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Teacher 06-05-2010 03:25 PM

Well didn't take the boat out but did get some work done out at my property. Back filled around the shop to keep the wind from blowing through and blowing dust all over my stuff. Now I am tired and heading to my sister-in-laws birthday party. My broke idiot brother had live crawdads flown in so I guess we will have a feast. lol

JuniorCar 06-05-2010 03:26 PM

Originally Posted by KidSpace (Post 232813)
Hi `Brent,
Just like I re posted your new `sig pic : ) I re posted
because I like `it, and I share the things I like : )

Thanks for noticing! It's okay. I've just begun teach myself to use Photoshop (GIMP actually) and that took me a long time to make it! I think its kinda ugly actually, which I think is more a creative block... meh! It'll change with more free time. I finally retired the art of "The Popcorn King" since the car had no roof rails in that one

Space 06-05-2010 03:34 PM

:rolleyes: Hi Teacher `Todd,
Sorry you did not take the boat `out & have a fun/relaxing day : (
Sure hope that you can enjoy the party 2night....& Maybe 2morrow you can hit some waves or fish : ) Have SuperFun 2night...Don't get buzzed & `Drive your Burban : )


Hi `Brent, PhotoShop'in is super fun. I have a old Corel Program I picked up at a yard sale for $5 and I've sure had fun learning to use`it. It has many limitations, but it's still `free fun : )

I'm self taught on just about everything ~> It's more trial & errors 4 me....~> More errors then good results : )

I wish that I could've taken some courses at college, but they were
always filled. I think if that's your first attempt with your new program, then U got the talent :eek: Will be look'in forward to your future submissions on the MCF : )

monte carlo 3831 06-05-2010 03:40 PM

good afternoon everyone, I'm here, not much going on for me today. see ya for now...

Space 06-05-2010 03:49 PM

Originally Posted by monte carlo 3831 (Post 232833)
good afternoon everyone, I'm here, not much going on for me today. see ya for now...

Hi `Chris, :eek: don't leave, come back :D
How long will you be gone ? :confused::D
How long do we have to sit here & wait to read
what's going to fall outa your head in2 words on the MCF :confused:
I prefer pictures, cause I can't read 2 good : )
:rolleyes: We are still wait'in :D
Seem like he's been gone a long time...
Wonder whose going to post next ?
Is it you ? reading this ?
Oh, the suspense
:cool: Yes, Please....I gota `go really bad :eek::D:confused::)

nascar43 06-05-2010 03:56 PM

.....I'm here......good afternoon all. I've been at a "Chrysalis" practice today. Chrysalis is a weekend Christian retreat designed for teens 15-19 years of age. It strengthens them spiritually and helps them get closer with God. It's Awesome !
Be Blessed and stay's hot today !:eek:

Space 06-05-2010 04:06 PM

Originally Posted by nascar43 (Post 232836)
.....I'm here......good afternoon all. I've been at a "Chrysalis" practice today. Chrysalis is a weekend Christian retreat designed for teens 15-19 years of age. It strengthens them spiritually and helps them get closer with God. It's Awesome !
Be Blessed and stay's hot today !:eek:

Hi `Richard,
We wondered where you have been, but you are forgiven :D:eek: It's 2 bad I'm to old to attend a Chrysalis..:eek::D

Great to read that you are giving your time/life to
help young teens...It's a great investment 4-Sure.
I am thankful to the wisdom taught to me by the
senior citizens that helped raise & teach me.

We are `all blessed 2 `be
Wish you & reader's a `Happy
EnJoy your Life `Journey
Oh, I think the `journey is so much better in a
AweSome Chevy Monte Carlo

Enzo354 06-05-2010 04:25 PM

I sleep in and go work outside a bit and I miss this much, jeez its time I check in haha. Thanks for posting the pics space, it did make me smile. Also in football I play defensive end and offensive guard (its 8 man).

_Junior car: Thanks for the compliment but I had these pics taken by a friend with a proper camera. (his link is under the pics) He knew of the place and its my new favorite place for pics I think, its very hard to find though.
Also I think you would get along wiht my aunt and uncle. Their basement is all Budweiser stuff (even the ceiling tiles have jr on them) because he worked for Bud for a really long time. Also they have about 30 #8 and #3 cars in diecast, its nuts.

JuniorCar 06-05-2010 05:29 PM

Originally Posted by Enzo354 (Post 232849)
_Junior car: Thanks for the compliment but I had these pics taken by a friend with a proper camera. (his link is under the pics) He knew of the place and its my new favorite place for pics I think, its very hard to find though.
Also I think you would get along wiht my aunt and uncle. Their basement is all Budweiser stuff (even the ceiling tiles have jr on them) because he worked for Bud for a really long time. Also they have about 30 #8 and #3 cars in diecast, its nuts.

Your friend with the camera has the same taste as me too. I like to try to find that empty, but industrial setting. The shots, the subject and the set come together. Did your friend do your most of your cardomain shots?

Anyone who hasn't checked Enzo's cardomain should. Its one of my favs

Edit: I just checked it out again. Outstanding... really! Breath taking!

Enzo354 06-05-2010 05:59 PM

Originally Posted by JuniorCar (Post 232869)
Your friend with the camera has the same taste as me too. I like to try to find that empty, but industrial setting. The shots, the subject and the set come together. Did your friend do your most of your cardomain shots?

Anyone who hasn't checked Enzo's cardomain should. Its one of my favs

Edit: I just checked it out again. Outstanding... really! Breath taking!

Hes very good, he has great taste. The only ones though that he took are the ones with the black outline that say on them in the big frame. Everything under that is my own.

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