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Member's BLOG: Member's BLOG: Monday, June 3, 2013

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Old 06-03-2013, 03:28 AM
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Arrow Member's BLOG: Monday, June 3, 2013

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Monday, June 3, 2013

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June 2013

Monte of the Month Winner

MCF Member: Leprechaun93-Keane

2004 Monte Carlo Intimidator SS

Congratulations to our MCF Winner Keane

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Monte of the Month
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Created & Re-Created by Administrator `Taz (Lou)<~Thank You!

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* Thanks Member's for checking in with your
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Today's Blog started by Chris (Monte Carlo 3831)

* Any MCF Member can start our MCF Blog after midnight Eastern Time

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Old 06-03-2013, 05:36 AM
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Thanks Chris!

Good morning everyone!!
Old 06-03-2013, 05:57 AM
03SSLE's Avatar
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Good mornin' all.
Old 06-03-2013, 06:46 AM
MnteCrloSS47's Avatar

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Thanks for starting the blog chris!

Good morning everyone!

More tornadoes in store for today.

One of the most respected storm chasing team lost 3 members in a tornado, Tim Samaras, his son and his partner. It's a sad day, a really sad day for the weather community. They got trapped when the tornado made a very quick and unexpected shift towards them. They tried to fun for it but didn't make it.
Another team with the weather channel on the same tornado got picked up and thrown 200 yards, everyone survived in that crash. the camera captured it all. the camera gets ejected and at the end you can see the vehicle rolling over quite a few times. They got lucky, Tim's team wasn't so lucky. They found his body seat belted in the car and his son and chase partner got thrown out, one a half a mile away.

This just goes to show how unpredictable tornadoes are and why these people are putting their lives on the line studying them.

There are chasers that just go out for video and adrenaline rushes, But Tim and his crew are all science.

everyone stay safe.

Old 06-03-2013, 07:00 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Went with the girlfriend to Grand Rapids this past weekend and to Lake Michigan (Grand Haven) on Saturday. Wasn't the warmest day to be at the lake but we had a good time.

I watched the documentary on the 5/20/13 Moore, OK tornado on Discovery last night; very interesting.

Last week was absolutely crazy for tornadic weather. I am absolutely fascinated by tornados and severe weather. I would chase if I could. I actually chased a strong storm here in Michigan probably around 6 years ago, that was capable of producing a tornado, but nothing formed. Although, I ended up driving through a lot of flooding and debris from straight-line wind. Didn't have radar to help either so I was going straight-up based on sight. At least if I decided to chase something tomorrow I'd have my phone with a live, updated radar feed.

This video (below) is highly interesting. It's the Oklahoma City Channel 4 news feed during the entire duration of the Moore, OK tornado on 5/20/13; from the time the tornado was first spotted by the news chopper to the time it ropes out to nothing. I watched the entire 43 minutes. If you're into severe weather or meteorology, I'd recommend it.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Last edited by 06mistreSS; 06-03-2013 at 07:09 AM.
Old 06-03-2013, 08:03 AM
Leprechaun93's Avatar
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morning all, off to work shortly
Old 06-03-2013, 08:17 AM
Ricks 2006 SS's Avatar

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Good Morning everyone. You too Dave . We got back from Fargo on Sunday afternoon. But drove straight to my daughter's for my grandson's 11th Birthday party. . Had a Blast there with family all there. Think we got back here to unpack around 6 ish pm. Then we got things finished up and had dinner around 8:30. I had to run back to my daughter's cause we forgot our phone's that were outside on the chargers . That's why we ate so late I stayed and shot the breeze with my son in law. Good to be back on line again. We didn't have much time to get on line while we were there. Not with 4 grand kids . Talk about being busy !!!. WOW!! Anyways it was a blast of a weekend. Now trying to clear the cobwebs from my head and have my 1st coffee.Hey Congrat's to you Keane on your Monte of the Month . Ok going to start on my 1st coffee and some breakfast. later dude's & dudettes
Old 06-03-2013, 08:34 AM
STUMPMI's Avatar

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Good Morning EV1!
Thanks for starting the Morning Blog!

Thats a wild video... Im a weather nut of sorts.. The worse the weather the More I like it... But thats a real tragedy with those who lost there lives chaseing those storms! Storm chaseing is no joke/Game!

Good to hear you and your girlfriend had a nice time... Shoulda got ahold of you this past weekend... Fastrak Exotics were in Grosse ile with a lamborghini gallardo and a Ferrari 450 that you could drive! My stepson treated me to this experience for Fathers day! It certainly was an awesome experience... I know I will never own one...But at the very least I got to cross one thing off my bucket List to drive one!

Mike: (Chibi)
Did you get my pm? and or the email (Calendar email)I sent about the Pic id like to use for the Calendar?

Good Morning to you also!
Howd you know I was on? LOL (You sly dog)
Glad to hear you had a good time and safe trip! Did you ever send Mike the Picture of your Monte for the Calendar yet?

Congradulations on Winning MOTM!
Have a Great Day at work!

Mike: (03SSLE)
Good Morning! (I remembered your name)

Ok Coffee time....
Its the Mrs dayoff and who knows what shes got planned for
Have a Great Day EV1!
Old 06-03-2013, 09:52 AM
MAMONTE's Avatar

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Good Morning Everyone! Hope you all had a nice weekend.
Old 06-03-2013, 11:40 AM
Join Date: Dec 2005
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Hi everyone
Thanks Chris for starting our Blog (I always have problems getting it to stick when I tried to do one of spaces updates that he had on file).

Everytime Id try to get online today work kept getting in the way
Got fax from Space this morning & he is in Port of Spain,

^He ask me to say hello to everyone & hopes everyone is enjoying their life & their MonteCarlos It took me forever to get the below pic posted,but it became a challenge. *Space did not know when he will return. Lots of things happening in the Caribbean & our world.
News for Port of Spain & 'Space

<cite style="color: gray; overflow: hidden; font-size: 11px; margin-bottom: 5px; display: block; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis;">Xinhua</cite>

  1. Trinidad PM says China offers $3 billion in loans < Interesting article on whats going on in the shipping world export/imports.
    <cite></cite> ‎- 17 hours ago
    PORT-OF-SPAIN, Trinidad -- China's president has offered concessionary loans to nine Caribbean countries totaling some $3 billion, Trinidad ...
    <table class="ts" cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="0"><tbody><tr><td class="top news-tbn" vAlign="top">

    </td><td class="tsw" vAlign="top">VP Biden signs trade pact with Caribbean Community

    The Idaho Statesman-May 28, 2013
    PORT-OF-SPAIN, Trinidad — U.S. Vice President Joe Biden and political leaders from across the Caribbean met in the capital of resource-rich ...


I must get back to work, but a wish all a great day & week 4sure

ps, Thanks Devin & Matt for your weather infor/vid's. We just started our hurricane season this month & its suppose to be
a active season. The only thing I like bout it is the higher waves.Our weather has been more crazy each year (it seems).
'Devin, we hope U had a super Birthday yesterday...Do U feel older ? (lol) Peace>Out
Attached Thumbnails Member's BLOG: Monday, June 3, 2013-port-spain-space.jpg  

Last edited by BeachBumMike; 06-03-2013 at 07:00 PM.

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