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The Communist Manifesto (and how close is America to filling it?)

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Old 09-26-2007, 11:57 PM
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Default RE: The Communist Manifesto (and how close is America to filling it?)


I used to think seperation of Church and state was the way to go. But not anymore.

State has proven it can't handle the job without GOD!!!

And that's what This country was founded on. The right to believe in God how we choose to do so. Not Mohammed or Budda. If you want to worship them move to the middle east.

When I was in grade school we had prayer in school. And I seemed to have turned out okay? (no comments)

We need to get all the special interest groups out of our government and concentrate on making this nation great again.

RJ, we are total homies!!![sm=pimp.gif][sm=pimp.gif]
Old 10-01-2007, 01:22 PM
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Default RE: The Communist Manifesto (and how close is America to filling it?)

i'm surprised at how many people said its the democrats fault... 4 at the time of this post... out of 10 votes
Old 10-02-2007, 08:07 PM
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Default RE: The Communist Manifesto (and how close is America to filling it?)


I used to think seperation of Church and state was the way to go. But not anymore.

State has proven it can't handle the job without GOD!!!

And that's what This country was founded on. The right to believe in God how we choose to do so. Not Mohammed or Budda. If you want to worship them move to the middle east.

When I was in grade school we had prayer in school. And I seemed to have turned out okay? (no comments)

We need to get all the special interest groups out of our government and concentrate on making this nation great again.
I have a 50% agreement on this. This country was founded on the Christian God (I am Catholic)but in the Bill of Rights they specifically laid down that we are free to practice ANY religion. The state WILL NOT persecute a person directly on their beliefs. This is the reason they left England in the first place.

Now I do not recognise any of the religious groups outside of the Hebrew God and the events that passed into Catholosism, but I do not feel it is anyway might right to crush someone elses beleifs.

I also beleive in the traditions of this country as well, In God We Trust should stay on our currency. A serious argument could be made for the Pledge of Allegiance either way, but since it was changed in the 50's (I believe) I'm on the fence on which way to go.

I feel adding God back into the country is definately a good thing by far, just looking at the 10 Commandments I've never really seen any bad advice, but I don't think any person has the right to shove their ideas down anyones thoat. That's what the ****'s did.

Finally there could also be an argument to ship all the Catholics back to Isreal and the Jews back to Egypt.... Just food for thought.
Old 10-02-2007, 08:08 PM
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Default RE: The Communist Manifesto (and how close is America to filling it?)

Well it is the Democrats fault.... they are communists.
Old 10-02-2007, 09:21 PM
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Default RE: The Communist Manifesto (and how close is America to filling it?)

I'm 55,have been heavily involved in politics for all of my adult life, and have been a card-carrying Libertarian since 1996. IMO, the American Sheeple no longer control their govenment - although the majority stillcan't come to grips with this fact. The next president of the United States will be Hillary Rodman Klintoon - I believe it's already been decided bythe elitists who arepulling the strings.

Personally, I'm involved in the Ron Paul revolution,even thoughI realize it's probably a waste of time and money. If Ron doesn't get the Republican nomination, I'm done with politics on the national level - finished. In fact, I will never again vote in a national election.What I will do is build my fence a little higher, make sure my guns are clean,sit back with Budweiser in hand,and watch the pathetic show.

TheFounders of this great nation knew exactly what they were doingwhen they penned the Constitution, my friends. It's really a shame to watch it all go to hell.

Old 10-02-2007, 10:30 PM
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Default RE: The Communist Manifesto (and how close is America to filling it?)

ORIGINAL: gale155

TheFounders of this great nation knew exactly what they were doingwhen they penned the Constitution, my friends. It's really a shame to watch it all go to hell.
I would agree that they were very close to sealing a great document in the Constitution, but it has been too bad lawyers exploited it and there were a few issues with special interests and changes.

I also want to clear some air and make it very clear that I am not a racist or sexist. I beleive we kept the blacks and women down for quite a long time when they shouldn't have been and denied them many rights that should have been given to them. The only right that they were denied and given too quickly was the right to vote.

Before you jump on this and flame away, it takes a bit more explanation and has some gray area. Should they have the right - yes. BUT I beleive there should have been an earning of that right. When voting in the 1700's most of the voting populous was a land owner. They had an investment in this company and did the right things to protect their investments and looked out for the country. This was pretty good through the 1800's.

Then we made the mistake of giving the write to vote to individuals that did not have a direct interest in the country (blacks and women). They didn't have property or material items. They had nothing to loose so the best thing they could do was make changes. Some for the better, but many for the worst. Many of our laws these days have become maternal and not holding the criminal responsible for their actions. Many others have allowed the alleged "have nots" to have more power and take away responsibility.

Look at the HUD program. Great idea on the surface, provide subsidized housing for low income families so they can start somewhere. The way it works is someone now gets access to the place, (sometimes by the government forcing the owner into a HUD program with their own property), the new renter doesn't pay rent for months, the owner spends tons of time and money to finally evict them, and land owner ends up with a trashed apartment that costs thousands to renovate. Othertimes the renter will claim the ownership, rent to another family that was denied for some reason (maybe illegal aliens) and then not only collect the HUD money but the rent from the renters. The land owner gets screwed with the bill the government will not cover for repairs and they get the bonus of the land degrading in value and making it harder to sell at a lower price.

I don't claim to have all the answers myself to these questions or how to fix the problem, but I beleive that landowners should have a much more powerful vote than those that do not try to become landowners or have a vestment in this country.

Set limits on these welfare programs as well. I am so sick of hearing women talking about squeezing out another kid to get more benifits to the state or hearing other women collect welfare from 2 different states: Chicago IL and Madison WI and go on the news talking about how they are "entitled" to it. How??!?!!? What the F*ck did they do to be entilted to the money I worked for? This women should have been locked up on the spot for fraud!!!

Old 10-02-2007, 10:45 PM
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Default RE: The Communist Manifesto (and how close is America to filling it?)

I just thought of a few more too, but this is getting me rialed up so I need to cut it short.

First start fining these bastards that do terrorism tactics in the name of special interests. PETA should be disbanded for putting houses and businesses on fire. I don't follow up with them too much, but I do remember a mink farm in WI that was burned to the ground. They let all the Mink free, but they forgot to inform the family of 6 that was sleeping before they lit their house up like a roman candle. It was only pure luck that the family survived. When they caught the individuals that commited the crime they got a slap on the hand and were in for around 2 years in jail. WTF!!!! In my book that is Arson and 6 counts of Attempted Homoside. That should be prison for life.

The other big group I have problems with is GLAD and gays in general. On an individual basis I could care less what they do in their spare time, I don't want to know about it, but they should feel to sin as they see fit. They can explain it to St. Peter later. I just don't want to hear about this marrige ****, or special rights ****. If they are attacked because they are, sure it should be a hate crime and judged as such, but I don't recall any religion (current or ancient)that allows gay marriage - please educate me on the matrimonial services of such a wedding/bonding if I am incorrect. My other issue is that they are the only species to be homosexual other than the unusual chimp or monkey. I seriously think their is some form of brain damage/chemical imbalance at some level. If we look at geneticsthe reason we have an XX and XY chromosome is for the purpose of mating. If not I would imagine you would be Asexual.

Once again don't get me wrong I have no problem giving them the freedom to do what they want in their own spare time, but I don't beleive they should be able to infringe on my rights because of their choice/special needs.
Old 10-03-2007, 06:38 AM
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Default RE: The Communist Manifesto (and how close is America to filling it?)

well said 04 intimidator. i'm not so sure about the voting things, because if they weren't given the right, people probably would hvae been killed pretty quick. i would however like to add a quote from one of our greatest founding fathers, Thomas Jefferson

-"A little revolution every now and then is a good thing. We should have some kind of small revolution every 25-30 years."

The last big revolution that I can think of was the Civil Rights Movemenet. The problem with government is that we kind of need to do an "out with teh old, in with the new". Well its time for me to go to school, so I'll add to this in 4th period today if I can.
Old 10-03-2007, 07:08 AM
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Default RE: The Communist Manifesto (and how close is America to filling it?)

You hit the nail on the head when you mentioned attorneys, Dan. I believe that lawyers (as an institution) will be the downfall of this country. The "Brotherhood of Attorneys" have managed to intrude into nearly every aspect of our lives...trashing the Constitution in the process for their own financial gain. How did they manage to do this? Well, a number of years ago the Supreme Court of the U.S., in one of its landmark decisions, declared itself to be the final authority on matters of constitutional law. In other words, the Supremes said that it is they who have the final word on what is, and what is not constitutional. The problem with this, of course, is that the Constitution gives that "final authority" specifically to the U.S. Senate, in essense making it the highest court in the land.

Attorneys have also managed to seize controlby the fact that we (the voters) keep sending them to Congress and the White House. I maintain that every new law enacted increases the demand (and therefore the collective income) for attorneys. Ifthis is true, I think it should be illegal for attorneys to hold legislative positions, in that it's clearly a conflict of interest. You mentioned the gay marriage issue, which is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. Oneof these days, the federal government, either through Congress or the Supremes, is going to mandate that the states recognize gay marriage. Apart from pandering to a yet another special interest group, gay marriagesmean what?The answer, of course, is gay divorces - a huge pot-of-gold forattorneys. It may take them a few more years to aclimate the American herd to the idea, but rest assured that attorneys are not going to allow this potentialsource of incometo pass them by.

The late Harry Browne once observed that "the seeds of today's runaway government were planted when it was decided that governent should help those who cannot (or will not) help themselves". How very true. The government's "War on Poverty", just like their various other "wars", is a total failure, and is bankrupting the country. It's going to continue though, because the hoards of sheeple on the receiving end of government handouts are allowed to vote..."vote themselves money from the public treasury", as Alexander Tyler so accuratelyobserved over 100-years ago. It seems to me that only those people who fund the federal government (pay income taxes) should be allowed to vote, as has been suggested by some pretty smart people. This may sound harsh, unfair, mean-spirited and all the rest of it; however, the whole welfare and entitlement system is going to continue to spiral out of control if something isn't done to stop it, and must someday reach a breaking-point. That point will come when the "producers" can no longer support the "non-producers", and then where will we be? Probably chaos, and even civil war, IMHO.

The ultimate blame for our out-of-control federal government, I believe, lies withwe citizens. We have got to be the most apathetic bunch of people on the planet, bar none. Ask the average working person how much they paid in federal income tax last year...they either won't know, or will stupidly reply "oh, I got money back". Ask the average citizen of the United States to name the three people who represent them in Congress, and you'll be amazed at how many don't have a clue. We have, and will continue to have exactly the government we deserve.
Old 10-03-2007, 11:07 AM
Monte Of The Month -- December 2007
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Default RE: The Communist Manifesto (and how close is America to filling it?)

Well, this might become the day I come disliked...

This country is becoming weaker and weaker... We are slowly losing all our manufacturing capabilities as more and more manufacturers move operations outside the U.S. Trades and Craftsman are slowly fading away (die & mold makers as an example). We laugh and sing the praises of those making us rich and as our stocks rise, but there is a price to pay and it will come sooner rather than later.

We were a country of lenders, and know we are a country of borrowing. The republicans think this is a good thing... But it is not! It weaken our country... Remember, there is a price to pay for everything and our time to pay is coming sooner rather than later. (For you christian conservatives - You Shall Lend To Many Nations, But You Shall Not Borrow! - Weakening our country even in the eyes of God)

Allowing Forgein Countries to buy Major US companies was a NO NO... Now an accepted practice - There is a price to pay and it will come sooner rather than later.

The list of things we are doing that will be the down fall of this country is growing each and every day. China is a SUPER POWER and one that will kick our butts IF we keep letting all these changes occur! The Yellow Race shall rule the earth... Are we just a pawn? Is it just fate? Do we look back through history and learn, or are we just doomed to let it repeat? Do all Great Empires have to fall? You may laugh now... But there is a price to pay for everything, and I think the price is higher than you and I can imagine... and we are going to see what it is before the next generation comes into being.

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