MCF Members Blog: Friday October 29, 2010
It is hard for sure. Try to enjoy the memories and we are here and a lot of us have been through it as well.
my night tonight, went to the new arena for the Penguins, only to see them lose but it was fun ticket price $200.00 and I didn't pay for it we had a raffle at work for 40 people and I was one of the ones selected. also drove down in my buddies "Intimidator" which was cool, I hope everyone had a great Friday.....
Last edited by monte carlo 3831; 10-30-2010 at 12:09 AM.
I'll take em both! wrap em up ship them out!!!! should park next to him n get some more shots!!!
well looks like the mystake will be gone tomarow or sunday! gatta clean it out and get the title from my sis i guess 200 obo for a pile of shet is a good deal lol
well looks like the mystake will be gone tomarow or sunday! gatta clean it out and get the title from my sis i guess 200 obo for a pile of shet is a good deal lol
funy thing is i got a quote for ins on a S/C mcss it was cheaper than what it is for the mystake
also my buddy is a member here but he has zero posts! he has other more important things to deal with a family, a wife and 2 kids, but he is a great friend of mine!
I've also had more issues with my mom, she is now in the ER and not in an assisted living place, she is having memory loss and combative issues and also an infection in her knee which is causing some of her recent problems hopefully things will get turned around here for the better, I hope.