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FlynhghR 09-09-2007 07:08 PM

RE: ADD + Bee's = A Bad Thing
They have a single hole for entry/exit.... taking care of the problem should be easy... Saran wrap.... I mean, you've seen how pissed they get because they cant go through glass, Imagine how pissed they'd be about their entrance being "invisibly" blocked? lmao...... I like enraging, then freezing and killing them with electronic duster, just hold the can upside down...

HyperFox 09-09-2007 09:58 PM

RE: ADD + Bee's = A Bad Thing
Yeah.. I aint getting close enough to them to saran-wrap thier hive. Be neat tho if you used something like that spray-foam insulation tho some of those cans can spray 10 feet or so.. Ha! Death by insulation!

FlynhghR 09-10-2007 08:52 PM

RE: ADD + Bee's = A Bad Thing
Be warm for the winter... until they run out of honey....

04 Intimidator 09-10-2007 10:05 PM

RE: ADD + Bee's = A Bad Thing
I was thinking of cauking it myself.

FlynhghR 09-10-2007 10:33 PM

RE: ADD + Bee's = A Bad Thing
Caulk would probably take too long... I would say the insta-insulation would be better because it expands kinda like shaving cream.... be quicker to plug it up.... less time you're exposed to the 'business' end of the bees... lol

04 Intimidator 09-11-2007 09:53 AM

RE: ADD + Bee's = A Bad Thing
Probably just cut the tree down in winter anyway. They won't do much then.

rj 09-11-2007 10:44 AM

RE: ADD + Bee's = A Bad Thing
A woman I used to date has a wasp nest the size of as basket ball in the tree out front. Some kids were out there one day bugging the wasps. I was "hoping" they'd get stung but if they did, they'd run home and tell mommy & daddy where they got stung.

We've got a bad infestation of bees where the newer part of the house was added on to the older part. We've sprayed like 5 - 6 times but there's still more bees. I was thinking of using the expanding foam to fill the crack?

04 Intimidator 09-11-2007 12:16 PM

RE: ADD + Bee's = A Bad Thing


A woman I used to date has a wasp nest the size of as basket ball in the tree out front. Some kids were out there one day bugging the wasps. I was "hoping" they'd get stung but if they did, they'd run home and tell mommy & daddy where they got stung.

We've got a bad infestation of bees where the newer part of the house was added on to the older part. We've sprayed like 5 - 6 times but there's still more bees. I was thinking of using the expanding foam to fill the crack?

Proabably the best idea. I'm going to temporarily use a can of foam I found this morning later tonight... around 10-midnight or so.

Cowboy6622 09-11-2007 04:56 PM

RE: ADD + Bee's = A Bad Thing
anytime while the sun is down is good. bleach also works well... hehe, let me just share a story.

my dad and i were in virginia beach, wehre the trucking company he works for is out of. this driver around the corner had a problem with some kind of wasp or something, whatever it was, they bore holes in hte ground and have 2 exits. we knew where both holes were. we blocked off 1, poured 3 gallons of gas into it, and threw in a litnewspaper. you would have thought you lived in san francisco in 1950 something the way that ground shook. and out of hte whole came 500 flaming bee's. finally one of the neighbors (apparently upset about his ground being shook) said "just pour some bleach down the hole".

never had trouble after that.

HyperFox 09-11-2007 07:11 PM

RE: ADD + Bee's = A Bad Thing
Lol!! Bee cannon!

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