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Old 10-13-2015, 02:30 PM
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: SpaceCoast, Florida
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Thumbs up >Get Well<

Originally Posted by Habbibie
PM me his contact info.

Hi Henry,
I hope that you are improving more each new day. As soon as I obtain contact infor, I will reply.

When we met we were @ breakfast & he brought up reading your thread & was very touched by your actions. He stated that it would be a encouraging article/story for others to read. He was impressed with your forgiveness & actions toward the person that caused you so much pain.

He stated that he was going to do more research & submit your story to the Chicago Tribune & other news media personnel.

That is when he ask me if I could obtain the information as to where your
accident occurred on 9/11/2015. (He was unable to find it).

Presently he is living in his motor home in Sebastian Inlet, Fl & I do not have his phone#, but I will attempt to get it before I return to the islands. He does visit the MCF often & has been searching for a 1977 Monte Carlo. (He had one back in 77: ) I will also ask my Uncle James (his friend) & attempt to get his whereabouts.

Could you post where your accident happened ? You'll be surprised how many people visit our MCF since it's on the World Wide Wide & several know already what you have done. I think what you have done would be a great story for many to read & hopefully learn of your kindness.

Last edited by BeachBumMike; 10-13-2015 at 02:34 PM.
Old 10-13-2015, 04:43 PM
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Mike thanks for the interest but I been advised not to release any info regarding this matter unless I can verify his previous employment and other factors have to check out prior to any further steps. Pm me his full name and possible either badge number or DOB. I have a family member currently in law enforcement service in cook county and given his name and either DOB or badge # I can verify the last division that employed him prior to his retirement and optain far more info about him than you can imagine since you don't even have his phone number. Once I obtain that info I'll forward it to my lawyer, if all checks out then I can contact him and discuss how to go about everything.
Old 10-13-2015, 05:55 PM
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Question >What's the Secret ?<

Originally Posted by Habbibie
I'm gonna miss my Monte, I owned it for 15 years and this past Friday (9/11/15) I was hit by drunk driver on my way to Walmart. I personally don't remember what happened that night but from what every one around me is saying that I was T-bones by a drunk driver in a big suv, it was a very hard hit cause I'm typing this from the hospital bed and by the looks of it I won't be behind a steering wheel for at least a year (also gonna be out of work for that same term under short term disability). My leg is broken in 7000 different places, my knee is shadered, my arm is broken, my wrist is swollen to all hell, I have a neck brace on and a few cracked ribs and some more bones I don't even know where in my body are located or how to even begin spelling them. I'll be on crutches/wheel chair for 7-9 months then it's physical therapy then after that it we'll see. I don't know how I'm alive but I here thankfully.

The Monte according to my father being the only one who has seen the car since said you couldn't even recognize what kind of make the car is its so twisted. I was t-boned, dragged 50 feet, hit a curb while the suv was still at throttle, rolled the Monte over and the suv landed on the underside of the Monte partially.

I remember everything up to the moment I saw the headlights hit my driver door,

Well I have to get up to pee and I refuse to ware a diaper or use an assistant to aid me in this but it's gonna take me 15 minutes to move 5 feet lol.

Pay attention while driving guys, look both ways after you get a green at an intersection before moving forward. I'll be in touch I don't have anything to do but sit in bed and watch tv all day anyways.
Originally Posted by Habbibie
Thanks guys, yea I'm feeling depressed about everything I'm having anxiety attacks now and I'm freaking out all night I can't sleep just thinking about everything. I'm feeling worst for my wife who has to deal with this now.

I was alone driving, 10 o'clock at night, other driver was alone too, he's in a worst shape than me from what I heard he has sever spine & neck damage.

I'm so used to working I don't know what the hell to do here beside sit and cry half the time. I'm gonna have my wife bring me the Xbox or something to kill time. Maybe read a book.... **** something! Anything!
Originally Posted by Habbibie
Thank you all guys. I too am hoping for a fast recovery but I have yet to hear of a possible release date. I got some gadgets now to help me kill time here

But I found out a crappy fact, On disability you don't recive 100% of your actual income. Sucks man. Plus my job is IMO my greatest hobbie so that kinda kills the mood even more.

Anyways on the plus side I got AT&T going to my house to instal a few cameras and two way speakers and live two way monitors including small hand held tablets that all come to play in a way where I can watch and hear everything that happens in the house and I can interact with everyone in the house with extreme ease (kinda like Skype/face time) but continously for 24 hours. That way my wife & kids don't have to visit me as often.

Also Sunday morning they're transferring me to the hospital closest to my house for ease of visitation flexabilty (visitation allowed 24 hours a day) and I get a room with some room for guests to stay and relax a little more. And it comes with a patio for some fresh air and outdoor relaxation. Only problem is my bathroom is gonna be 20 feet away from the bed so it's gonna take me an hour of walking and balancing just to pee lmfao.

Doctor also informed me that my two health insurance companies are going to work together ((blue cross/blue shield & cobra) B.C.B.S. Is union workers mandatory health insurance and Cobra is my company's mandatory policy which both are fully paid by my employer. )) in covering me on every thing 100% until complete recovery aka back to work. (this includes all equipment I might need upon release & home stay like a stair lift elevator and manual or motorized wheelchairs and a reclining bed plus whatever else i might need)

So yea a few ups and some downs but it's this drama that's getting me by day by day for now though I really just wanna go home and be over with all this.
Originally Posted by Habbibie
This new room is like a 5 star hotel I could only imagine how much a night stay here is
Originally Posted by Habbibie
Update: a bizzar one too!

I get released from hospital later this week, I can physically walk around on a broken foot, knee & thigh bone with out crutches and the doc is just amazed by my progress so far. He even feels physical therapy might not be needed comes fully recovery.

I been working from home so to say. I made an arrangement with my boss to allow me to finish my projects and designs on my computer and in doing so he is writing me a personal check to make up for the diffrence of pay from disability (which is at 70% of my regular pay) so I don't have to worry about loss of income now.

Here's where it gets kinda bizzar (nobody understands why I did what I did except my father, I did the following out of the goodness of my heart in all honesty):
The driver that hit me was in the same hospital as me until last week where they send him to jail until our first court date in 2 months from now. I personally spoke with him on several occasions and we got along very well. I'm not holding and grudges on the man its faith and it happened now we continue on the path of life.

Anyways he was sent to jail and the day prior to that I saw his wife and 4 daughters (all under 6 years old) his wife doesn't work she takes care of the kids, living paycheck to paycheck and now with this no income for his family what's so ever. So I thought about it hard for a week and I decided to drop all charges agensit him (the DUI however that's something he has to fight on his own) but I couldn't bare the thought of hurting his family more by pressing criminal charges.
And then I did what my father calls it the proudest moment of his life lol, I bailed the man out yesterday, he couldn't afford the bail and was gonna have to wait it out in jail so..... $5000 of my personal money went to his bail. He's out as of now a free man so atleast he can go back to work to support his girls. I also got him a month lease on a car until his gets fixed. I also had my lawyer have him sign some papers declaring all criminal charges dropped. (The DUI charge is a state case not personal). I adviced his wife if they need any money come to me I'll help even though I'm the victim here. But gave her my address and phone number in case of anything.

He came by me today with his family and lots and lots of food. and I can tell the man is forever greatful but to see his kids smiling for the first time instead of crying it made it all worth it for me.

Ps. My wife got them all tickets to Wisconsin dells for 5 days for them to go and hopefully make the girls forget about all the bad things that happened and have them enjoy their life like a child should.

So yea pretty bizzar to many but I don't regret a thing I did and I think this will all play out for the best in the end.
Originally Posted by Habbibie
Mike thanks for the interest but I been advised not to release any info regarding this matter unless I can verify his previous employment and other factors have to check out prior to any further steps. Pm me his full name and possible either badge number or DOB. I have a family member currently in law enforcement service in cook county and given his name and either DOB or badge # I can verify the last division that employed him prior to his retirement and optain far more info about him than you can imagine since you don't even have his phone number. Once I obtain that info I'll forward it to my lawyer, if all checks out then I can contact him and discuss how to go about everything.

Hi Member Habbibie `Henry,
What does our friends background have anything to do with the request for where your accident happened. ? ' He was only going to share what you posted + your accident report that he could not find in your area or state ?

He only ask that question because he found no news, articles or accident reports of this type of accident
on the day/date that you posted ?

This information is public record! As are your Thread & posts on this subject (above). Anyone can log on &
read them.

You don't have to be a member to read the MCF Threads or posts. We just wanted to share your story & not open up a CIA investigation .

The mystery is no record(s).

What is the secret on where your accident happened on 9/11/2015 ? It should be public record ? Right ? Why do you need a lawyer to release this information ? D=14
Old 10-13-2015, 09:05 PM
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What is the secret on where your accident happened on 9/11/2015 ? It should be public record ? Right ? Why do you need a lawyer to release this information ?
ummm ok the little link you posted, I was able to find the accident info! (Which is cool actually lol) If you would do your research a little you can put two and two together and narrow your search down to 3 or 4 cities.

Why do I need a lawyer? Maybe cause it's still an "open" case buddy. The suspect has yet to even enter a plea.

Also I'm trying not to be rude but I been adviced by my lawyer not to say anything until the case resolves. If you don't like that (like some other people before you) please feel free to contact my lawyer. If be it I can PM you his contact info.

You had breakfast with your friend but you don't know his phone # or other contact info, ok well how did you get a hold of him to arrange the breakfast meeting in the first place? A pigeon or a personal messenger?

You had a request from your friend, I simply asked for you to pm me his contact info, next thing I know this is a CIA/FBI investigation apparently. Sounds a little shady mike....
Old 10-13-2015, 09:43 PM
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: SpaceCoast, Florida
Posts: 16,095
Cool >The End of a new begining 4>Sure<Your turn<

Hi Henry,
It's great that you were able to find your accident infor (?) Where is it ? Online ? or just in your mind ?(lol) I was not asking for you to reveal any information about the suspects case.

I believe that you are the one that created this thread & posted very detailed information on your accident/injuries & your personal help to the suspect.

I haven't posted any requests for case information, just the accident location, & you still have refused to post it (?) Why this game ?

You posted
ummm ok the little link you posted, I was able to find the accident info! (Which is cool actually lol) If you would do your research a little you can put two and two together and narrow your search down to 3 or 4 cities.
^ Yes, a little link that contains all the accidents in the USA by location & date. No one else that has searched has been able to find ? Just you (?)

Oh, I didn't not call or invite my friend to breakfast. He is a family friend of my Uncle `James & he invited him. (they are both retired & in their 70's & get together to go fishing).

I don't know how this is relevant to the location of your accident. Isn't your accident report a public record ? (Sounds a little shady)

I shall cease my attempts to seek an answer & stop wasting my time . I will leave the judgements of this thread to the readers. `amen

He said "I deny the allegation & attack the accuser"

"I'm sorry for I have sinned" or lied about having
a new Corvette. It's a dream > Must `be the Med's
* Thanks `all for keeping the MCF Active

Last edited by BeachBumMike; 10-14-2015 at 01:19 PM. Reason: correct spelling & checking for location of my Mind

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