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BlackRainSS 02-02-2012 08:07 PM

I think my brothers crazy what do you think...
Ok so here goes, my brother recently purchased an older eclipse AWD automatic for 900 bucks. so anyways runs drives fine and has leather nice car as is. So he decides he wants to tear it apart and make it at least 605 hp. Now I commented on his facebook and said hey whats the point man. Anyway his friend wrote to me and basically called me a loser since I use to have a dodge, then my brother got on and basically told me no matter what I do to the monte itll always be a pile of crap. I want to know was I wrong for basically calling it stupid to build an old car up to 600 hp that he mainly uses to go to work or visit family or go to military things? I mean he lives in a town where people are constantly killed for speed racing. he is 19 he dosent need a 600 hp car, he is on high risk insurance from speeding tickets. To me it seems dumb to shovel money into it and make it such a beast for basically being a town car, honestly im more worried about him getting killed. so my thing is my bro and his friend are both basically eclipse lovers and basically told me my cars trash, why the heck did all this start over a simple? IDk but nayone who has an opinion on if a 600hp eclipse is worth it feel free to comment.

03JGMonte 02-02-2012 08:13 PM

WOW retarded

mrl390 02-02-2012 08:13 PM

My question is, why do you really care what your brother and his friend think? To me they dont sound like the most level headed people. IMO someone with that kind of attitude doesnt deserve the respect it takes to give a crap about what they think

77gp 02-02-2012 08:20 PM

600HP in that car is asking for trouble. Tell him you are jsut worried about him.

BlackRainSS 02-02-2012 08:21 PM

Originally Posted by mrl390 (Post 415415)
My question is, why do you really care what your brother and his friend think? To me they dont sound like the most level headed people. IMO someone with that kind of attitude doesnt deserve the respect it takes to give a crap about what they think

I agree with you I just feel weird I guess me and my brother were seperated at young ages and I recently just got back into contact with him in 09, not to be mean but him living with my mother really screwed him up and it makes me sad, I dont care what they think I just think its awfulyl childish of them to resort ot highschool tactics of calling my stuff junk or poking fun at me. my bros friend knows I dont take crap after I basically beat him up for sac tapping me and my brother I have respect for I just wish better for him.

And Mike thanks for the opinion, I'm not looking for anyone to side with me just looking for opinions to me 600hp in a car is very nice but at most you'll use it to pass a slow person and that just seems a large wast of money to me when he has been wanting to build a home and get married.

BlackRainSS 02-02-2012 08:25 PM

Originally Posted by 77gp (Post 415419)
600HP in that car is asking for trouble. Tell him you are jsut worried about him.

I have and it seems to me its like talking to a wall, when his friend the one who is also poking fun at me gave us a ride on a five lane highway he was going 80-110 weaving in and out of lanes between cars, shooting gaps tail gating almost hitting bumpers and cutting ppl off, when I aske dhim nicely to slow down because my nerves are bad from my car accident they basically called me a small-town hillbilly pussy :( I thought his friend would wise up after being t-boned and almost killed but I guess not

mrl390 02-02-2012 08:26 PM

Also, does he even understand the kind of money it will take to pull 600hp out of one of those cars. Not only initially, but over the long run to keep it on the road?

BlackRainSS 02-02-2012 08:32 PM

Originally Posted by mrl390 (Post 415427)
Also, does he even understand the kind of money it will take to pull 600hp out of one of those cars. Not only initially, but over the long run to keep it on the road?

I don't think he does he just seems like he is obssessed with havinbg a super fast car.

Taz 02-02-2012 08:37 PM

From a practical point of view, you're probably right. But it's not what he wanted to hear. Being your brother, I know you just want to help. But I think you need to let him make his own mistakes. We all do dumb and stupid things when we're young. It's part of life. Hopefully we learn from our mistakes.

I'm not saying what you did/said is wrong or stupid. You made your point of view. Could you have handled it better? Probably. I wasn't in the room, so I can't say exactly what went wrong and where the conversation went bad.

You're brothers. Brothers fight and argue. Either settle it on the drag strip, or just punch each other in the face and move on. This will pass eventually. In the long run, you'll most likely be proven right. But for now, I'd say live and learn. If he wants try to turn a $900 Eclipse into a bad ass 600 hp beast, let him. As long as it's not your money.

And as for the racing thing, hopefully he will do the smart thing and take it to the track.

xxtheshockerxx 02-02-2012 08:41 PM

i doubt he makes it to 300 hp.

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