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The Communist Manifesto (and how close is America to filling it?)

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Old 10-03-2007, 12:22 PM
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Default RE: The Communist Manifesto (and how close is America to filling it?)

A serious argument could be made for the Pledge of Allegiance either way, but since it was changed in the 50's

I was saying the Pledge in grade school during the 1960s.

Gays? What they do at home is fine. What they want to force on me is not!!!!
They want to practice being gay, do it at home in the house. Not in a school system I pay to support or gervenment system I'm forced to support.

I personally think you can expect a society like the one we had 100, 200, or 300 years ago to play by today's rules. Okay perhaps women and blacks were held down by the white males in power by look at where the country was at this time as well as society. Any society of the same period. Does that make it right? No.
Can it be changed?No.
Does the fact that thingsin the past can not be changed make it any better today? No.
But you have to move forward. Not live in the past. Look to the future and make sure the past isn't re-lived.

Time for a flaming war
To me there's a lot of white bashing now days. Why is this okay?
I look at my young nephews and their friends s well as what other young people are doing, saying, acting. It is so UN-cool to be white now days it's not funny. If it's okay for blacks, or yellow, or reds to beproud of who they are then it's okay the whites do too.
Let the flaming begin.

Old 10-03-2007, 12:45 PM
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Default RE: The Communist Manifesto (and how close is America to filling it?)

Good points all, Black Attack, except you seem to blame Republicans for deficit spending. You might want to keep in mind that it is Congress that holds the national purse strings. You might also want to revisit the history of government programs and spending, going back to 1964. With a handful of exceptions, it's true that Republicans today vote to spend our money like drunken sailors, and The Dubster usually argument from me on that one. But to imply that Republicans alone are to blame for the government's borrowing habits is just plain silly.
Old 10-03-2007, 12:47 PM
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Default RE: The Communist Manifesto (and how close is America to filling it?)

ORIGINAL: gale155

I'm 55,have been heavily involved in politics for all of my adult life, and have been a card-carrying Libertarian since 1996. IMO, the American Sheeple no longer control their govenment - although the majority stillcan't come to grips with this fact. The next president of the United States will be Hillary Rodman Klintoon - I believe it's already been decided bythe elitists who arepulling the strings.

Personally, I'm involved in the Ron Paul revolution,even thoughI realize it's probably a waste of time and money. If Ron doesn't get the Republican nomination, I'm done with politics on the national level - finished. In fact, I will never again vote in a national election.What I will do is build my fence a little higher, make sure my guns are clean,sit back with Budweiser in hand,and watch the pathetic show.

TheFounders of this great nation knew exactly what they were doingwhen they penned the Constitution, my friends. It's really a shame to watch it all go to hell.

Ron Paul has no answers for defending ourselves against the "terrorist state."
Old 10-03-2007, 03:34 PM
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Default RE: The Communist Manifesto (and how close is America to filling it?)

ORIGINAL: gale155

Good points all, Black Attack, except you seem to blame Republicans for deficit spending. You might want to keep in mind that it is Congress that holds the national purse strings. You might also want to revisit the history of government programs and spending, going back to 1964. With a handful of exceptions, it's true that Republicans today vote to spend our money like drunken sailors, and The Dubster usually argument from me on that one. But to imply that Republicans alone are to blame for the government's borrowing habits is just plain silly.
I blame the republican party for turning us into borrowing state, which in the long run is going to kill us (long-run -- shorter than we think). I blame the republican party for easying up on our laws that allow our manufacturers to operate more easily overseas (yes, I remember who enacted NAFTA). I blame the republican party for the slow collapse of the middle-class. I blame the republican party for focusing too much on easying regulations & laws to help big business which is destorying our country. When you borrow, sooner or later you have to pay it back. When you lose all you technology, skilled trades & craftsman, you are weakening the country and its defense. Oh, sure... we could nuke everyone... that would solve the problem... NOT.

Yes, I think the republicans who controlled congress for the last 12-years prior to the last year, have WEAKEN this country. But the democrats are not my dream team either, but I will probably vote Democrat this next election because we need change! What happened to our Balance Budget? The Republicans DESTROYED IT! Business operates on our people's money... not government! Revenue is needed to run a business and in this case a government as well. But the money needs to be well managed -- WHICH IT IS NOT BY EITHER PARTY!!! Democrats Tax -- I'm all for it, IF my money is used properly!!! I don't want to hear about problems with Schools! Between City Taxes, State Taxes, Federal Taxes, State Lotto, WE SHOULD NOT have one problem funding all the educational systems. My roads & bridges should be perfectly maintained. Public Safety, Fire, Police, and MILITARY should ALL be properly maintained and funded. YES, taxes are needed, but they need to be FAIR and MANGED PROPERLY.

But the FREE RIDE in this country MUST STOP! No long term welfare! No allow foriegners 5-Years FREE TAXES! NO TAX BREAKS PERIOD! A Simple 15% works just fine for me! You earned $10,000 you pay $1,500 in tax. You Earn $100,000 you pay $15,000 in tax. No breaks for giving to charity, or for buying a house, or IRAs, 401s, etc. Audits need to be conducted based on zip code. Live in 90120 and report an income of $50,000, there is a problem here!

Civil Rights - OK -- EVERYONE IS EQUAL -- NO MORE AFFIRMATIVE ACTION! NO MORE NATIVE AMERICAN PAY for being Indian! and the list goes on!

NO MORE SPECIAL PROGRAMS! NO MORE BAILING OUT FARMERS, or BANKS, or COMPANIES! Can't make it, GO OUT OF BUSINESS! Need welfare.. Ok.. I will pay for your training and expenses while you are in school. You WILL pay the US Government back ALL Monies given to you - automatic payroll deduction, Tax Refunds, etc. until all funds are collected. That my friend is not mean, in fact it is downright generous!
Old 10-03-2007, 03:45 PM
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Default RE: The Communist Manifesto (and how close is America to filling it?)

Production lines being moved overseas isn't always a bad thing. The concern needs to be that the quality needs to remain the same. China has proven they cannot produce at the same quality so I avoid major purchases from there.

I think it would be a much better idea to move the production to Mexico. This would help lessen the amount of boarder hoppers coming in.

Also the reason I say that moving production out isn't a bad thing as it moves our society to the next level of thinking - servicing and information. Anyone can do assembly line work, but it is much harder to troubleshoot and repair problems with equipment and that is what needs to grow in the US.

Those that are no longer on the production line need to force themselves to grow to the next level and be able to repair what they once assembled, customize/improve itor go into another advanced field like inventing. In a way it's tough love but that is what we need to do.
Old 10-03-2007, 04:12 PM
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Default RE: The Communist Manifesto (and how close is America to filling it?)

i agree with everything you guys have said.... but black attack, i personally see the republicans as less evil tahn the democrats....

alright, let me continue the rant i started earlier before i had to leave for school. right now, we are all pissed because the democrats can't seem to balance hte budget, they want to increase the budget by BILLIONS of dollars, raise taxes (reversing the Bush tax cuts, taxes that shouldn't have been in place to begin with), and spending more money. however, if we see the democrats as evil only because of this, then we must remind ourselves that the republicans did the exact same thing when they took over during the 1994 mid term elections. however, i believe the democrats are banking on failure in Iraq. the senator from kansas, a new one for this term, stormed out of a generals report on Iraq becasue he was reporting good news, and she did not want to hear it. she did not want to hear it becasue if america was to be successful in the Iraq, the democrats would lose the 2008 election.

So here is my thoughts: the only major difference is that the Democrats want to run our country into the ground a little bit faster than the Republicans do. I believe we need a little revolution, and add several amendments to the Constitution. One of these should ban the political party in the United States. here is what will happen: There will be another terrorist attack on the United States. I don't want to see it happen, none of us do, but it will. The Democrats are going to blame the Republicans for not foreseeing the threat and acting on it, the Republicans will blame the Democrats for weakening our country to allow this to happen. Neither party will decide to sit back, figure out what allowed whatever attack happened to happen, and try to figure out what went wrong. I say if you want to run for office, fine, go ahead. Get X amount of signatures and your name is on the ballot. i believe many candidates go against their wishes and their own ideaology jsut to keep their respective parties happy. plus, many voters see one party as particularly evil and vote a straight Democrat or Republican ticket. our own founding fathers believed that "factions" would be bad for our countries, and George Washington warned against the forming of political parties in his Farewell Address. We need an amendment banning hte forming of an official party for any more than 1 election.

We should also see to it that the First Amendment is expanded. Our Constitution sets up teh frame work for the greatest government the world has ever seen, but the clause's that have allowed it to be "a living Constitution" seem to not be noticed anymore. We need to make sure that people who burn flags have the right to do so. Personally ,I hate seeing this, I beleive if you burn a flag, you need your @$$ whooped, but these people have the right to burn a flag. We must protect this right. We must also protect the rights of patriotic people to beat the h*ll out of these people when they see them . I cna't remember who said this, but someone said "If a country is to have a symbol, such as a flag, then one of its symbols must also be one of its citizens burning that flag in protest."

Anotehr thing we need to do is give up this whole gay marriage crap in Congress. This falls under the expansion of the first amendment I was talking about. I'm not gay (Larry Criag raises teh question of how many times you can say that phrase before officially becoming gay), and I don't intend to become gay. However, gay people have the right to become married. What is there, besides religion, that would tell you that you cannot be gay. The first amendment says that you have the freedom of religion, and also establishes that the US Government c
Old 10-03-2007, 04:51 PM
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Default RE: The Communist Manifesto (and how close is America to filling it?)

ORIGINAL: 04 Intimidator

Production lines being moved overseas isn't always a bad thing. The concern needs to be that the quality needs to remain the same. China has proven they cannot produce at the same quality so I avoid major purchases from there.

I think it would be a much better idea to move the production to Mexico. This would help lessen the amount of boarder hoppers coming in.

Also the reason I say that moving production out isn't a bad thing as it moves our society to the next level of thinking - servicing and information. Anyone can do assembly line work, but it is much harder to troubleshoot and repair problems with equipment and that is what needs to grow in the US.

Those that are no longer on the production line need to force themselves to grow to the next level and be able to repair what they once assembled, customize/improve itor go into another advanced field like inventing. In a way it's tough love but that is what we need to do.
You're missing the point. It weaken us because we are losing the skills needed to manufacturer and if a World War were to break, we would not be able to catch up quick enough to survive.BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY, You also tie your hands, enough so, that you could end be held hostage, as we are with oil.

NEXT: Manufacturing jobs go bye-bye, Now so does engineering, management, etc. I use the example: I was hiring a low-level manager for $36K a year. I had PhDs from Idiana by the dozen showing up at my door step. Let me analyze this for a second. I can pay Ragge $36K - with a PhD - for the same price I have to pay Bob $126K a year and Good old Bob only has a BA or Masters. How many Regges can I hire and how much more money can I make? Think it won't happen? The price you pay is coming sooner than you think! You do know that we in the states, even the poorest of us, are still in the TOP 3% when it comes to income. The World average is like $3,500 a year. We are at the peak... with no place to go but down... Watch and see if we don't get kicked in the nuts and our average income in this country doesn't fall like a stone off a cliff - sooner than you think....
Old 10-03-2007, 04:55 PM
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Default RE: The Communist Manifesto (and how close is America to filling it?)

I keep hearing a lot about a "borrowing state" or "deficits."

Do you know the repubs aren't worried?

Sorry if I mention this again, we may have a trillion dollar deficit but we have multi-trillion dollars in capital.

We can sell the county of Los Angeles which just passed the trillion dollar value mark and wipe out the national deficit instantly.

It is the 'doom and gloom' politics of the Democrats that creates all this false panicking.

Old 10-03-2007, 04:57 PM
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Default RE: The Communist Manifesto (and how close is America to filling it?)

.....and our manufacturing industry might be going over seas or outsourced or whatever....

...but our service industry has tripled in the last 20 years. More jobs created than lost.

More Democratic party 'doom and gloom' politics.
Old 10-03-2007, 05:47 PM
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Default RE: The Communist Manifesto (and how close is America to filling it?)

ORIGINAL: SolaraSlayer

.....and our manufacturing industry might be going over seas or outsourced or whatever....

...but our service industry has tripled in the last 20 years. More jobs created than lost.

More Democratic party 'doom and gloom' politics.

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