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BeachBumMike 12-11-2013 11:00 AM

>How to open frozen car doors ?<
I don't know, but I thought that you would :eek::confused::rotfl:

Below is from Dr 'Google (LOL) Please post your tips > :thumbsup:

P343 01-07-2015 05:57 AM

Thought I would bump this to the top for all of us who don't live somewhere warm, have to park the Monte (or any other vehicle) outside, and are currently having to deal with this wicked cold weather.
I had this issue the other day and may have it again this morning. I know the obvious answers may be "move somewhere warmer" or "build a garage" but those are not an option. ;) If you have your own suggestions, please post them!!!

STUMPMI 01-07-2015 07:05 AM

I use to hate being frozen out of my own vehicle.:mad:
Fortunately now a days.. We have the "Auto Starts!:thumbsup:
Which of course it eliminates the "Frozen" out issue.

But back in the day...
I would use the hot water trick.
I also used powdered graphite in my locks then.. as well as now!

I can honestly say:
I have only once used the key in the door to unlock my Monte.
Because I awoke to a dead battery. and yet after all those years of non usage, freezy days of 13 yrs as a daily driver. (Winter/Summer) It worked perfectly.

P343 01-07-2015 02:47 PM

My actual LOCK froze. Have the rubber seals treated. So I took the hot water and poured it into the crack in the door near the lock and two containers of water opened.
Had no trouble with it at all this morning!! :)
Can't afford the auto start right now. On list of things to get though.

STUMPMI 01-07-2015 04:55 PM

All my vehicles have the aftermarket auto starts on them..
Especially being an amputee in the winter months its hard for me to get to the vehicle let alone scrape the snow/ice off of it.:rotfl:

drivernumber3 01-07-2015 05:27 PM

I have used the Hot water method, I have also been out there with a Hair Dryer to unfreeze the locks and it has worked. Once open I have treated the door frame inside and seal with a Silicone spray to reduce the happening again.:thumbsup:

P343 01-07-2015 05:42 PM

David- Yes the auto start is a "gotta have" for you. :) It's a "would be nice to have" for me right now...LOL
Drivernumber3-I have the door frame/seals treated with silicone spray also. :)

The_Maniac 01-07-2015 06:17 PM

I need to treat the seals on my daily, even with the remote start, it had a day or two in our "deep freeze" this season that was tough to open!
Yesterday I could not use the drive through as all 4 windows in my Grand Am were frozen!! I got home that night with them no longer frozen and have the side rails a squirt of good ole WD-40. So far, that has helped.

P343 01-07-2015 06:34 PM

My boss' vehicle will freeze shut in a heartbeat. I told him what I do to my vehicles with the seals and he asked if I would go out do that to his vehicle as he had never heard of anyone doing that. He was so excited this morning that he went to come to work and the doors opened right up!!! :) I really think he thought I was talking crazy!!! LOL

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