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Leprechaun93 10-01-2013 11:38 AM

afternoon all, bunch of political nonsense. I don't like obamacare either, that's what forced my employer to chop up our hours so they don't have to give us health care.

ChibiBlackSheep 10-01-2013 11:47 AM

Good morn.... afternoon everyone!

Running very behind. Very busy day for me :thumbsdown:

The_Maniac 10-01-2013 11:48 AM

I have not followed all of Obamacare, but what little I do understand, it's victim of any other good idea that goes in the the government grinder.... Goes in as a good (sometimes great idea) and by the time all the political big-wigs (any and all parties included in that statement) go through it, they bastardize it to something far beyond it original intent....

What little I follow of politics, both parties are messed up. Too many people are party driven, not driven on what's right for the people vs bad for the people. That crap needs to stop, but probably won't ever stop.

Trying to not create any heated political debates, I'm sure many could agree on those fundamental statements.

06mistreSS 10-01-2013 12:21 PM

Politics and government is just a huge competition between Democrats and Republicans and which party gets their way vs. doing what's right for the people. It would be nice if we could run the country based on common sense. Now there's an idea.

MnteCrloSS47 10-01-2013 12:21 PM

Originally Posted by 06mistreSS (Post 574033)
Politics and government is just a huge competition between Democrats and Republicans and which party gets their way vs. doing what's right for the people. It would be nice if we could run the country based on common sense. Now there's an idea.


Space 10-01-2013 12:32 PM

Common `Sense ? What is that ?
I think the problem is that the majority of the people in D.C. had to sell their souls to the corporations to get the $'s to run for office...Once they get in2 office they just become puppets for the Powerful Corporations :(
I think we have become the United States of Corporations & not the Untied States of America for the People ?

It's all comes down to Profit & Greed = Destruction of a free country :(
There's no accountability of their spending or their acts. Only "we the people can change what we have now & make it better" ? ? ?

That's my 2 cents > Sorry Inflation & taxes > That's my $2K dollar opinion...

Yes, opinions are like rear ends, everyone has one, it's just some stink more then others....My mind is to tired & I'm just to frustrated to continue..
Peace & Happiness 2 `all

MnteCrloSS47 10-01-2013 12:50 PM

Originally Posted by Space (Post 574008)
Hi `Devin,
You sure have a active life doing some super fun adventures & experiences 4-Sure. I think I really am living vicariously by yours & member's posts & pictures :eek: I'm hoping to get a break when my boss returns from D.C. I look 4ward to your fall pictures from the paradise that you reside & enjoy.

Bum `Mike has been busy @ the port & he's looking @ cars, but they won't give him what he wants for his Eclipse...He did buy a new skateboard that I'm looking 4ward to try'in. Bum's Tommy & J.D. are suppose to return from the Miami port later this month. We `all haven't been 2gether 4 a long time & we are looking forward to a reunion. Thanks for your words, I appreciate.

Hey Space, i do like to keep busy! Fall pictures are posted :)

Glad you guys are at least all doing well!

red04montels 10-01-2013 12:58 PM

Goodmorning all....

I guess I can release my secret about being an undercover FBI agent now... seems like I'll be out of a job until around the 17th or so.

Oh well.

STUMPMI 10-01-2013 01:04 PM

Originally Posted by trewyn15 (Post 574044)
Goodmorning all....

I guess I can release my secret about being an undercover FBI agent now... seems like I'll be out of a job until around the 17th or so.

Oh well.

at age 21...????
Unemployed? Bummer Dude!:thumbsdown:

Space 10-01-2013 01:07 PM

Originally Posted by trewyn15 (Post 574044)
Goodmorning all....

I guess I can release my secret about being an undercover FBI agent now... seems like I'll be out of a job until around the 17th or so.

Oh well.

Hi `Mitch,
Great to see you online. I did not know that you were a FBI `agent :eek::confused: Does that mean Ford Bum I > agent ?
Wish you some fun `Off Time > :rotfl:

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