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Primary Predictions...

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Old 12-27-2007, 08:50 PM
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Default RE: Primary Predictions...

Ask your dad where he would be today if he had a good private medical I said, wouldn't you like to have a choice? In most of Europe, it is ILLEGAL TO HAVE YOUR OWN PRIVATE HEALTH INSURANCE FOR ANYTHING THE GOVERNMETN PROVIDES!!!!! What kind of system is that? Imagine if everyone in America was on Medicare/Medicaid. Then your dad would really be up teh creek without a paddle. Imagine if that system was FORCED on EVERYONE in America!!!!!!!!! We should help those that cna't help themselves, I'll give you that much, but helping those who are perfectly capable of helping themselves is flat out government abuse. This is what Micheal Moore wants.. this is what Democrats want.

Europe and Canada are currently trying to move away from government health insurance to more private insurance ot be more like America, meanwhile the MoveOn Democrats are leading America towards Socalized medicine like hte rest of the world. If countrys with populations as small as 30-40 million people couldn't make this work, hten (excuse my language), what the hell makes you think America, a country with 300 million people can make it work? If you think we can make socialized medicine work, I feel sorry for you. The program would work for a couple of years... but after everyone realizes they can freeload on the government, those of us who work and support ourselves will have that many more people to support. Look how many people right now abuse the welfare system in the United States... how many people would abuse this government health program?


So anyways... back to the primary predictions. According to the MCF, its going to be Hitlary v. Huckabee.

Hitlary Rodham:

Mike Huckabee

Old 12-27-2007, 09:16 PM
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Not sure what radio host you get your information from, I suggest you read up on the Canadian and European health care plans, and novel as it may sound, talk to some Canadians and Europeans about it. They do indeed also have private health care plans. Also, read the snopes article I linked to, itcancels outsome of the lies.

As to whether the U.S. can make it work, we put a man on the moon, I think we can do healthcare. And think about your "freeloaders",that would be everybody in the U.S. if we had universal health care, right? If everybody had the same insurance that Congress has, how is that government abuse?

Don't put too much stock into something a talking head on the radio says, that's ALL they have ever done in life.
Old 12-27-2007, 09:17 PM
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Default RE: Primary Predictions...

I vote for MAD717!

Every one of the front runners in this election suck and you would have to put a gun to my head to vote for the top two of either party.

I would like to see either Richardson or Paul, but America seems to vote for popularity not issues. Georgia allows for cross party voting so I will probably pick the lessor of the evil and see how it all shapes up for the major election in the fall.

Until then have fun with your choice!
Old 12-27-2007, 10:11 PM
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Default RE: Primary Predictions...

i looked into it for mysefl.. i even talked to a man from the UK myself. i told him about what i heard on talk radio (Neal Boortz mainly, he's my favorite), and he said everythign was true. he even talked about how most of hte time when you went to the doctor, you didn't even sign up on a sheet. you sat in a chair. everytime a person went to see the doctor, you moved down a chair nad hopefully before the end of the day you made it to the doctor. i suggest YOU look how the system works mad. Britain and I think Canada (maybe a Canadian can help me with this) recently repealed laws that banned having private healthcare. the reason was that their goverment agenceis were so overwelmed they could not handle theburden anymore, so theyare now trying to allow the private sector to handle some of it. I even know some Canadian truck drivers who buy worldwide health care systems and come to America everytime they need health care. now, tell me this... if the socialized medicine is so great in Canada, why woudln't these drivers get their health care in Canada? WHY?!?!?!?!? I would suggest you talk to some people who have had health problems and go to doctors. maybe you should listen to some talk radio.. several people call in when the issue comes up and mention how bad it really is there. i've tlaked ot a couple of these people with myself: the stories are all consistant. as I said, micheal moore and hitlary seem to think this is the way to go, and they show the good points and claim the badones "won't happen in America".

Democrats say "our healthcare system is failing, therefore, governemtn should take it over" this is not the correct answer. Ronald Reagon said it perfectly, the 9 most scary words in the English language are "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help." Instead, we should focus incentives to private companys to develop new ways to lwoer health care costs. Government regulations are some of the problems now.

You're going to win here, I am going to lose. You are goign to get your Socialized Medicine. Even as we hear the horrer stories day after day, America is going to get Universal Healthcare. It will work fine for a little while (maybea year or so, if that). However, in the end, you will not be happy with it.

And on Ron Paul... well, Ron Paul sounds good, but I don't think it would work out. He refuses to compromise. This sounds good, and to an extent is good. But look at Woodrow Wilson after WWI. He went to Versailles with the 14 points... one of which was the League of Nations. This was hte only part that Congress did not like was the League of Nations. Congress did not approve the Treaty of Versailles, and America did not enter the League of Nations. This was because Wilson wouldn't compromise and say "Fine, we will fight to take the League of Nations out and sign the treaty" instead, he went for "all or nothing", and got nothing. Ron Paul will face a Democratic congress ,that mcuh is almost certain. If he refuses to compromise, he will get nothing accomplished. Taking out income taxes will not force government to cut spending. That wll just make the decicit increase. He fights for "decreasing the national debt" but has policies that would only increase it. His plans look good on paper, but I don't think they would pan out. However, if he made the nomination, I think I could bring myself to vote for him.

Now, I'm not completly closed ot not supporting Ron Paul. I would evne like to offer you all a challenge: convince me that Ron Paul would actually be able to push his poli
Old 12-27-2007, 10:25 PM
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Default RE: Primary Predictions...

so mad.. about your article. i read this, and it still looks like the private sector is the way to go. i read about the taxes these people pay, plus $96 a month premiums to get health care coverage. after taxes and premiums, i will not disclose the exact amonts, but my family is actualy paying about the same for health insurance as canada, and we still get better treatment. plus, htis site wants to argue with a guy abotu his own experience and what it is like? what the hell?

btw, my last post may have stolen space's record for the longest post ever on the MCF
Old 12-27-2007, 11:04 PM
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I'm voting for the fisrt candidate that says they will open the doors of the Selective Service Offices and start Drafting a few hundred thousand good men and women to beef-up the numbers of Enlisted in our Armed Forces.

I'm sick of this crap, like when a Tornado sweeps an American City near off the map and the Local Guard Unit is in Iraq ... so. there so much as a Jeep to be found let-alone all the Trucks and National Guardsmen to go along with them. National Guard = USA = Homeland. Those guys are supposed to be Stationed here in the Homeland ... not overseas fighting the same war that brought-down Ceaser, Nero and The Pharos (now appearing at The Roadhouse) ... and to which there will be no end.

Nothing like a little letter from Your Government ... beginning with: "Greeting" ... to sober your *** up and make you appreciate the work being done by people who signed-up for a two year job and are still in well after their third year and second or third tour!
Old 12-28-2007, 05:46 AM
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I'm with Rick on that, but suggest going further. Have 2 years mandatory service for everybody, that way those with medical issues can serve, too. It doesn't have to be 2 years in the military, there are many other things young folks could do to serve their country. It seems to work pretty well for the Israeli's.
Old 12-28-2007, 06:08 AM
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[align=center]And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.[/align][align=center][/align][align=center]My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.[/align][align=center][/align][align=center]Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own.[/align][/align][align=center]"Ask not what your country can do for you,~ask,[/align][align=center]What can you do for your Country ?"[/align][align=center][align=center][/align][align=center]`Space[/align][align=center][/align][align=center]

[/align][align=center]Space, Come Home [/align][/align]
Old 12-28-2007, 06:24 AM
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Cowboy, the article I linked to is in response to an email making the rounds in Republican land. It is a FAKE email, which the article clearly states, and snopes is an urban legend debunking website. It investigates urban legends and puts the facts out there for all to see. This email is an urban legend, made up by health care providers to scare people into thinking like you do.
As for their premiums, trust me, I pay a LOT more than $100 a month for my health insurance, and roughly 30% in taxes, so that cancels that out. If we had a flat tax of 15 - 20 % for everybody, including the rich, there would be no problems paying for health care.
As for talking to sick people, WTF? I have had many family members sick, so I don't have to go very far to talk to sick people. And in case nobody told you, we are ALREADY waiting to get health care in this country. It takes weeks and sometimes months to get into some of the doctors where I live, not sure about where you live. Also, most major surgeries outside of life threatening illnesses (hip replacement, knee replacement, etc) take months to set up now, so that argument is worthless, too.
I know from your posts that you are a young guy, with much yet to learn in life, so don't try to tell people who have experienced more things in life than you, how things are in the real world. We live it every day. You will see, as the years go by, that what you thought you knew at 18 wasn't half of what you should have known.
And as for listening to the talking heads, no way is that ever going to happen. Trust me, I listened to all those hate mongers for years. 2 things I won't listen to are talk radio and country music. They both want to make me shoot myself in the head, but at least with country music, if you play it backwards you get all your stuff back, (your dog, your girl, your pickup truck, etc, etc.) LOL.
As for Reagan, I wonder if he said that before or after the Alzheimer's kicked in. Tell that to the person who calls the police in the middle of the night, or the person who needs to be rescued in the event of a natural disaster like Katrina, bet they won't agree with what Reagan said.
Old 12-28-2007, 08:42 PM
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Default RE: Primary Predictions...

.... as I said.. you're going to get what you want... and you aren't going to be happy with it. i didn't say talk with people HERE, I said talk to people who have had to deal with Europe.

I have posed a question twice.... and have yet to get an answer. I want an answer for this:

Many European countries are MOVING AWAY from universal healthcare.. countreis with a population a tenth of the size of the US because it isn't working. How can America, a country of over 300 million make it work?

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