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The Communist Manifesto (and how close is America to filling it?)

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Old 10-03-2007, 06:00 PM
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: North Fond du Lac, WI
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Default RE: The Communist Manifesto (and how close is America to filling it?)


You're missing the point. It weaken us because we are losing the skills needed to manufacturer and if a World War were to break, we would not be able to catch up quick enough to survive.BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY, You also tie your hands, enough so, that you could end be held hostage, as we are with oil.

NEXT: Manufacturing jobs go bye-bye, Now so does engineering, management, etc. I use the example: I was hiring a low-level manager for $36K a year. I had PhDs from Idiana by the dozen showing up at my door step. Let me analyze this for a second. I can pay Ragge $36K - with a PhD - for the same price I have to pay Bob $126K a year and Good old Bob only has a BA or Masters. How many Regges can I hire and how much more money can I make? Think it won't happen? The price you pay is coming sooner than you think! You do know that we in the states, even the poorest of us, are still in the TOP 3% when it comes to income. The World average is like $3,500 a year. We are at the peak... with no place to go but down... Watch and see if we don't get kicked in the nuts and our average income in this country doesn't fall like a stone off a cliff - sooner than you think....
No, the point is still here. That is where the the customization and repair come in. Oshkosh Truck isn't going anywhere anytime soon and they are constantly rolling out Military trucks. Same goes for McDonald Douglas regarding aircraft. These jobs are just much more high tech than the "pots and pans" and toyjobs that have gone overseas.

As for the PHD's from India, have you ever spoken with any of them?!?!?! On my tech jobs I was constantly having conversations and I actually felt dumber when I left the conversation. Not that they were smarter than me, but the exact opposite, it felt like my IQ went down because I had to think slower around them and think down to their level. There English was fine, but their version of a PHD is the equivalent of our 7th grade with an intro course into some field.

This isn't a small sampling by any means either as we are talking about 20+ programmers at AC Neilson, 15+ Engineers at Mercury Marine, another 10 or so at International Paper, and 6 on a PC Install contract - these guys were rediculous, worked in groups of three to setup a PC, took over 1.5 hours to get one done that the normal high school guys were doing in 35 minutes and they told the boss they weren't going to come off break until the end of a basketball game on TV. All of these 51 Indians had their PHD and all were less than high school educated in the end.

These all came from contract firms as well, not hired on full time. I think the interviewers would weed them out instantly. But if you want to hire these guys on at 36 grand, be my guest. Expect ZERO production out of them though.

And this is why I am not worried about foreign competition in the technology field.
Old 10-03-2007, 06:52 PM
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Default RE: The Communist Manifesto (and how close is America to filling it?)

Check that. I was thinking about this for awhile. None of them had PHD's. They were all MBA's. I was reading a novel and this kicked back an recall on this thread and noticed the mistake.
Old 10-03-2007, 07:00 PM
Monte Of The Month -- December 2007
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Default RE: The Communist Manifesto (and how close is America to filling it?)

Exactly what! We shipped jobs paying $28 an hour and doubled our $6-8 an hour... Whoopee! Let's triple them!and it still doesn't matter. "Yes Suzy... You have a Mom & Dad... I bet you see them on the weekends don't you... No... They needed a third job to make ends meet...."
"What Joey... You're losing your house? I thought both of your parents worked? They do... Two Jobs each..."

Seperation of classes... Make the rich, richier... Make the poor, poorer... Eliminate the Middle-Class... That is the Republican creed!

The Democrats suck too! and that is no joke! But right now... they are going to get my vote and it doesn't matter which one wins the nomination!

Inever likedGeorge Bush... couldn't believe he was ever voted in office... wait... he wasn't... He lost the popular vote, but was elected my the electorial college... and it wouldn't have mattered who was in office... after 9-11 they would have been re-elected and stupid as that is...

But let's just agree we can disagree and still be friends... Because, no one wins in a political debate... It is what it is... A chance to voice opinions and everyone has one....
Old 10-03-2007, 07:29 PM
Cowboy6622's Avatar

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Default RE: The Communist Manifesto (and how close is America to filling it?)

stats show your wrong on that one, 10% of the population pays 80% of the taxes. and you want to tell me the rich get richer?
Old 10-03-2007, 07:38 PM
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Default RE: The Communist Manifesto (and how close is America to filling it?)

well, you cant argue with bad logic
Old 10-03-2007, 09:27 PM
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Default RE: The Communist Manifesto (and how close is America to filling it?)


Exactly what! We shipped jobs paying $28 an hour and doubled our $6-8 an hour... Whoopee! Let's triple them!and it still doesn't matter. "Yes Suzy... You have a Mom & Dad... I bet you see them on the weekends don't you... No... They needed a third job to make ends meet...."
"What Joey... You're losing your house? I thought both of your parents worked? They do... Two Jobs each..."

Seperation of classes... Make the rich, richier... Make the poor, poorer... Eliminate the Middle-Class... That is the Republican creed!

The Democrats suck too! and that is no joke! But right now... they are going to get my vote and it doesn't matter which one wins the nomination!

Inever likedGeorge Bush... couldn't believe he was ever voted in office... wait... he wasn't... He lost the popular vote, but was elected my the electorial college... and it wouldn't have mattered who was in office... after 9-11 they would have been re-elected and stupid as that is...

But let's just agree we can disagree and still be friends... Because, no one wins in a political debate... It is what it is... A chance to voice opinions and everyone has one....
I don't recall many of the jobs people were getting $28 an hour being shipped overseas. I know alot of the $10 - $14 an hour ones were, but that was also in the Midwest.

For my job what they did was close a center and 400 jobs that were making $24 an hour in CA and moved those jobs to WI where they pay $12 instead. The key hear is that it was all technical support and didn't need to be based in CA. Those could have been moved overseas as well, but it's been proven when you move tech support overseas you loose customers quickly.

Also in my point of view the Californians were getting paid too much for the job. It was necessary to pay them just so they could live in California, but that is the problem right there - real estate prices are insane there.

Whoever it was that was making $28 an hour probably didn't deserve it either. I know the guys at Mercury Marine shouldn't be getting that as all they do is a quick job attaching a carberator with 4 bolts or putting ona head gasket and head with 8 bolts. Any fuggin chimp can do that. How do you justify paying that kind of wage? I can't blame the company for moving some of those jobs to Mexico.

In my mind if you want to make $28 an hour you need to provide $28 an hour in service. If you can't then you need to step up your education and provide something valuable.

I currently make around $24 an hour myself when I factor in commissions which translates to $192/day and I make the company between $1500 to $2000 a day. I feel for me it is a fair wage and some could say underpaid but the key is I provide a valuable service to the company and it can be backed with my numbers. Other employees in my position make less and they also produce less. If they produced the same income they would be where I am.

Even at this I am not satisfied. I'm actually working on a project right now for the car industry that could save quite a few lives at a low cost. Once I figure out the electronics I plan to patant it and sell it. The cost per vehicle would be about $2 - $4 for installation or I can even 3rd party as an aftermarket safety feature. I don't want to go into detail on it as I don't want someone to beat me to patenting it, but it could save realistically about 100 lives per year and at least 3-5 lives are always high profile and send people to prison.
Old 10-03-2007, 10:04 PM
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: North Fond du Lac, WI
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Default RE: The Communist Manifesto (and how close is America to filling it?)

ORIGINAL: Cowboy6622

stats show your wrong on that one, 10% of the population pays 80% of the taxes. and you want to tell me the rich get richer?
Actually this has changed quite a bit, but in the 90's was pretty close. Here are some of the more current figures.

But as you can see the top 25% of earners in this country pay 85% of the taxes. To be in the top 25% your family needs to make $60,000 combined income. You can look at it another way, if you make less than $30,000 a year you only participate in giving 3% of all the taxes collected. Don't get me wrong, it may seem like you are paying out the *** at $30,000 a year, but the "rich" have a larger portion of their income taken out.
For Tax Year 2004

Percentiles Ranked by AGI
AGI Threshold on Percentiles
Percentage of Federal Personal Income Tax Paid

Top 1%

Top 5%

Top 10%

Top 25%

Top 50%

Bottom 50%

The key seperation here is the basic necessities for living. I'm just going to round these figures out as a guess so you get the general idea. I'm also going to use respectable costs in my area.

Income2500/month (30K/yr) 5000/month (60K/yr)
Rent-700 -700
Car-400 -400
Utilities -250 -250 (heat/ac/elec/water)
Gas -100 -100
Food -200 -200
Cable -150 -150 (Cable TV/Internet/Phone)
Gen Spending -300&n
Old 10-03-2007, 10:31 PM
Join Date: Oct 2006
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Default RE: The Communist Manifesto (and how close is America to filling it?)

I also am pretty good at this advice as well and should actually start a business selling it.....

My ex brother/sister in law were having a horrible time making it. I worked with them, their kids, and horrible credit and they should be in good shape in 2 more years. We are talking they were in the toilet and going down fast.

First - downgrade the rent
Their credit was **** so getting a house is out of the question. So we looked at other housing and got them out of this $800 slumlord into a $550 place in the country. Saved on their water bill - none. Utilities stayed about the same except less heat and ac as it was a smaller place. Also had them get rid of the pack rat **** that was taking up so much room.

Second was to cut down on eating out.
They have more cookouts now, but it saves tons of cash andinvites a better social life with closer bonds. The country home also cut down on $150 worth of pizza that was being ordered per month because they can't get it delivered there.

Third was to cut out cable and other bills.
Also moving into the country removed cable - they can get satalite, but don't. Free over the air and in HD. Internet went from broadband to dialup, but they didn't download anything and only checked email. Phone went down $24 by going local only - cells for long distance. They were out of contract so I had them dump their minutes. This saved - $75 cable, (minus allthe damnWWEPPV's)$30 on the substitue internet, $10 on the phone, and $70 on the cell (their plan was way to high and not being used).

Forth was to start dropping all that cash to get rid of the expensive loans.
They had 2 car loans at 18% and 22% but only owed 5 grand total on them. I had them scroung like fiends and pay off the damn 22% loan (3,000) and then work on the 18% (5,000). Unfortunately the one at 18% died, but since they paid off the 22% one their credit was starting to look better. They got a Kia for 11% and cost 10,000 with the trade in. Great warrantee is what sealed the deal.

So right now together they pull in $37,000 total per year, but will be pulling out of their problems soon. Their credit is much better but not anywhere near bragging yet and their life kinda sucked for a year and was hard to get used to, but they don't even notice it now. They goto friends house's for WWE PPV's and chip in, their marriage has become much stronger and are getting along better with the kids. Kids are also going from D students to C and touching B's now.
Old 10-04-2007, 07:16 PM
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 211
Default RE: The Communist Manifesto (and how close is America to filling it?)

ORIGINAL: SolaraSlayer

ORIGINAL: gale155

I'm 55,have been heavily involved in politics for all of my adult life, and have been a card-carrying Libertarian since 1996. IMO, the American Sheeple no longer control their govenment - although the majority stillcan't come to grips with this fact. The next president of the United States will be Hillary Rodman Klintoon - I believe it's already been decided bythe elitists who arepulling the strings.

Personally, I'm involved in the Ron Paul revolution,even thoughI realize it's probably a waste of time and money. If Ron doesn't get the Republican nomination, I'm done with politics on the national level - finished. In fact, I will never again vote in a national election.What I will do is build my fence a little higher, make sure my guns are clean,sit back with Budweiser in hand,and watch the pathetic show.

TheFounders of this great nation knew exactly what they were doingwhen they penned the Constitution, my friends. It's really a shame to watch it all go to hell.

Ron Paul has no answers for defending ourselves against the "terrorist state."
The "terrorist state"? What specific terrorist state are you talking about?? Don't forget that Ron Paul is a dyed-in-the-wool Libertarian, disguised as a Republican. As such, he has the only "answers" that make sense,will actually work, and abide by the Constitution of the United States. The Constitution, you see, is still the supreme law of the land last time I checked. Those who have sworn an oath to protect and defend the Constitution,then were blatantin their disregard for itonce in office should be thrown infederal prison, IMO. This includes the current President, as well as the majority of those currently infesting Congress.

I imagine that you, like the majority of Americans, need to read-up on the Libertarian "answer" to thethreat posedto us by Muslim extremists. Our govenment caused it, and we can stop it.If you think our federal govenment can protect us from future terrorist attacks, you are sadly mistaken. One only needs to take a look at the border situation to understand this.
Old 10-05-2007, 03:35 PM
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Default RE: The Communist Manifesto (and how close is America to filling it?)

ORIGINAL: 04 Intimidator

I also am pretty good at this advice as well and should actually start a business selling it.....

My ex brother/sister in law were having a horrible time making it. I worked with them, their kids, and horrible credit and they should be in good shape in 2 more years. We are talking they were in the toilet and going down fast.

First - downgrade the rent
Their credit was **** so getting a house is out of the question. So we looked at other housing and got them out of this $800 slumlord into a $550 place in the country. Saved on their water bill - none. Utilities stayed about the same except less heat and ac as it was a smaller place. Also had them get rid of the pack rat **** that was taking up so much room.

Second was to cut down on eating out.
They have more cookouts now, but it saves tons of cash andinvites a better social life with closer bonds. The country home also cut down on $150 worth of pizza that was being ordered per month because they can't get it delivered there.

Third was to cut out cable and other bills.
Also moving into the country removed cable - they can get satalite, but don't. Free over the air and in HD. Internet went from broadband to dialup, but they didn't download anything and only checked email. Phone went down $24 by going local only - cells for long distance. They were out of contract so I had them dump their minutes. This saved - $75 cable, (minus allthe damnWWEPPV's)$30 on the substitue internet, $10 on the phone, and $70 on the cell (their plan was way to high and not being used).

Forth was to start dropping all that cash to get rid of the expensive loans.
They had 2 car loans at 18% and 22% but only owed 5 grand total on them. I had them scroung like fiends and pay off the damn 22% loan (3,000) and then work on the 18% (5,000). Unfortunately the one at 18% died, but since they paid off the 22% one their credit was starting to look better. They got a Kia for 11% and cost 10,000 with the trade in. Great warrantee is what sealed the deal.

So right now together they pull in $37,000 total per year, but will be pulling out of their problems soon. Their credit is much better but not anywhere near bragging yet and their life kinda sucked for a year and was hard to get used to, but they don't even notice it now. They goto friends house's for WWE PPV's and chip in, their marriage has become much stronger and are getting along better with the kids. Kids are also going from D students to C and touching B's now.
We started it? We didn't writeand then proceed to misinterpret the Koran!

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