MCF Members Blog: Wednesday November 11, 2009
MCF Members Blog: Wednesday November 11, 2009
Above MCF logo by ModeratorJ.J. -Thank You,
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Thank a Veteran week
Monte Carlo Friends
From all around Planet Earth
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For Every Member to Post
and make new Monte `Friends
What are you doing Today
* Members, tell us about yourself, your hobbie's/pets/kids,
best foods, vacation spot, clean jokes, pictures
of your boat, bike, other cars, truck's etc.
* Make a post & say`Hi Don't be `Shy
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`Thank You!
The MCF is a Stress Free Family Zone
November 2009
Monte of the Month
- Tim -
Check out all our MCF Winner's
Thanks `Lou our MCF Administrator `Taz,
for his dedication to our Monte Carlo Family.
Monte of the Month
- Tim -
Check out all our MCF Winner's
Thanks `Lou our MCF Administrator `Taz,
for his dedication to our Monte Carlo Family.
Administartor `Taz,
- `Lou -
Just read in previous Thread about your injury.
Hope the your med's gets you closer to
Monte Carlo Heaven & helps ease the pains
Wish Everyone that is not feeling well a better!
Hope EveryOne that is Seach'in 4 works finds
a job that you enjoy that U get $'s 4 : )
Keep a Positive Outlook & don't let the
Bad drag U down in2 your pity `POT ~*
Now, get out there & Drive your `Life
- `Lou -
Just read in previous Thread about your injury.
Hope the your med's gets you closer to
Monte Carlo Heaven & helps ease the pains
Wish Everyone that is not feeling well a better!
Hope EveryOne that is Seach'in 4 works finds
a job that you enjoy that U get $'s 4 : )
Keep a Positive Outlook & don't let the
Bad drag U down in2 your pity `POT ~*
Now, get out there & Drive your `Life
Good Morning Everyone!
Today should be a good day, I'm getting out of work a little early today and going to Santa Cruz since there is no school today. Thank you Veterans Day!
Yesterday was a decent day until the drive home from school...While I was driving home going 80mph down the highway, a garbage can lid came flying down the highway, and hit my front end. (thank you to the ******* who did not tie down his gardening crap). Well when I got home, I looked at the damage. Lets just say I was sick to my stomach. The damn lid broke through my lower grille, cracking the plastic, and pushing the grille half out. Then to top it off, it left a few fine scratches on the bumper, and a slight ripple in the bottom of the bumper. So a new lower grille is already on order. IDK what i'm going to do as far as the bumper, but ill worry about that once I get the new grille and see how everything looks. As you might imagine, I was SUPER pissed, still am actually, but what are you going to do? I just wish people would have more respect for others, this whole thing would have never happends if this guy tied his crap down properly.
Today should be a good day, I'm getting out of work a little early today and going to Santa Cruz since there is no school today. Thank you Veterans Day!
Yesterday was a decent day until the drive home from school...While I was driving home going 80mph down the highway, a garbage can lid came flying down the highway, and hit my front end. (thank you to the ******* who did not tie down his gardening crap). Well when I got home, I looked at the damage. Lets just say I was sick to my stomach. The damn lid broke through my lower grille, cracking the plastic, and pushing the grille half out. Then to top it off, it left a few fine scratches on the bumper, and a slight ripple in the bottom of the bumper. So a new lower grille is already on order. IDK what i'm going to do as far as the bumper, but ill worry about that once I get the new grille and see how everything looks. As you might imagine, I was SUPER pissed, still am actually, but what are you going to do? I just wish people would have more respect for others, this whole thing would have never happends if this guy tied his crap down properly.
Micheal that sucks big time man that really pisses me off then i see stuff like that... i'm that guy that if i'm on a city street and there isn't much trafic i'll slow down lean out the door and
Yea it does suck. I swear everytime I start to think things are settling down. AGH, something happens. It is ALWAYS something!
But your a good man for taking the time out of your life to help others. You have probably saved many people from damaging their cars, and expensive repair bills! Thank you to all people like Justin!
But your a good man for taking the time out of your life to help others. You have probably saved many people from damaging their cars, and expensive repair bills! Thank you to all people like Justin!
In the Poconos if I see a tree down on the road, I usually pull over and move it if I am physically able to... that's about the most I'll do :P
Sucks to hear that happen, can you get behind the bumper and just bump stuff back into place?
I'm tired today. Found out on Friday I have to take my bosses car down to Baltimore to get loaded and shipped overseas, ugh I hate doing stuff like that. Hopefully my g/f can get off of work and follow me down, and then after I do the car stuff we'll hang out in Baltimore for a little while before heading home
Sucks to hear that happen, can you get behind the bumper and just bump stuff back into place?
I'm tired today. Found out on Friday I have to take my bosses car down to Baltimore to get loaded and shipped overseas, ugh I hate doing stuff like that. Hopefully my g/f can get off of work and follow me down, and then after I do the car stuff we'll hang out in Baltimore for a little while before heading home
Yea, I kinda pushed everything back, so the casual observer would probably never notice. But I notice it still, and it sucks. You can still see the broken/ cracked grill, so I ordered a new one, I'm hoping it will look good once I replace the grill, and i'm hoping the fine scratches will buff out, I really don't feel like forking over more money to repaint the bumper.
As for your little road trip, that would be cool if your GF could go, turn a work day into a fun day!
As for your little road trip, that would be cool if your GF could go, turn a work day into a fun day!