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Space 09-09-2014 11:43 AM

Originally Posted by GTHSS (Post 629901)
There you go again making me laugh!:rotfl:

I like burning the midnight oil, but that 4:15am wake up gets me. It's all good though. Kinda funny driving to workin the early AM and I see the pary crowd getting breakfast before they go to bed!:cool:

Yall have a great day!

Hi Tommy, I'm happy that I was able to make you laugh :thumbsup:
I've always only slept about 4-5 hours a day since I was
born. My doc said it's normal for a few people.
Growing `up my grandfather took me to the doc's &
they said that I was `OK...Good thing he didn't take me
to a shrink (LOL)

I've been working many hours & lately I've been tired &
need a longer recharge.

I'm still waiting for my boss to arrive, but now I'm going to
take a break from work & go & have lunch with
my g/f @ the hospital.

Keep our forum active & fun.
Catch everyone later :thumbsup:

crazyzach722 09-09-2014 12:33 PM

Good afternoon everyone. Had a busy morning doing some of my homework. I will be leaving for work shortly. Another night shift. boo! Oh well. Can't wait for today and tomorrow around 3 to be done. Then maybe I can relax a little bit but who knows what tomorrow will bring. Have a good day forum.

SupplySgt 09-09-2014 01:28 PM

Originally Posted by GTHSS (Post 629839)
Good morning gang! Busy day at work already. I thought I was good at burning the midnight oil but you guys got me beat!

I like what Sarge said. I had a few years of active duty myself, then came back home and worked the night end of shift work and played during the day. Found sleep wherever I could. Now I work day shift and wonder how I used to do all the things I used to do.

Last time I was on a shift that required me to be up in the morning like that was when I was on active duty. Of course, then I was up at 3 so I could be there by 4 and didn't get to go home till 2100 or later. Then every 8 days I had a 24 hour shift.

I've either been on second or third shift since then. I'd prefer a true night shift personally. But for now I just have to deal with the second shift schedule. Every now and then they talk about opening up a true night shift. If they did, I'd be all over that like ants on a spilled snow cone. This 1500-0200 is not a pleasant schedule. If it were 2000-0700 I'd be happy, cause then I could get stuff done after work and not have to try to get to sleep immediately after getting home so I could be up "early"

Anyway, I need to start getting ready for work. Hopefully things are a little more smooth than they were yesterday.

Leprechaun93 09-09-2014 02:08 PM

Afternoon all, space i've been doing the project in my spare time, only because i needed to figure out the best program to create a calendar. I really don't have much spare time to sit around and do this at work as much as i'd like to. If they keep giving me projects i'll look into doing them on the clock at work.

Had the monte checked out for its a/c today, mechanic said it was about a pound low and there was alot of air in the system which is from the self charge kits i've been using. So he sucked all the old stuff out and put good freon in with some dye and i'll go back in a few weeks to see if it is leaking out somewhere or not.

augi 09-09-2014 02:50 PM

Hello, Just checking in from the beginnings of my shift. wish me luck in getting going today.

Mels SS 09-09-2014 03:43 PM

Originally Posted by Space (Post 629902)
Hi `Mel,
Don't worry > no one wears cloths to reduce the weight > so they don't sink in2 the ocean (lol)

Yes, one bad hurricane & it's all over :eek::(
It's living on the edge 4-Sure...

I hope that you are feeling better with each new day of life & that you are getting close to 100% :thumbsup:

Thanks for checking in & keep us updated on life & your Super Super Monte :thumbsup:

Getting better for sure going to my first two car shows this coming weekend.
Cant wait. The Monte needs to get out as much as I do lol

Budsjlm 09-09-2014 03:48 PM

Afternoon all, just sitting on the side of the road on my break, got my plan for this weekend's work for the 84, going to get Jack in on it, he's excited to help me with it,

Originally Posted by Space (Post 629850)
`Justin, great to see you checking in last `eve.
Hope life is going good 4 U & your Monte Carlo ?
Post a update when time permit's.
Wish you a Happy Day & Life 4-Sure :thumbsup:

Life is ok, no news is good news right, not a lot going on just busy, work, Jack getting bigger and going to school, he's in taekwando and soccer so that had been filling the evenings

owens91 09-09-2014 04:29 PM

hey there guys i havent been on in a while been busy, for the past 2 weeks and this week i have been working overtime at work, then football season has started and then i just got madden 15 for the ps4, but i have been trying to do upkeep on jack, i plan on changing sparkplugs and wires on and putting the plog on sat. and order a new water pump with a metal gasket i plan on doing a write up for the water pump

Space 09-09-2014 05:25 PM

>Wish U a Happy > Yes U<>EnJoy<>NoW<
* Hi Zach, thanks 4 checking in + I wish you a great 2morrow...May it bring happiness in your `life :)
* Hi `Drew, wish you a E.Z. work shift 2night. I miss U starting our Blog... I like it when member's start `it :thumbsup: Thanks for your time & dedication...
* Hi `Keane, life > sometimes (?) just isn't fair :(:) I hope that you get paid for your work, or at least gain valuable knowledge from your experiences :thumbsup:

Hope you don't have any leaks, or `if you `do (?) that it's a inexpensive repair.
* Hi Dustin (Augi) > GOOD LUCK :thumbsup::)
* Hi `Mel, great that you got shows planned 4 U & your Monte Carlo S.S. > EnJoy
Hi `Justin (Bud),
Yes, life is `OK is so much better then >Life is BAD<:(
It's great that you & Jack are spending time 2gether + his sports. How old is Jack now ? Wow, already going to Zchool :thumbsup:
Thanks for checking in & it's great to see you back :thumbsup:
Hi George, great to see you back from your busy schedule & fun :thumbsup: How do you like your new Madden Game ? It's also great that you are working on your Monte :congrats:or planning to work on it (lol)....

Wish you & Member's a Super `Eve,

I hope that we `all get a 2morrow 2 enjoy (?)
If you get one, stop back in on the MCF :eek: & make a post & say `HELLO :eek::rotfl:

augi 09-09-2014 07:02 PM

I just found out that one of the lines at my work is scheduled for this saturday, I already made plans with my supervisor to be gone, but my wife didnt. we originally planned to take her Impala to Indiana, but it looks like I'll be going in Eleanor. Im secretly excited, but sad because that means my MRS/ navigator wont be able to trek with me making for a possibly boring trip.

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