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Gettin In trouble With my Monte!

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Old 01-31-2008, 10:47 AM
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Default RE: Gettin In trouble With my Monte!

My dad was a Deputy for many years. He always told us "Have you ever sped and not got caught? Then consider the time you DID get caught as your just due."

A good friend came up from Tennessee in 2006 pulling his small trailor cause he'd won an ebay auction for a tractor he wanted. In the state TN you do not have to have a license plate on a trailor the size he has, but on the way home a Dayton cop pulled him over for not having one. He's still mad about this lady cop pulling him over but after he explained he was from TN, she let him go.

Around here, you see a trailor with no tags on it you can pretty much bet it's stolen.

Now folks dont see this they same way. and yes i said folks not the kids today. becuse i have see idiots that are 50years old act like a 2year old over gettign stoped for trying to run someone over.

Story #1. Yesterday my g/f is driving over to Wal-Mart. A jerk in a car pulls out behind her. She tells me she can barely see the windshield washer nozzles on his hood so she taps the brake pedal. He starts acting pisses cause she's doing the speed limit but too bad buddy. She goes to turn left on to another street...... he passes her while she's turning.
I do know this jerk hit my car he would regret it and injuring her!!!!!!!

Story #2. I'm coming home from work this morning. A large pickup pulols off the I-75 ramp infront of me heading the same direction I am. After he pulls out and I pass the ramp a woman in an Impala pulls out behind me. The spot we're at in the road is two lane and goes down in to one. She get's in the outside lane to pass me, so she can get infront of me. At this same time the pickup driver is turning left infront of us and he's already at the spot where the road narrows. This woman all but hit this guy in this truck plus she was driving in the ditch to miss him. All so she could get in front.

What's the reasoning for driving like these two examples? None if you ask me.

Old 02-01-2008, 08:45 AM
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Yeah you need to fight that ticket. That is complete BS.
I fought a ticket for reckless I got on my bike. I was doing 82 in a 55, the statey wrote me up for speeding AND reckless driving (because I passed someone on the right). Needless to say I had to fight it or I would have 8 points (5 and 3 respectively) and have to retake my test. So I fought the wreckless, and I basically apoligized to the judge and said "I know I will need to conduct myself in a more mature matter if I am going to enjoy the privilege of riding my motorcycle". They dropped the wreckless. Plus it helped that the statey is notorious for writing stupid tickets, more work for the judge I suppose.
Old 02-01-2008, 11:33 PM
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Not sure why people do that... Always running late?
Old 02-02-2008, 01:03 AM
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I was recently pulled over in my Monte. It is a 35 mph speed zone, I was doing 40 when I crossed the intersection. Naturally there was a cop there that turned and headed the same way I was going. I did see him before I crossed the intersection and slowed to 37 mph. After following in the left lane for about 4 blocks he flips on his lights and pulls me over. He told me he pulled me over for speeding in a "safety corridor," which is not posted. He tried to tell me that according to his "state certified speedo" I was doing 10mph over the limit! I had my speedometer recalibrated 3 years ago when I got my gear ratio change and it was calibrated to within 1mph of what the speedo reads (it reads 1mph faster than actual speed). I know he's full of crap because I know my car. Lucky for me he decided to give me a warning and said "I can understand if the speedometer reads incorrectly because it is an old car blah blah blah." The next day I borrowed my dad's GPS, which will tell me how fast I am going, and sure enough my speedometer was acurate to within 1mph. The only reason that SOB pulled me over was because of how loud my pipes were. My dad has the same problem with his 65 Mustang. Just because exhaust is loud on our cars, people think we are speeding.

Here's another one. This time it was profiling. Seven years ago I dropped off a friend of mine at his house (he lives about 6 blocks from me) and headed straight from home. I was stopped at the light waiting to make a left turn. The cross traffic light turns yellow and I see a cop stopping at that light. My light turns green and I make my left turn and head for home. The light changes as I am making a right turn onto the street taking me home. As I am about 1/4 of the way down, I see the cop turning onto the street. At this point I am thinking "okay, just a coincidense." I live on a dead end in the last house on the street. I get home, step out of my car and low and behold there's the cop pulling up behind me giving me the "stink eye" for no reason what so ever. So I close my car door and just stand there staring at him for about 15 seconds. He slowly backs down the street into the caldisac and sits there for another 10 seconds still staring at me then leaves. It seems to me cops have to much free time on their hands if all they have to do is harass people that are minding their own business and not breaking any laws. The only reason I got profiled was because I was driving a nice-looking 70's Monte Carlo with chrome wire-basket wheels and white wall tires.
Old 02-02-2008, 01:40 PM
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76.. you're not the only one who gets profiled badly for driving a 2nd gen.. i have been pulled over twice for no real reason and you can tell the officer is looking for something else..
Old 02-02-2008, 07:15 PM
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You guys should see it when the cops follow a hot looking car and realize some old guy is driving.

A guy on Chevy Talk posted once he got a ticket for speeding in his '57 Chevy.A car with a 6 cylinder under the hood and yes I know a 6 cylinder engine can go over the posted speed limit. That's not the point.
The guy posted he got before the judge who commented, "A '57 Chevy huh? I remember those from my high school days and they are fast. Defendantto payfine plus court costs."
He said he was pissed and I would have been to. He wasn't even given the benefit of a doubt here. Just cause he was driving a '57 Chevy.

Old 02-02-2008, 08:05 PM
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Happens to me ALL the time when I'm out riding the Bike. I get pulled-over and the young Trooper looks at my license and chuckles ... then, he says something like "Take it easy out here, old timer, you don't need me to write you for speeding at your age!"

Fine with me!

Old 02-02-2008, 09:34 PM
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hey let me tell you about those "Police Calibration" speedometers

my parents used to buy used police cars ALL the time. they'd run one for a year or so, then they'd give it up and get another one. so they ahd this one about a week... and they were crusing to Raleigh on US 1. No traffic... and a cop goes by on the other side of the 4 lane highway. my dad glances down.. doing about 60. the cop turned around... he didn't think much about it. the cop flies up behind my dad. he still didn't think much of him. then about 2 miles later he flips on the lights... walks up to my dads window and says "do you ahve any idea how fast you were going..."

the cop checked my dad on his speedometer... 80 mph. checked him with the VASCAR... 80 mph.... checked him with radar.. 80 mph. then he pulled my dad over and told him all this. it just so happened my cousin from VA (now deceased) was riding shotgun, and he was a former police chief. they talked to the cop abotu this, and the cop finally let him go, telling him he wuld flash his lights at 55 and to take it easy, get the speedo recalibrated and they woudl drop the ticket.

dad had an old police car... eh told the cop "I thought this speedometer shoudl be right, it says right on it "POLICE CALIBRATION" the cop says "that doesn't mean anything, they just put that their so when we are writing people tickets we can point to that and shut them up."
Old 02-03-2008, 03:09 AM
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Fight it!!!! That's complete BS!!!

Some cops are just plain dicks. I got pulled over last June for doing 70 in a 55. I didn't see the cop until right after I went over a hill, and he was in an unmarked car with the cherries inside, but luckily I have a radar detector/scrambler, so he couldn't lock me in on the radar until he got within about 50 feet of him, which was pretty quick since I met him right after a hill on the highway. He said that he had me on radar doing 69, but couldn't get a lock until I slowed to 64. But he just HAD to write me a ticket for 65 instead of 64 so that it would be 10 over instead of just 5 over, even though the radar locked at 64. What a dick, huh? On top of that, I had outdated tags and my current insurance card was at home, so he HAD to write me two more tickets for outdated tags (which I actually was guilty of) and no insurance (even though I had it but forgot to put it in my car). And that's not even the worst part. The cop was a sheriff's deputy, and didn't have a tint measuring device, so he called a state dick to come with his machine to measure my tint, and made me sit there for an extra 20 minutes and wait for the state dick to show up just so he could give me one more ticket for my dark windows. So that made 4 tickets in one sitting, one of which was written too high (10 over instead of 5 over), another of which was BS to begin with (I had current insurance), another that is a stupid law to begin with and required another officer to go out of his way to verify (dark windows), and only one that I was actually guilty of (outdated tags). I think the fines were over $400, and I have since lost faith in the justice system, except for the city cops from my town, I know most of them and they're all pretty cool guys.
Old 02-03-2008, 03:49 PM
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wroeber... i hate to call you, but you flat out admitted you were going 70 in a 55. you're lucky he didn't write you for 15 over and you lose your license.

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