A DEGREE?

About the Navy, I think you need to talk to someone who has taken that route!! Don't listen to me or anyone on here unless they've been there. Your boyfriend may be able to help, being in the Army. Find someone in the Navy ROTC and talk to them! It could be tricky, but find friends of friends who are in the Navy and how it has worked out for them. These TV commercials and even the recruiters can be downright deceptive. Those recruiters, to my knowledge, have quotas they are aiming to keep. Sometimes, they are downright desperate! My brother signed a paper to get some free mess in high school, today he's 30 years old and it has only been in the last year or so that the US Army quit sending mess to the house all of the time.

EDIT: I was typing as the last post was made apparently. I didn't mean this to be against him, but this was written before reading what he wrote and some of it is rather repetitive, so I apologize. I once again would like to take the opportunity to tell you to talk to people who have taken the path.

Racing could be fun, but my minimal experience in knowing guys and kind of halfway helping out with it and the such is that it is a pit to pour money into. You have to decide how much of your heart you want to dedicate to it. At this point in your life, if you were going ot make it big, you need to be running Formula 3 or ARCA or something to that affect I would think. If you want to be the queen of the local tracks, you could still pull that off.... but I'm not too keen on what it takes to be a professional driver. Most of those big guys spend their college era years building their racing careers rather than college.

Last edited by Cowboy6622; 12-27-2009 at 08:35 PM.
Old 12-28-2009, 02:59 PM
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Okay I'm gonna try to keep all of these subjects and topics separate and hopefully y'all get it all lol

Okay, my parents do know about how I wanna go into the Navy and in a way it feels like they're talking me out of it. And today my dad wants to "talk" to me about the "decisions" i've been making lately. And during that convo I'm gonna lay the whole Navy down with him and tell him everything that is on my mind, including the whole reason about how I feel it's the only reason I'm ever gonna be able to become completely independent from them and all.

Navy stuff...oh yeah I hear that kinda of stuff from the recuiters all the time but my plan is to try to see all of this in writing before I sign on. if they can't show it to me on paper then I probably won't join because I don't want to be weaseled into something and then find out it's not all that they say it is ya know. And yeah the experience of being able to travel and what not would be absolutely amazing because besides the ocean and racing stuff, all I ever wanted to do since I was little was to be able to travel and experience different cultures and what not ya know adn I think the Navy will help make that happen for at least 4 years, maybe, there is that possiblity.

Oh yeah I will most def make sure my classes will transfer toward my major, especially that damn chemistry class bcuz there is no way on this earth that I'm taken that class ever again unless someone is holding a gun up to my head lol. I was wanting to take my time on this transferring thing but if I wanna tranfer into Fall 2010 it looks like I've only got until February to decide and apply or at least SLU I do, not too sure about Truman. But I did email both schools about the process of transferring and all this and all that.

Racing, yeah pretty much all I know I would be able to do unfortunately unless I got really lucky is just be queen of the local tracks and honestly that is good enough for me at this point. I love the local track vibe and environment and it's just such a great feeling pulling into the pits on race night. I really miss those days for sure.

Pretty much with all of these decisions, I'm trying to soooo hard to make sure I make the right one. And at this point of my life, it's extremely hard knowing whats right and what isn't right. I hate being a teenager i wish life would just lay out itself for me or God would just tell me which path I need to go in life.
Old 12-28-2009, 04:32 PM
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Brittany that angst and apprehension you are feeling is what we all feel. I am glad to hear you are going to talk with your dad and it sounds like you are moving down the path towards the right decision. Have faith in yourself and your decision. When you make your decision you will feel at peace and that is how I always know that I have made the right decision.

Last edited by Teacher; 12-28-2009 at 05:11 PM.
Old 12-28-2009, 04:36 PM
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yeah thanks todd. hopefully i'll feel at ease once i finally make a decision. but now idk if me and my dad are gonna talk. he always says stuff and then he takes it back. makes me so angry ya know. but idk i'll tell you guys how that convo goes if it ever happens.
Old 12-28-2009, 05:28 PM
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I remember when he was proud of you for thinking about going into the navy lol

Last edited by SIC LSX; 12-28-2009 at 05:56 PM.
Old 12-28-2009, 05:37 PM
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One of the things you will learn in life is there are certain phrases that help motivate people. I would try letting your dad know how important it is for you to talk. One of the ways to do that is to tell them that you hope he can find the time to help you make the decision, but tell him the decision is going to be made even if he does not find the time. Let him know that you value and need him.

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