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How to be `Happy : ) ?

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Old 12-11-2007, 11:23 AM
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Default RE: How to be `Happy : ) ?

yah the second i get a paycheck it virtually disappears to pay for my loan
Old 12-11-2007, 05:52 PM
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I believe the only way you can be happy is; you need to be happy with yourself, and grateful for all that YOU have.

I try and work on myself everyday. Most days I am successful, but not always... My biggest problem is that I still allow negative people to get to me. In other words, I listen to them complain and once and a while, allowmyself to get suckedinto their negativity -- which includes the worse of all, talking about people behind their backs.

I believe, with all my heart, that I am in the favor of God, that I am in his graces.

Ephesians 6:10-17
10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might.
11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
12 For we are not contending against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
13 Therefore take the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
14 Stand therefore, having girded your loins with truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness,
15 and having shod your feet with the equipment of the gospel of peace;
16 besides all these, taking the shield of faith, with which you can quench all the flaming darts of the evil one.
17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

I've always grown up learning the old Sunday School addages.

Happiness is a feeling you get when everything is going well.

Joy on the otherhand is a feeling you keep regardless if things are going well or not.

Joy is finding God's handywork in any situation.

So I say happiness is okay, but never loose your Joy.
Old 12-12-2007, 06:12 AM
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Default RE: How to be `Happy : ) ?

[align=center]Are we all what we have been programed to `be ?[/align][align=center][/align][align=center]Are we the sum total of our teachings/experiences.?[/align][align=center][/align][align=center]Do you believe, as your parents believe ?[/align][align=center][/align][align=center]Do you challenge what you were taught, and[/align][align=center]find your own paths in life ?[/align][align=center][/align][align=center]I always have so many questions, and I'm always searching[/align][align=center]for the answers as I travel my `journey of life.[/align][align=center][/align][align=center]Something to ponder, something to think about [/align][align=center]"I think, therefore I `am ~ I think "[/align][align=center][8D]WoW [8D][/align][align=center][:-][/align][align=center][/align][align=center][/align][align=center]I Come in Peace[/align][align=center]EnJoy..., be `Happy[/align][align=center]`ok[/align][align=center]Life, it's a `Beach : )[/align]
Old 12-12-2007, 09:55 AM
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Default RE: How to be `Happy : ) ?

Addressing Space's Questions:
[align=left]Q. Are we all what we have been programed to `be ?[/align][align=left]A. More so than you will ever know, and that programming is not what you have been taught, BUTit is your DNA. Your DNA has more to do with your attitude, personality, interests, etc.than most people realize.[/align][align=left][/align][align=left]Q. Are we the sum total of our teachings/experiences.?[/align][align=left]A. Awe... this is true. But that goes much deeper than we need to get into on this forum.[/align][align=left][/align][align=left]Q. Do you believe, as your parents believe ?[/align][align=left]A. To a degree, we will always be influenced by our parents, but that does not mean we do not develop our own philosophies that differ.[/align][align=left][/align][align=left]Q. Do you challenge what you were taught, and find your own paths in life ?[/align][align=left]A. There is a time in everyone's life wherethey challenge everything they were ever taught. Typically this is when they are in there late teens to their late twenties. Then they settle into a believe system that more or less reflects that of what they were raised with and came to believeis normalor acceptable -- unforntunately... this can be bad, as well as, good. ex. An abused kid will challenge and try to break the cycle of abuse, but if they do not get the help they need,they will revert back to abuse as a normal or acceptable behavior -- the bad.[/align][align=left][/align][align=left][/align]
Old 12-12-2007, 10:53 AM
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Default RE: How to be `Happy : ) ?

[align=center]Mr BlackAttack, `Craig,[/align][align=center][/align][align=center]You answered, as my grandfather would have answered.[/align][align=center]He is a wise `man, my mentor.[/align][align=center]I thank you for sharing your thoughts, your words of wisdom.[/align][align=center]I appreciate....4-Sure[/align][align=center]We live, and hopefully, we learn.[/align][align=center]I am learning. Thank You,[/align][align=center]`Space[/align]
Old 12-12-2007, 12:19 PM
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ORIGINAL: SpaceRider

[align=center]Mr BlackAttack, `Craig,[/align][align=center][/align][align=center]You answered, as my grandfather would have answered.[/align][align=center]He is a wise `man, my mentor.[/align][align=center]I thank you for sharing your thoughts, your words of wisdom.[/align][align=center]I appreciate....4-Sure[/align][align=center]We live, and hopefully, we learn.[/align][align=center]I am learning. Thank You,[/align][align=center]`Space[/align]
Space, much like the Prius, we are hybrids of Spirit, Mind, & Body.

The Spirit gets its directions from whover your "higher source" is.

The Mind gets its directions from the enviroment.

The Body get its dirrections from programming.

So what does that all mean to me?

The Spirit is the Steering wheel.

The mind is the motor.

The body is the vehicle.

How's that for a car thread?
Old 12-12-2007, 12:46 PM
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Default RE: How to be `Happy : ) ?

[align=center][/align][align=center]Hi again Member's : )[/align][align=center][:-][/align][align=center]My grandfather has taught me to listen to those that[/align][align=center]have traveled the roads before me.[/align][align=center]The further they have traveled, the more I focus, and[/align][align=center]learn from their travels, their experiences, their wisdom.[/align][align=center]I have also learned from my many `mistakes [X(][/align][align=center][/align][align=center]I listen, and apply what works for me during[/align][align=center]my travels. I am thankful that they took the time[/align][align=center]from their life, to share.[/align][align=center][/align][align=center]Just like I am thankful to all the member's that[/align][align=center]contribute positive posts on the MCF, and my Life.[/align][align=center][/align][align=center]A `Happy Monte Carlo Forum Member,[/align][align=center]is a good Monte Carlo Family Member.[/align][align=center][/align][align=center]Thanks GP`Dave, & `Craig for sharing your wisdom.[/align][align=center]I wish the reader of my words [/align][align=center]`Happiness[/align][align=center]"It's all a State of `Mind"[/align][align=center]Peace[/align][align=center]Space, & the Bum's[/align][align=center][/align][align=center][/align][align=center][/align]
Old 12-12-2007, 07:19 PM
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Default RE: How to be `Happy : ) ?

Great topic Space!
With all that's going on in the world right now, it's just what Dr. Space ordered.

Old 12-13-2007, 07:11 AM
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Default RE: How to be `Happy : ) ?


Great topic Space!
With all that's going on in the world right now, it's just what Dr. Space ordered.

[/align][align=center][/align][align=center]Thank You Mod `Taz, & Dr `Space , wishes you a `Happy[/align][align=center][:-][/align][align=center][/align][align=center]What is Happiness?
Happiness can mean different things to different people. For example, for one person, it may mean being in a relationship, whereas for someone else it may mean feeling you have the ability to handle whatever life throws at you.
While you might think that there are certain things that make you happy (or could make you happy if you had them), research has shown that there are certain common traits amongst happy people - and it isn't necessarily what you might have thought.[/align][align=center]
What Makes Happy People Happy?
You might think that happy people have lots of money, are physically attractive, have great jobs, or own the latest gadgets. Or, you might just think happy people are plain lucky, and are born that way.

Research suggests, however, that there are a number of variables that make a far greater contribution to happiness than external and more superficial factors.
That doesn't mean that if you have a lot of money you won't be happy, or that having a lot of money is bad, it just means that other factors are more important in determining happiness. In fact, a strong positive relationship between job status/income/wealth and happiness only exists for those who live below the poverty line and/or who are unemployed.
What distinguishes happy people, is that they have a different attitude - a different way of thinking about things and doing things. They interpret the world in a different way, and go about their lives in a different way.[/align][align=center]
Why is Happiness Important?
This might seem obvious - why wouldn't you want to be happy?! But the implications are greater than you might think. Happier people are generally healthier people - not only mentally, but also physically. So you can see than happiness is actually something that is really important, that you might want to increase if you can.[/align][align=center]
The "Happiness Equation"
It has been suggested that there are several factors that contribute towards our happiness. This is an 'equation for happiness' suggested by Martin Seligman, an American based psychologist:
H = S + C + V

H = Happiness
S = Set range - (genetics: about 50%)
C = Circumstances (8-15%)
V = Voluntary Control - (past, present, future)

This all looks very scientific, and is actually based on research findings, but can be explained quite simply:
Set Range/Genetics - There is some evidence to support that we are all born with a certain "set-point" of happiness, determined by our genes. This is supposed to change only slightly, if at all, as we get older. This contributes towards around 50% of our level of happiness.
So, if something dramatic happens, for example, you win the lottery, or break up with your boyfriend or girlfriend, within a year or so (depending on the situation) your happiness level will return to its set point.
[b]Circumstances - There is also some evidence to suggest that the circumstance we live in influence our level of happiness. You don't always have a lot of control over your circumstances (for example, we can't all live in mansions and drive new cars). Evidence suggests, however, that this accounts for only around 8-15% of o
Old 12-13-2007, 06:34 PM
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Default RE: How to be `Happy : ) ?

As I said, there is so much more to joy than happiness. Seek joy and happiness will be added.


1. the quality or state of being happy.

2. good fortune; pleasure; contentment; joy.


1. the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying; keen pleasure; elation: She felt the joy of seeing her son's success.

2. a source or cause of keen pleasure or delight; something or someone greatly valued or appreciated: Her prose style is a pure joy.

3. the expression or display of glad feeling; festive gaiety.

4. a state of happiness or felicity.

5. to feel joy; be glad; rejoice.

6. Obsolete. to gladden.

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