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`Jamie Lynn -Member ChevySSGirl- Missing ?

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Old 08-10-2009, 03:42 PM
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I still have an un-opened 6-pack of those Coca-Cola glass bottles that featured the first race Jr and Sr. were in together and had the matching cars...
Old 08-10-2009, 07:34 PM
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Originally Posted by chibiblacksheep
I still have an un-opened 6-pack of those Coca-Cola glass bottles that featured the first race Jr and Sr. were in together and had the matching cars...
Mike, i'm thirsty. Lets partake of some soda.

Old 08-10-2009, 07:37 PM
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i have a full unopened case of dale jr budweiser aluminum bottles 16oz!!!


Last edited by monte carlo 3831; 08-10-2009 at 09:41 PM.
Old 08-11-2009, 09:28 AM
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Originally Posted by JJsRYD
Mike, i'm thirsty. Lets partake of some soda.

Let me go get them out of storage in NEPA :P
Old 08-11-2009, 02:47 PM
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JJ and Mike...
Found a site selling the six pack bottles for $24.99
Old 08-11-2009, 03:03 PM
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Those actually aren't the ones I have.

Remember when Jr and Sr drove the matching Coca-Cola cars in that one race? I think JR at the time was in the 1 car, and Sr. of course in the 3. It was also the first Winston Cup race with the 2 of them in it.

I have a six-pack from that race, with those cars on it. Maybe it's more rare
Old 08-13-2009, 11:21 PM
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oh. my. GOSH!!!

you are all hilarious and THANK YOU to everyone who posted about my whereabouts for the 3 ish weeks i was gone!!! here's where i wented:

wed. the 22nd and thurs. the 23rd of july i had events in CT. that thurs. nite i flew out to milwaukee. met a couple of the crew who'd driven out there from california. got drunk at a bar in the mall down the street, since according to the girl at walgreens, they stop selling beer (in MILWAUKEE!!!!) at 9 p.m. in stores. friday the 24th i picked up 2 crew guys from colorado who flew in that morning, we all spent the day at the racetrack doing set-up. around 6 p.m. picked up 6 of the california crew who flew in. saturday the 25th and sunday the 26th had insane events at the milwaukee mile which included but were not limited to: a woodchuck or a like animal running across the racetrack while cars were whizzing by; one of our students flipping off one of our instructors while going down the frontstretch; 3 of our students and one of our pros going 4-wide in turn 4 (not by design, and was NOT pretty); 9-10 cars on track at once when our normal max is 5 or 6 (we only did it - twice - because we were running behind by an hour so we had to catch up, we have to be off track there by 5 p.m. as they have a really strict noise ordinance); one of our instructors almost falling off the 40-foot lift we use for spotting. a fun and tiring weekend. monday the 27th we did our teardown and changed gears for the 6 cars that were coming with us to michigan. a day that was a comedy of errors, or "the day where everything that could go wrong, went wrong". trailer got stuck in the gravel...tractor broke down...another crew member who drove out there from the east coast was incredibly late...we got locked into the track when we were finally ready to leave (at 7 pm) and had to have the police come unlock the gate so the tractor could get out. we drove monday night to a hotel in chicago...we get a lot of our travel stuff on "trade", so when the trade company emailed me the confirmation for the chicago hotel, they just said "chicago-o'hare hilton". so i googled it and called them to ask if they'd have parking for 2 53-foot trailers and a semi, and they said no, we're located in the airport and our parking is strictly valet....not good. drove thru the airport, dropped off a couple of the crew and the rest of us drove and found a target parking lot where we were going to leave the trailers and semi for the night. the crew that we'd dropped at the hotel called me and said we had the wrong hotel, no rooms in our names...turns out there are 2 hiltons in chicago by the airport (who knew? obviously not me!) so luckily the correct hotel informed me they did have parking for our trucks. thank goodness!! get to the hotel, park the trucks, have dinner at 11 pm, sleep, get up in the morning, my boss calls me and says the semi drove over the hotel's flower bed, and the manager's PISSED. go down and talk to the manager and you'd think we killed his puppy. he told me he personally goes out and prunes the flowers every morning, blah blah blah, gonna cost us $500 to replace the damaged flowers. i went out and looked and good lord, if you didn't look closely you'd never notice he even ran over like SIX FREAKING FLOWERS out of like a thousand. then i find out that the 2 guys from colorado, who were supposed to come with us to michigan, left a note under someone's door that they thought it'd be best that they left, and they were dust in the wind. no one knew why, they never said anything, they just *poof* ditched us. and we haven't heard from them at all since. anyway we high tailed it out of chicago, on our way to michigan int'l speedway for the event on wednesday. wayne, i should have asked you the details on that place - it's in the middle of freaking NOWHERE!! anyway, got there, set up in the ridiculous heat, get to our hotel which was like 20 miles away, shower, change, go to dinner. bar in lounge in hotel, have a drink with some of the crew. one of our california crew guys is only 17 and can't hang out in the bar. so he and one of the other crew guys went to the liquor store. we hung out in their room and got insanely wasted (three of us drank an entire bottle of jack and an entire bottle of tattoo in like 4 hours), went back to my room at 2:30 a.m., passed out, woke up and showered at 5:30, we left the hotel at 6 to get to the track for 6:30. got lost, got there for 7:15. then it started raining. so we had to cancel the event. which would have sucked if i wasn't hung over (bad, bad me!!). i was really actually looking forward to that event, we've never been there before and it was gonna be an easy day and our crew was gonna go out and race after the students were done. oh well. anyway, the semi and one of the trucks left and headed straight home (to RI). me, richie, and andrew (the california guys) took the other truck/trailer and piled the other 3 from california in the back and we drove them to the hotel (via a breakfast stop at denny's) by the detroit airport, where they were flying out from the next morning. then the 3 of us started our 13 hour trek back to RI. via garmin GPS. which tried to take us...through canada. and of course we didn't realize it until we saw a sign that said "next exit canada". which would have been fine except don't you need passports to get into canada nowadays (which none of us have), and plus we're hauling a trailer that isn't *technically* registered correctly. so we turn around, back thru detroit, then finally south and stopped in toledo at a hotel to rest. left the next morning (if you're still keeping track, it would have been thursday morning, and brownie points to you, haha) at 6 a.m. drove I-90, stopped in PA to buy fireworks for andrew's 17th birthday (buy one get one free, we got $200 worth for $100! can't beat that!!). then when we were in mass we decided to take a detour to the races at my favorite track in CT. Friday morning bright and early we had a meeting at the office and one of my crew guys and my boss got into a fight and he quit (crew guy, not my boss). had a big event at Thompson CT on Saturday. actually had sunday off (slept alllllllll day then we went to the "thrill show" at the local speedway which included monster trucks and jet-powered atv's) then back to work monday. we all worked insane shifts, me doing all the office work since brittney's been on maternity leave, and the guys in the garage getting all the cars ready for New Hampshire Motor Speedway this past Tuesday. we actually had the entire weekend off last weekend, technically, but we worked both days anyway, since we're so busy. monday (this past monday) left for NH, slept in a hotel up there, headed to the track for the event tuesday morning at 6 a.m...and it started raining. we checked radar, looked like a passing storm, though felt like a monsoon (insane downpours and wicked thunder & lightning). luckily it stopped and cleared up, we got the track dry and we started classes about 2 hours late. we canceled one whole class, and were just about caught up by 4 p.m.....and it started monsooning again. so we had to cancel the last class and a half. got a make up date there in october. yesterday and today worked almost 14 hours in the office. and i am.

so that's my story, that's where i've been and what i've been up to. it's a good thing i work in such a fun environment with people i love to death, because i couldn't ever work this much (without too much complaining) doing anything else.

so again, thanks to everyone who was concerned, you can call off the amber alert now. now we just gotta work on getting space back, and we're set!
Old 08-13-2009, 11:52 PM
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i just went back and re-read this thread, and had to respond to some of these posts....

Originally Posted by JJsRYD
I looked at her MySpace, and it looks like she logged in yesterday.
for the record - i use myspace on my iphone. i don't usually do much but update my status and mood and check my friends'. i just got it back on my phone after about a year of not having it. i go through myspace phases.

Originally Posted by chibiblacksheep
:hands his keys over to RJ:
yep, mike did it

Originally Posted by Enzo354
Mabye shes just really busy.

Originally Posted by KidSpace

`Brock, that is not a acceptable excuse to not contact
your MCF Family in today's electronic age.

We never approved her absence, and she did not have
any vacation time approved by the MCF Staff

We do pray/hope that she is `ok & just out having so much
fun that time has slipped away.
`Jamie, if U read this...please PM, email, post something `ok.

Blk Sheep `Mike is losing sleep, Lou started drink'in again,
J.J., is eating so many PBJ's that he's gaining weight
from the stress of your unknow whereabout's ?
Even with the Amber Alerts, there has been no
sighting or report.

Space isn't sleep'in @ all, he keeps searching the Web
and all the traffic cams all over the USA & Canada.
We really hope that you are `OK.
Please let ZomeOne Know
We shall have a prayer meeting later.
Peace/Out 4 Now
ROFLMAO!!! space, you are too much!! that was classic! and i am VERY sorry for not letting you all know i'd be gone for so long!! *I* didn't even know i'd be gone for so long! but you can dock my pay if you feel it necessary....

Originally Posted by Budsjlm
may be this will work.....MARKO............

or maybe i give up your just too good at hide n seek....

or maybe....COME OUT! COME OUT! WHERE EVER YOU ARE!!! .... Jamie Lynn where r u?

Originally Posted by KidSpace
LoL `Lou, if the Happy Dance does not
bring Jamie Back, I don't know what will ?
We hope Jamie Lynn is `Ok
and we know she's out there somewhere ?
`Jamie, U R missed 4-Sure
Make a post/Pm/Email us...
Are you lost in the Woods ?
no, but we did get lost in michigan!!

Originally Posted by JJsRYD
I got a message from Jamie in MySpace this morning.

She said that someone here made her very angry and that she is hurt by what was said to her. She told me that it really made her feel uncomfertable with some of the things said to her. It got to the point that she is fearful of her life.


She has just been really busy and is now in California. Hasn't had time to post on the forum. She told me that she misses everyone here. This is her message...

HI JJ!!!! I miss u guys!! I'm working like crazy and I ahvent had time to get on mcf since I got he Monday. Tell everyone I said hi!! I'm at the races tonight with my California buddies!!!

So we can now call off the Amber alert and know that she is ok.


Lisa just hit me over the head with a wooden cooking spoon.
thank you, Lisa!!!

Originally Posted by KidSpace
...J.J., that's super news 4-Sure...I was just over visiting my Grandfather & his senior friends, and they just asked me about `Jamie Lynn ~> LOL...It's a small world when it comes to the Web...I'm always amazed that the seniors here check on our posts : ) WoW.

Thanks 4 letting us know...I was tired & when I starting reading your 1st paragraph & I start'in freak'in : ) That wasn't funny lol

Look 4ward to `Jamie's Return 4 Sure...Hope she is hav'in a BLAST : )
Wish U & readers of this a SuperDay/WeekEnd 4-Sure.
space, that is so sweet. tell your wonderful senior friends thank you for me when you get a chance to get back here.

Originally Posted by MAMONTE
Glad to know she is ok! I better not find out that she is in San Jose, CA, or I might have to make her fear for her life for not letting me know! LOL! J/K
michael, for the record, i'll be in your area this weekend, but you're going to *veeegas* (please note snide tone). so there!

Originally Posted by moonlitmagik
Jr sucks at racing because he's too busy promoting himself. Now Kyle Busch, he's good... and Kasey Kahne, well he's hot stuff.... I should turn my monte carlo into the #9 kasey kahne mobile. lol
please...please don't!!! i love kasey kahne but that'd mean you'd be driving around in a dodge, girl!! don't give up the monte just for a cute race car driver!!!

Originally Posted by JJsRYD
You mean, running around in tights?
ahh...umm...yeah. no comment regarding mike in tights. *visual...bad*

and lastly, i have one of the tony stewart glass coke bottles from 2003, they made them after he won his first championship. it's proudly displayed on my kitchen table!!
Old 08-14-2009, 04:11 AM
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Not to hijack the thread back from ChevySSGirl but...

Originally Posted by chibiblacksheep
Remember when Jr and Sr drove the matching Coca-Cola cars in that one race? I think JR at the time was in the 1 car, and Sr. of course in the 3. It was also the first Winston Cup race with the 2 of them in it.
Believe that was the race in Japan at Motegi??? One was black the other was red? Memory serves they had the polar bear designs???
Old 08-14-2009, 07:16 AM
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Jamie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !


Can you tell that you were missed?

One more thing. Disregard the PM i sent you on MySpace.

I think LOL


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