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Bush Vs Kerry

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Old 06-15-2005, 11:15 AM
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Default RE: Bush Vs Kerry


ORIGINAL: rchurch

I just wrote a very interesting post for this thread and when I tried to post it my comp locked up. I think it is a government conspiracy to squash any opposing opinions to the present administration. Be careful of what you say or do, they are everywhere!
Damn, that sucks.

I'm not skurred, im an equal opprotunity politician hater. Even though Clinton was my favorite future bust for our paper money, his question was called into question when he looked us all in the eye and said "I did not have sexual relations with that woman Ms. Lewinski" which was a bold face lie. Who knows what else he lied about.
Like I noted before, Clinton was a damn good lier.

Old 06-15-2005, 11:47 AM
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Default RE: Bush Vs Kerry

"I didn't have sexual relations with that woman" kinda pales in comparison to "We have undeniable proof of weapons of mass distruction and Saddam is a direct threat to our national security" doesn't it? I mean, getting a BJ from some intern didn't result in over 1600 dead americans....
Old 06-15-2005, 12:29 PM
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Default RE: Bush Vs Kerry

ORIGINAL: tvanwinklehome


ORIGINAL: rchurch

I just wrote a very interesting post for this thread and when I tried to post it my comp locked up. I think it is a government conspiracy to squash any opposing opinions to the present administration. Be careful of what you say or do, they are everywhere!
Damn, that sucks.

I'm not skurred, im an equal opprotunity politician hater. Even though Clinton was my favorite future bust for our paper money, his question was called into question when he looked us all in the eye and said "I did not have sexual relations with that woman Ms. Lewinski" which was a bold face lie. Who knows what else he lied about.
Like I noted before, Clinton was a damn good lier.

But at the same time, he was the most beloved president we've had in a long time. He simply got things done. I'm not saying he was perfect, but he was effective.
Old 06-15-2005, 12:32 PM
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Default RE: Bush Vs Kerry

ORIGINAL: rchurch

"I didn't have sexual relations with that woman" kinda pales in comparison to "We have undeniable proof of weapons of mass distruction and Saddam is a direct threat to our national security" doesn't it? I mean, getting a BJ from some intern didn't result in over 1600 dead americans....
1700, and yes, this is true. Bush makes me feel like I did in middle school, you know when your parents embarrassed you?
Old 06-15-2005, 03:36 PM
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Default RE: Bush Vs Kerry

"I didn't have sexual relations with that woman" kinda pales in comparison to "We have undeniable proof of weapons of mass distruction and Saddam is a direct threat to our national security" doesn't it? I mean, getting a BJ from some intern didn't result in over 1600 dead americans....
Ummmmmmmm... Do you think for one second we would have gotten the go ahead if the Bush admin said otherwise? Were WMDs what was known at the time? Dunno.. Should we not have taken the ***** out...... Nooooooo.. This is one of those pay me now pay me latter deals with Iraq, it was going to happen eventually. Additionally if Clinton would have finished the job that Bush senior set Clinton would have been the wartime fall guy.

Out of curiosity, if not for WMD's why do you think we went over there and why are we still there?

But at the same time, he was the most beloved president we've had in a long time. He simply got things done. I'm not saying he was perfect, but he was effective.
And these monumental things that he got done were?????????
Old 06-16-2005, 01:07 AM
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Default RE: Bush Vs Kerry

ORIGINAL: tvanwinklehome

And these monumental things that he got done were?????????
The only one who said anything about monumental was you, so maybe you can answer that.

Let's just agree to disagree, it's obvious neither one of us are going to change our view. Besides, I get real aggressive when talking politics and I don't feel like getting banned.
Old 06-16-2005, 02:25 AM
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Default RE: Bush Vs Kerry

Oooh. I've got some good ones for this.

As much as I agree that Clinton was a great speaker and an excellent liar, he demolished the military as we knew it with huge pay cuts, downsizing like its cool and a million other things. Bush however is great, yes I said GREAT for our military. in the past 2 years we have had 2 pay raises, one of them being the largest pay raise in military history. Granted we are still in Iraq, and SOME of the reasons for us being there are deffinitely stupid. Then again, we are doing some great great things over there, being that I just came back from a 10 month tour there, I would know. Oh and 1700? try closer to 2000. I dont know if you guys remember seeing anything about this or not, but remember in August of 04 the whole deal about Najaf and the cemetery and Al Sadr's house and the Mosques? That was us. I lost close to 20 yes that's TWENTY comrades in that 2 to 3 week period from the time the fight in the cemetery broke out, 3 of which were very close friends. Does that suck? Yes, most deffinitely. Was it worth it? F*CK no. Nothing is worth a good man's life. But are we doing good? Yes, you are God D*mn right we are. I have seen first hand the improvements we have made in 10 months, the people who we have saved, the lives we have changed, the schools we built...the children to whom we gave a future. In my opinion, there is no-one I would rather serve under than W. Clinton? Cinton was a p*ssy. Kerry? Kerry is a girly man, a spoiled girly man. Bush however, he has *****, testicular fortitude. There is a fine line between Brave and Stupid, most would probably say he is stupid, but being in the military, I would choose the latter. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to bash on anyone else, this is just my opinion. Actually screw it. Bashing is what politics is all about right? Anyone who doesn't see it like this. Come join the military and serve for Bush, then tell me again he is stupid.

Well enough of that. If anyone wants to see some pictures from over there. let me know and I will post an album of them.
Old 06-16-2005, 11:00 AM
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Default RE: Bush Vs Kerry


Thank you for your service to our country!!!

That must have been tough to loose so many friends that close to you in combat and I am glad that you made it out of there. Iraq was a tough decision that had to be made in order to end the atrocities touched upon in your post.

The only one who said anything about monumental was you, so maybe you can answer that.

Let's just agree to disagree, it's obvious neither one of us are going to change our view. Besides, I get real aggressive when talking politics and I don't feel like getting banned.
Monumental was my addition to your statement, so be it. I can answer that, NOTHING, he did nothing for the military, did nothing for our country that is news worthy other than get a BJ in the White House..... Whooohoooo.....

I'll take your silence, as you just don't have anything substantial to contribute.

Thanks... I kind of figured as much anyway.

Old 06-16-2005, 11:27 AM
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Default RE: Bush Vs Kerry

ORIGINAL: tvanwinklehome

I'll take your silence, as you just don't have anything substantial to contribute.

Thanks... I kind of figured as much anyway.
It's this attitude why I chose to discontinue this convo with you. If you're gonna "interpret" my silence as anything other than what I explained above then it's a no win situation for me so why even bother?
Old 06-16-2005, 12:41 PM
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